Pirate Family

Chapter 970 House

Paradise, cloudless, rough waves.

A ship with a lion's horn is sailing on this unsettled sea.

A man about three meters tall with long blond hair like a waterfall was standing on the ramming corner of the ship, looking into the distance while feeling the waves under his feet.

The man is about forty years old, but the years have not left any marks on his face, but it has made this man more stable.

Behind him, a group of crew members were looking at him anxiously.

"Captain House, the navy is currently searching for pirates in the entire paradise. Otherwise, we will temporarily leave the great route and wait until the navy and the pirates in the new world are fully engaged before we take advantage of the chaos..."

After a while, a sailor dared to speak to the back of the tall man.

As he said this, he looked around anxiously, for fear that suddenly a naval fleet would appear on the sea and attack them.

This is not to blame the young sailor, because what happened recently is really scary. The Navy Headquarters, which has always been known for its conservativeness, went crazy for some reason and suddenly declared war on the pirates in the entire sea. At the same time as the declaration of war, countless naval warships left Marin Vandor, hunting around in the sea of ​​Paradise.

Countless famous "big pirates" fell silently in this incident. Among them, there are many promising newcomers who are valued by the bigwigs of the new world.


But before the sailor finished speaking, the tall man let out a soft snort.

"Are you afraid?"

The man's tone was emotionless, but everyone knew that whenever his captain spoke in such a cold tone, it meant that he was really angry.

Because, this man is the famous big pirate "Lion" House in the new world.

Although the limelight is not as high as those of the Pirate Emperors who are at the top of the entire sea, the "Lion" House, who has been galloping in the new world for ten years, has a prestige unmatched by other heroes who have just risen.

This time, because one of his most important subordinates died during the battle with the enemy, Noah crushed the enemy's skull with his own hands, and left the new world with the corpses of his subordinates.

Because he promised his subordinate that if one day he died in battle, he would be buried in his hometown.

And the hometown of this subordinate is far away in Beihai.

House would never break his promise, so he immediately put down what he was doing, traveled thousands of miles, transported the corpses of his men to the North Sea, and waited until his corpse was completely buried before bringing his own fleet. Sailing slowly towards the new world.

But they didn't expect to encounter this incident during their return journey.

"The navy is just a bluff. It's unheard of to declare war on the pirates in the entire sea."

Noah said lightly, the recent big event that has touched the heartstrings of all the pirates, in his opinion, is nothing more than a trivial matter.

"Don't worry about them at all."

House has been in the sea for so many years, and he has seen many things clearly. Although the navy claims to be the most powerful force in this sea, it is still slightly insufficient compared with the pirates in the entire sea.

Do you want to defeat the pirates in the entire new world by yourself? From House's point of view, this matter is almost like a fool's dream.


The sailor wanted to say something, but after seeing House's cold eyes, he obediently closed his mouth.

House is very good to his subordinates, but in his opinion, only those who obey his orders are his subordinates.

The sailor didn't want House to throw him into the sea to feed the sharks because he contradicted House.

"I heard that the man from the Vinhill family is looking for clues about that thing recently."

After seeing that his subordinates hadn't spoken, House started talking to himself.

The speed of that man's rise was so fast that House felt that he had just blinked his eyes, and that man had grown from an unknown person to a level that he had to look up to.

"He really thinks of himself as the Pirate King."

House said slowly, there was no sarcasm in his words, but a little helpless.

When I was young, I also vowed to become One Piece, but at that time Lockes had just fallen, Caesar was in full swing, and Roger was just beginning to emerge. A rookie like himself is not qualified to compete with a hero like them. Therefore, House chose to endure, and this tolerance lasted for decades.

Even among his subordinates who have followed him for many years, few know that House also looked for clues to the historical text, and unlike those who are like headless flies, House has indeed mastered a few Clues to where the historical text is located.

But all of this, with the passage of time, House's ambitions have gradually faded.

"If that fellow Lorne gives me a price that satisfies me, I may reveal some information about the location of the historical text to him."

House said to himself, then slowly shook his head.

Now that he is old, none of these things mean anything to him.


Just when House was immersed in memories, a sailor suddenly said to House tremblingly.

"What's wrong?"

House looked unhappy. No one likes to be interrupted while thinking.

But when he followed the sailor's gaze, his expression suddenly froze.

Because he saw that at the end of the sea level, several naval warships appeared.

The flag symbolizing justice fluttered in the wind, and the naval warship sailed on the sea at an extremely fast speed, and the target seemed to be his own ship.

"Navy, are you serious?"

House was surprised and said in disbelief.


Steo, port. A silver-white ship flying the flag of the Vinhill family docked in the port.

"Are you sure you want to go by yourself?"

Violet adjusted her glasses and looked at Lorne hesitantly.

"After all, the current situation is a bit special. If you let other people know that you have left the new world, young master, they may have some thoughts that are not good for the family."


Standing in front of Violet was Lorne.

Because Sidiou is located in a hot area, he only wore a very simple unlined garment, not like an all-powerful hero, but like an ordinary adventurer.

After checking the ship's equipment, he turned around and said to Violet calmly.

"However, what other people's thoughts have to do with me."

"If they want to come and trouble me, let them come."

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