Pirate Family

Chapter 965 The Secret of the World

After Case said these words, the entire conference room fell into a brief silence.

They all came out of that dark hell, and they came together because they had the same ambition. So there is no binding on each other.

However, before there was a strong swordsman who wanted to leave after betraying the Golden Lion Shiji with them, and Case also agreed, and even gave him a considerable amount of wealth.

However, after that, the members of the Venom Judgment never saw the strong swordsman again, and he disappeared into the sea as if he had evaporated from the world.

No one has ever raised this point, but everyone has guessed it.

Jiabo might have the same fate as that swordsman.

"After defeating Kaido, Lorne began to expand his power unscrupulously, and in this sea, there is no pirate force that can stop his ambition."

Case spoke, tapping the table lightly.

"This is not our original idea. A dominant sea will not create the most terrifying monsters. It will only make this sea lose its vitality, and then become the nourishment of the world government."

Case read the history of this sea for 800 years. In this vast history, he has seen many terrifying strong men who are comparable to or even surpassed Lorne today.

For example, Lockes thirty years ago, they were all invincible lunatics. It is only a small step away from becoming the king of this world. However, it was this trivial step that turned them all away.

The world government has ruled this sea for 800 years, and it has also oppressed this sea for 800 years.

The conquerors of each era either died on the final island, or became dogs of the world government, begging for mercy from the world government.

This is a fairly secret secret that Case got. On this secret, he saw the people who ruled the world at that time. At that time, there was no such thing as five old stars, but only the Big Three.

And when Case saw the yellowed photos of the Big Three at that time, he was surprised to find that these three people were surprisingly similar to three of the current Five Old Stars.

Following this clue, Keith searched all the way, and he discovered an even more desperate fact, that is, the appearance of the so-called five old stars is similar to that of a certain great pirate who conquered everything in a certain era in history. , turned out to be exactly the same.

So Keith had a shocking thought, that maybe Roger was not the first person to conquer the sea, in the vast history, there were people who did the same feat as Roger, and Many, they all arrived at the dream island of the pirates, Ralph Drew.

Some of them died there, and some of them became members of "them" in some way, and ruled the sea by changing their appearance!

Yes, according to Case's guess, the so-called Five Old Stars were once big pirates who conquered the sea!

The ruler of the world government was once a pirate? Case never shared his crazy idea with anyone else.

He only has one doubt, that is why this group of conquerors transformed into the so-called five old stars, and what happened to them?

Why even if he ruled the world, he didn't dare to reveal his former identity to the public. If a person has this special habit, Case may be able to understand it, but when everyone has this idea, Case can't understand it at all.

Later, when he was imprisoned in the sixth layer of infinite hell in the city of advancement, in the dark years, Keith thought hard, and finally, he had a guess.

That is, the five old stars may not be the real rulers of the world government, and there is something above them.

As soon as this idea was born, it completely occupied Case's heart. In the eyes of this man, behind the white and just world government, there seemed to be a huge black shadow. And the final island of this sea is a trap, a trap that lures countless heroes to jump into it.

Therefore, Case wanted the sea to become completely chaotic, and then secretly cultivated a conqueror on the bright side. Through this conqueror, he went to Ralph Drew and helped him see what Ralph Drew was hiding. monster.

And the first step to make this sea chaotic is to completely destroy the strict hierarchy of this sea,

This is what Keith called the new era of pirates. In this new era, the so-called Four Emperors and the so-called Qiwuhai under the king should not exist at all.

The sea that belongs to pirates should be completely chaotic. Only in this kind of chaos can the Judgment of Venom be able to fish in troubled waters and cultivate a puppet.

He never mentioned this plan to the others in the Grudge Trial. Of the others, only Jiabo and a few others vaguely guessed what Caesar was thinking.

And Lorne, in Caesar's eyes, was a mountain blocking his great plan.

The power of the Vinhill family is already unavoidable, and now there is no one in the entire sea that dares to say that it can defeat the current Vinhill family.

Not Charlotte Lingling, not Whitebeard, not even the Navy.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly wishful thinking for Case to cultivate a force that completely obeys his orders.

This was not Case's original plan, so in order to realize this plan, he had to get rid of Lorne.

"Do you want to communicate with Lorne, and then our two forces will cooperate to conquer this sea?"

After a long time, the gentleman in the black suit opened his mouth slowly and asked with some doubts.

"No," Case shook his head, a flicker of madness in his eyes.

"I want to get rid of Lorne."

If he wanted to share the joy of conquering the world with others, Case would not have hesitated for so long. The original Golden Lion was a good choice. Based on what he knows, he can help the golden lion quickly conquer the sea, and then find Ralph Drew.

However, if Case did this, it would not be him who appeared in the position of "Five Old Stars", but the Golden Lion Shiji.

So Keith plotted that mutiny, which made Shiji unable to recover from a setback.

Even Shi Ji is not qualified to share this world with him, so the young Lorne is even less qualified.

"This world is mine."

Case clenched his fists and said slowly to his companions.

There is flame in his eyes.

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