Pirate Family

Chapter 973 Chaos in Murloc Island

What emerged from the huge vortex was not some terrifying deep-sea creature, but a ship.

To be precise, it was a broken ship.

In the middle of the entire ship, a huge crack appeared, as if it had been forcibly broken.

The moment it came out of the sea, the thin layer of bubbles covering the boat burst and turned into countless foams. The sailors on the ship, who were supposed to be protected by foam, were lying on the deck in disarray, their eyes wide open, their faces bruised, and they had long since died.

Lorne "..."

"Did the navy do it? Could it be that their hands have reached out to the New World?"

Sakura Miya asked with some doubts, she instinctively thought of the recent uproar of the navy declaring war on all pirates.

If the navy has already started to attack the pirates in the new world, even the slow-witted Sakura Miyagi can imagine that this is quite a terrible thing.

"Probably not the navy."

Lorne said solemnly, because there were no traces of naval artillery fire on this ship, nor were there any traces of physical or swordsmen destroying the hull with weapons. Instead, it seemed that they had encountered an extremely barbaric force. . Like a giant snake hovering over the hull of this ship, it used its huge body to wrench off the ship's membrane, and then deoxygenated the group of pirates to death.

This power reminded him of a creature he had almost forgotten.

"Sea Kings..."


Sakura Miyari chewed on Lorne's words. As a great pirate who sailed to the new world, how could she not know about this legendary creature?

However, compared to the vast sea, sea kings are too rare, even she has never seen a real sea king.

If it weren't for the news of sea kings attacking pirates from time to time, she even thought that this kind of creature really only existed in legends.

"Perhaps, the deep sea is not as peaceful as I thought."

Lorne put away his surprise, and then said to the still shocked sailors behind him.

"Don't be frightened by the sight in front of you, it's time to work, lads."

But when Lorne was speaking, several damaged ships floated up from the deep sea. The wreckage of countless ships was scattered on this sea area. On the entire sea, only Lorne's ship sailed slowly, as if Came to a cemetery of ships, it looked very strange.

Lorne fell into a brief silence. But he chose to let the sailors continue their work.

After all, there is an essential difference between myself and these newcomers who have just entered the new world. The Neptune, which makes others talk about it, is not a very difficult opponent for Lorne. Moreover, Lorne believes in the family's science and technology.

The ships embodying the family's core technology are not as fragile as those ordinary pirates' cars.

The high-hanging flag was slowly put away, and a thin layer of ship membrane covered the silver-white pirate ship.

Then, two exhaust pipes protruded from the side of the ship, slowly exhausting the air in the cabin, and when the air pressure inside and outside the membrane was equal, the whole ship slowly sank into the sea.

The surrounding environment gradually dimmed. If some people with unsteady will were exposed to this bottomless and suffocating fear for the first time, they might go crazy immediately.

Even Povar, who has always been lively, fell into a short silence when he felt the darkness around him that could barely see the edge.

The unknown is often the most frightening thing, especially when I just saw the wreckage of countless ships floating from the bottom of the sea. Normal people will feel that there are some terrible creatures lurking in the surrounding darkness, and they may emerge from this darkness at any time. Get out of the middle and attack the boat.

"Are you scared?"

Lorne joked slightly when he saw the rare quiet girl.

"That's not like your style."


The girl shook her head, showing a thoughtful expression.

"I was thinking, can these sea kings eat?"

Lorne was at a loss for words for a moment, and it was only then that he remembered that this girl seemed delicate, but after all, she grew up in that family, and the blood of that monster flowed in her body.

Besides, she has never seen Neptunes before, so she doesn't know the horror of Neptunes.

In her mind, this creature is no different from ordinary fish.

"I'm afraid it will disappoint you."

Lorne shook his head. Through his knowledge and arrogance after being amplified by his perception ability, he sensed that there were no dangerous creatures within a radius of ten kilometers from the ship.

As for creatures with weaker vitality, such as some saber-toothed sharks, Lorne is confident that he can control them by distorting their perception the moment they appear.

So this trip to the deep sea was not as scary as they thought.


Fishman Island.

Fishman Island is located at the junction of the Red Earth Continent and the Great Airway, an island under 10,000 meters, and it is also the habitat of most of the Murlocs and Mermaids. The entire Fishman Island is like a huge bubble floating in the sea. With sky and clouds.

But what is strange is that the Murloc Island located in such a deep sea is not in the incomparably pitch-black darkness as most people think, but because it is backed by the "Yangshu Adam", through the "Yangshu Adam" Only with the sunshine passed down from Adam, the Murloc Island will have the change of day and night and temperature.

Ordinary pirates, after coming to Murloc Island, can exchange land-specific goods with the residents of Murloc Island, and after a short repair, they can start a new voyage.

However, due to an incident a few years ago, the attitude of the residents of the Fishman Island towards humans changed drastically, and they became extremely hostile. As long as any human pirates step into the Fishman Island and do anything wrong, they will be punished. Kill on the spot.

This also made the relationship between humans and murlocs tense.

However, this is not something that the ruler of Fishman Island, King Neptune, who has the title of Sea God and Great Knight of the Sea, should worry about.

This strong man who protects the entire murloc race is now sitting in his own kingdom, frowning.

And his sons also showed expressions of righteous indignation. They clenched their fists, eager to rush out and fight that shameful and hateful enemy.

"Humans don't know anything good, we should have rejected all humans from coming to Murloc Island!"

A fat spotted mermaid said angrily.

"At the beginning, my mother was too kind to this group of humans, which caused such evil results..."

The other man, who was thinner and had long curly hair, frowned slightly.

The remaining mermaid who was a little calmer didn't speak, but judging from his tightly clenched hands, his mood was not as calm as he showed.

Neptune supported his head with one hand, and slowly rubbed his temple with the other hand, as if he had a terrible headache.

After a while, he said in a low voice.

"Stop arguing, the most important thing now is to find the trace of Bai Xing."

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