Pirate Family

Chapter 969

Steo, the Black Iron Castle.

Lorne sat on a chair, with one document after another in front of him.

These documents are all the information of the pirates who fell into the hands of the navy during this period of time. Among them, most of them are newcomer pirates who are still in Paradise.

"Oh, even he was defeated by the Navy?"

Lorne was holding a document in his hand. On the document was a photo of a dark-skinned man with dreadlocks.

The appearance of this man is as fierce as a hungry wolf.

"Evil Ghost Nisi, a user with the ability to entangle fruit, can grow countless arms on the ground, entangle the enemy, and make the enemy unable to move, just like the palm protruding from hell."

This is a rookie with great potential. When he just entered the great route, Lorne learned of this rookie's name through Violet, and he had high hopes that this rookie would be able to come to the to their own front.

Then, Lorne would give him the chance to plant the banner of the Vinhill family.

But unexpectedly, the journey of this promising rookie has not passed halfway, and he encounters the event that the navy declares war on the pirates all over the world.

Then, there is no more.

"This time in the Warring States period, it should be serious. After the pirate forces in Paradise are completely eliminated, the pirates in the new world will be like duckweed without roots, and there will be no newcomers to supplement."

"He probably wants to eat up all the pirates in the new world step by step through this method."

Next to Lorne, Violet, who was wearing a lady's suit and was capable, said slowly.

"It's simple, but very effective."

The entire new world is isolated from the four seas by the windless belts on both sides, and the only way to reach the new world is to go through the upside-down mountain, go through the paradise, and then drill through the bubble coating of the Chambord Islands to drill through the fish that is located 10,000 meters under the sea. man island.

It is almost unnecessary to think that after declaring war on all the pirates, the Warring States will definitely send heavy troops to completely seal off the Chambord Islands. Then, the new pirates who have not been honed in the new world cannot be the opponents of the navy.

After the pirates in the new world lose contact with the outside world, there is no way to replenish the lost combat power, and they will only become weaker and weaker.

"That old guy from the Warring States Period should be ready for a protracted war with us."

Lorne smiled slightly, and then said slowly.

Different from other pirates, because of the god-level fruit "Piao Piao Fruit", the two windless belts that hinder the New World pirates do not exist for the Vinhill family. Therefore, it is fundamentally meaningless for the Vinhill family to block the New World from the outside world by cleaning up the Paradise Pirates in the Warring States Period.

"Want to help those newcomers in some paradise?"

Violet asked softly, facing the experienced navy of the headquarters who had been fighting with the pirates of the new world for a long time, the newcomers in the paradise were still too immature. She could almost imagine what the newcomers were encountering. cruel.

"In the pirate world, the weak prey on the strong. The strong live and the weak die. When they choose to become pirates, they should understand this."

"Instead of expecting the help of others, it is better to seize this opportunity and hone your own strength. After all, the sea of ​​the new world does not tolerate the weak."

After putting down the information in his hand, Lorne said casually.

"The real storm won't come until the Warring States period is over."

In Lorne's eyes, the massacre of the Paradise pirates by the navy at this time was just a joke?

"The real target of the world government is me."

Lorne said firmly that there was no reason, Lorne knew very well that no matter how much Warring States tried to hide it, the one he really wanted to get rid of this time should be himself.

There is already a Roger in this sea, and I don't want another Lorne.

Lorne can almost imagine the thoughts of the top leaders of the world government at this time. So the current navy is nothing more than a small fight. When the warring states eradicated the pirates in Paradise and marched into the new world in an all-round way, then the real war would break out.

This time, in the entire new world, no one will be spared.

"Understood, do you need to inform others?"

Violet nodded. Lorne is very confident. To be precise, the entire Vinhill family is very confident, because as long as Lorne does not fall, the Vinhill family has not lost yet.

No one believed that Lorne, a man who had repeatedly performed miracles, would fall down so easily.

"Inform other people, let them prepare early."

"It's not necessary. If you can't even see through this point, then you don't have the qualifications to sail in the waves of the new era."

Lorne shook his head and said slowly.

"Besides, what I am more concerned about now is the matter of the main text of history."

Right now, Lorne is missing two pieces of the historical text.

One of them is in the fishman island, and the other is in the lost city of Poseidon.

Among them, the historical text of Fishman Island is easy to handle, because after the end of the Battle of Sri Lanka, Lorne established a good friendship with the hero Tiger of Fishman Island, and Seaman Jinpei, so through them, it should be very easy Easily get the piece of historical text located in Murloc Island.

But the last piece left was a bit of a headache for Lorne.

When he was in Elbaf, the kingdom of giants, Ghost Turner told himself that after leaving the city of advancement, he met his father, the great pirate who also ruled an era, Vennhill Caesar.

He told Lorne that his father also chose to find the historical text.

And later learned from Stracey's news that Caesar had gathered all the historical texts and successfully arrived at Ralph Drew, who symbolized the ultimate secret of this sea.

After coming out of there, he seemed to have aged ten years, and his hair turned white overnight. And left himself with the words "ONE-PIECE is a big lie, don't go to Ralph Drew".

Through Turner's few words, Lorne knew that there was a piece of historical text hidden in the legendary lost city of Poseidon.

And this piece of historical text is the last piece that Lorne is missing.

In other words, as long as the last piece of historical text is found, Lorne will be able to find the location of Ralph Drew.

"Can you answer all my doubts?"

Lorne remembered what Mrs. Shi had said to him when she disappeared, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

"I will go to Ralph Drew, no matter who you stand in front of me, there is only one result."

Lorne opened his lips slightly, and then said two words.


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