Pirate Family

Chapter 972 Fear of the Deep Sea

The person hiding in the wine barrel was none other than Garrette's sister, the nineteenth daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Powell.

This is not the first time this girl has used this method to mix into the traveling fleet, so Lorne understands it.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, take me out to play for a while."

The playful girl blinked her eyes wide, jumped up and down in front of Lorne, then grabbed Lorne's arm and shook it, acting coquettishly.

"In Sdio, I'm almost suffocating..."

The girl complained and said that she decided to escape to her sister because she was tired of the boring life in Wan Guo. Recently, her sister and brother-in-law are too busy dealing with powerful enemies in the sea to take care of her at all. This makes Povar feel that Is boring.

Now it's hard for her brother-in-law to go on a long trip, so of course she won't give up.

Sakura Miyagi coughed lightly, then turned her head.

The other sailors also dispersed wisely. After all, this kind of thing is not something they can handle.

After seeing this scene, the girl blinked slyly, then squatted in front of Lorne, begging.

"Please, brother-in-law, just this once. I promise to be obedient just this once."

"I promise not to make trouble with you, brother-in-law."


Lorne was helpless, but he couldn't refuse the girl's request, because he had the same purpose as the girl. This time, he also ran out to relax.

"Wait a while, go explain to your sister through the phone bug, if she agrees, I will allow you to stay on this ship, or I will send you back."

In the end, Lorne had no choice but to compromise. After hearing Lorne's words, the girl jumped up happily. Then playfully stuck out her little pink tongue, with a look of victory on her face.

Lorne turned her head and found that Ying Gongli, who should have been calm, seemed to have a smile at the corner of her mouth at this time, but after noticing Lorne's passing, she quickly restrained the smile on her mouth.

"what are you laughing at?"

Lorne asked with some doubts.

In his memory, Ying Gongli has always been an unsmiling woman, even in the face of the desperate situation surrounded by many, she will not have any emotions, this is the first time he has seen such a girlish expression.

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect that you are such a person, my lord."

Ying Gongli tilted her little head, thought for a long time, and finally came up with a modifier that was not very suitable for Lorne.

"Such a... gentle person?"

Lorne also laughed. He also didn't expect that someone would use the word "gentle" to describe himself, which made him have a strange... excitement?

"I always do that with my family."

That's all Lorne could say.

Sailing on the sea is much more boring than many people think.

After all, although the sea is vast, looking at the blue sea and sky for a long time will inevitably cause aesthetic fatigue.

This is why, many originally sunny people, after becoming pirates, their hearts will gradually become distorted.

Perhaps because of the fear of the flag of the misty moon hanging on the ship, Lorne's trip this time was extremely smooth, and no pirates dared to harass them along the way.

This took a lot of the "fun" out of Lorne.

After a short rest on Bubble Island, Lorne once again embarked on a journey to Fishman Island.

No, it should not be used again, but the first time.

Because Lorne has never been to Fishman Island.

Yes, the overlord-level pirate of the Great Route, the Pirate Emperor who rules over a large area of ​​the New World, and Lorne, who has the title of Devil, has never been to the hub that connects the New World and Paradise, the Fishman Island .

Because he controls the "Golden Proverb", a rare flying pirate ship that can fly directly from the Red Earth Continent, and Lorne doesn't like to give his life to something unknown.

After all, for any ability user, the fishman island at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea can be said to be one of the most dangerous places in the world. Once any accident occurs, no matter how powerful the ability user is, there is almost nothing to be done. way of remediation.

He could only close his eyes in despair in the depths of the sea, which was as dark as an abyss.

But this time, Lorne had to go, because one of the historical texts was hidden in this small island.

After this period of voyage, a land like a curtain across the sea appeared on the sea level.

"Finally here again."

Lorne looked at the land, and then said to himself.

"The Red Earth Continent."

This piece of land is the largest landmass in the entire world. It crosses the great shipping route and divides the entire world into four red earth continents.

Most of the countries that joined the world government are on this continent, and even the supreme territory of the Tianlong people, Mary Joya, is also on the red earth continent.

Thinking of the place of Marie Gioia, the corner of Lorne's mouth involuntarily drew a slight arc. This group of Tianlong people should be very headache for themselves now.

After all, no one likes a place that they rule, and there are several forces that they cannot control.

Lorne even suspected that this time the navy suddenly declared war on the pirates in the entire sea, and behind it was the inspiration of the Tianlong people.

With the instruction of the man in black robe standing on the top of the Tianlongren, the purpose is to get rid of himself.

Lorne looked at the Red Earth Continent, as if he saw the man standing on the top of Marie Gioia across the sea.

"I tell the young master that we are about to reach the Red Clay Wall. When we find a suitable location, we can dive into the deep sea and arrive at the destination of this trip, the Fishman Island, soon."

And at this moment, a sailor walked up to Lorne and said respectfully.

"I see."

Lorne waved his hand, he didn't care about such things.

The ship is constantly sailing on the sea surface, and the experienced sailors are holding pointers and constantly looking for the best dive site. Povar looked at everything around her excitedly, because this girl had never left the New World except for that time when she was kidnapped, so all this was an extremely fresh experience for her.

Lorne, on the other hand, supported the side of the boat with both hands, looking at everything in front of him boredly.

But at this moment, in front of him, countless bubbles suddenly appeared on the calm sea surface, as if some huge monster was about to emerge from the bottom of the sea.

A huge vortex gradually condensed in front of Lorne.

All the sailors picked up their weapons nervously, and the sailor at the helm quickly grabbed the rudder, trying to steer the ship away from the vortex that was about to be formed.

Lorne, on the other hand, looked at the huge vortex calmly.

The next moment, a broken ship emerged from the huge vortex.

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