Pirate Family

Chapter 966 The Second Boiling of the World

The Great Route, Paradise, Marine Vandor, the headquarters of the Navy.

The solemn and silent Marin Fanduo suddenly sounded a rapid siren. All the soldiers who were in Marin Fondo, whether they were naval officers or soldiers who were training, put down their actions at this time, and ran to Marin Fondo in unison. In the center of the lighting sheet.

The navy flag, symbolizing justice, fluttered in the wind, and the lieutenant generals stood in two factions on the high platform, with solemn and solemn expressions.

Almost without thinking about it, something big must happen.

After a while, after all the navy had stood up in the big square, an old man wearing a navy admiral's cloak slowly walked up to the high platform.

Marshal of the Warring States Period!

The moment this man appeared, the eyes of all the navy showed a hint of shock, because after the Bislan incident, the Warring States Marshal had a decisive battle with the man with the title of devil, and then news spread that the two died together.

Although later, the Marshal of the Warring States Period still supported his body and appeared in front of the world, but after that, the old man seemed to be recovering from his injuries, and he never took the soldiers out of Marin Vandor to catch the pirates. It's like stepping back into the background.

Therefore, the navy is still discussing who is qualified to take over the post of Admiral of the Navy if the Admiral of the Warring States Period completely retires.

In the navy, apart from Lieutenant Admiral Garp who has the title of "Naval Hero", there are only two people left: "Red Dog" Sakaski and "Aokiji" Kuzan.

One of these two people is an iron-blooded hawk, and the other is a slightly more peaceful dove. No matter who they are in power, it is bound to cause a huge wave within the entire navy.

Thus affecting the pattern of the entire sea.

Therefore, many "smart" naval officers even started to stand in advance. It is hoped that after the new marshal takes office, it will bring about huge changes to the power framework within the navy.

As for the last admiral of the navy, "Yellow Ape" Polusarilo, he was selectively forgotten by everyone. After all, the whole navy knows this man's lazy style. I'm afraid Rusaliro will also refuse with righteous words.

It is the combination of these reasons that within the navy, the prestige of the Warring States has fallen to an unprecedented level.

Could it be that Marshal Warring States is going to announce his retirement this time?

This is a question that has arisen in the hearts of many naval officers. At the same time, they looked at the two admirals standing behind the Warring States, one red and one blue, and found that they looked solemn, as if they were welcoming something very solemn, and even the cynical General Huang Yuan was present here , restrained his smile, and revealed a rare serious expression.

This further confirmed the conjecture of the officers. They took a deep breath and prepared to listen to the words of the Warring States Period.

"This sea was originally an extremely peaceful sea."

"Ordinary people live and work in peace, and the lives of all races live in harmony."

But just after the Warring States period, the officers felt that the tone of the matter seemed to be a bit wrong. How could this be said by someone who was about to announce his retirement?

"However, the pirates destroyed the tranquility of this sea. They burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil, turning this sea into a place of complete chaos."

Warring States paused, then continued.

"This is a failure of our navy."

While talking, he put down the microphone, and then bowed deeply to the projection phone bug in front of him.

"I'm very sorry."

The sound of Zhan Guo's apology quickly spread throughout the sea through the projection phone bug. At the same time, everyone turned on the TV and saw the old and resolute face of Zhan Guo on the screen.

"It has been almost ten years since I took over the duties of Admiral of the Navy from the previous admiral, Cyborg Kong."

"However, in the past ten years, instead of becoming peaceful under my governance, this sea has become more violent. Countless vicious pirates have appeared on the sea."

Although Sengoku didn't name these vicious pirates, all the navies, as well as the audience in front of the TV, had faces in their minds.

Ghost Hand Aze, Xie Nian Huo, King Shichibukai, Sea Knight Saiya, Red Hair Shanks, the devils who escaped from the sixth floor of the promotion city, the Judgment of Venom, the Four Emperors, and now they are in the sea. The devil in the sky.

These are the terrifying pirates who have appeared on this sea in the past ten years. Under them, there are countless pirates whose names cannot be remembered, which are still wreaking havoc on this sea.

"This is my personal fault, and I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, the old man bowed again.

However, this time, he clenched his fist firmly. And when the Warring States finished saying this sentence, all the navy fell silent.

This is not only the failure of the Warring States period, but also the failure of all their navies.

Carrying justice, but failing to protect justice.

This is the failure of the Navy.

Thinking of those terrible names, the navy clenched their fists even more. For so many years, they have confronted these terrifying pirates countless times, killed their companions, and also had their own Tongze died by their hands.

The two sides have already reached the point of endless death.

"I'm ashamed that the Navy has failed to do our part and dishonor justice."

Zhan Guo said so, but the next moment, he suddenly raised his head, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

"The navy's retreat plan is wrong. Instead of restraining, the pirates think that our justice is extremely weak and that we can be bullied at will."

"It's a pretty ridiculous thing to do."

Pirates are not afraid of the navy, but regard killing the navy as a matter of honor, which is absurd.

"In order not to continue to shame justice."

Sengoku raised his fist, behind him the cloak symbolizing the navy fluttered in the wind.

"I swear here that I must get rid of all the pirates and restore justice to this world."

Zhan Guo raised his head and looked at the surveillance phone bug in front of him. Said solemnly.

"Here I am, declaring war on all pirates."

All the high-ranking officers of the navy took a step forward and said solemnly.

"Eliminate all pirates, declare war on all pirates."

On the entire square, after a brief silence, all the navy raised their hands in unison.

"Declare war on all pirates!"

"Declare war on all pirates!"

Not only them, but ordinary people in front of the TV also raised their hands and shouted frantically.

"Declaration of war!"

"Get rid of these villains!"

It was as if the whole world was boiling.

This is the second boiling of the world,

The last time, ten years ago, Roger used his death to start the entire era of great navigation.

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