Pirate Family

Chapter 974 Abnormal Sea Kings

Deep sea, dark, boundless.

A small boat sails across the ocean floor.

"That's one of the reasons I don't like going to the bottom of the ocean."

Lorne raised his head, observed the extremely dark sea outside by the lights on the deck, frowned, and said slowly.

"Too depressing."

This kind of depression as if the whole world is only one ship is unbearable for many people. Some people with unstable minds may go crazy if they stay in this environment for a long time.

"I didn't expect that there was such a scene in the sea."

On the contrary, Povar was extremely excited. She stuck to the baby's coating on the boat and stared outside curiously.

Even though the sea was pitch black outside, it was like a new toy, arousing Povar's curiosity.

A sea snake about three to four meters long suddenly emerged from the darkness, opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp teeth like sawtooth, as if it wanted to swallow Povar.

The little girl was shocked, but after the sea snake bit the thin layer of coating on the boat, it seemed to bite a piece of iron. Povar could even see that the sharp teeth of the sea snake appeared because of too much force. Numerous small cracks were formed.

This layer of film, which condenses the family's top technology, looks fragile, but it is stronger than special steel, otherwise it would not be able to withstand the high pressure in the deep sea.


And Lorne also noticed this little guy, he turned his head and glanced at the ferocious sea snake, and then the sea snake seemed to feel that he had encountered the super giant sea king hidden in the deepest part of the sea, and was frightened and ignored With his broken teeth, he quickly turned around and left here.

"Scared me."

Seeing the sea snake disappearing into the darkness, Povar patted his chest and said with some fear.

"In this dark sea, our boat is like a bright light, so it will attract the attention of many creatures living in the sea."

Lorne explained,

"Perhaps, there are some super sea kings that are bigger than the entire Sdio Island, and they have noticed us."

"Then what to do?!"

After hearing Lorne's words, the girl finally became a little scared. She subconsciously wanted to help her brother-in-law, the omnipotent man in her heart.

"Then can't they eat us all?"

In the eyes of those super giant sea kings, this small boat may not even be as good as a grain of rice in the eyes of normal people.

Thinking about the size of these monsters, Povar felt a little scared.

"Ha ha ha ha."

And Lorne laughed out loud when he saw the girl trembling with fright. With the increase in perception ability, his knowledge and arrogance are extremely vast, and can easily cover the entire island. In his perception, there are no threatening creatures around here.

But Lorne's smile suddenly froze.

Because he sensed a huge black shadow appearing under the boat.

"No... such a coincidence."

Lorne said to himself, he immediately turned around and yelled at the crew behind him.

"Turn off the lights immediately!"

The crew didn't know what was going on, but subconsciously chose to carry out Lorne's order.

The brightly lit boat instantly became extremely dark, blending into the dark sea.

An ocean current swept across the bottom of the small boat, and the whole small boat suddenly bumped violently. Povar quickly grabbed something around him to prevent himself from falling on the deck.

In the darkness, there seemed to be some huge creature passing by the small boat, but it only stayed for a while, as if it was not interested in the metal boat, and soon left directly.

"Phew, it left."

Lorne breathed a sigh of relief after feeling the breath of this huge creature gradually leaving.

"What it is?"

The light was cold again, the girl said tremblingly.

Just now, that terrifying aura swept over their heads, and Povar even thought he was going to die.

"What else is there to live in the sea?"

Lorne patted Povar's palm, indicating that she could let go of her arm. And the girl blushed, only to realize that what she just grabbed was her brother-in-law's arm.

"It can only be a Neptune, but the body of this Neptune seems to be a bit too big."

This kind of super giant Neptune generally only hides in the deepest part of the earth, because only in that place can they hunt enough food.

It is extremely rare to appear in such a relatively shallow position.

Lorne felt the emotions of this sea king. It was not hungry, nor did it want to reproduce or pursue a mate. Some are just angry.

A Neptune, angry?

Lorne can only say that there are many wonders in the world, and he is not interested in exploring the reason for this Neptune's anger, since it has nothing to do with him anyway.

"It's terrible," Povar said with lingering fear, and she added at the end.

"Worse than mother."

"It's just a sea king. If it appeared in the shallow sea, it might be directly stewed by BIG MOM."

But Lorne interrupted the girl's fantasy. He was well aware of Charlotte Lingling's terrifying strength. As a woman who really stood at the pinnacle of this sea, her strength was beyond the imagination of many people, even as a daughter. Povar, and never seen Charlotte Lingling make a full shot.

However, there was one thing Lorne didn't mention.

If it was in the deep sea, an environment suitable for sea kings to fight, even Charlotte Lingling might have nothing to do with such a huge creature.

After all, the sea is the natural enemy of all ability users.

"So brother-in-law, can you beat this Neptune?"

Povar's curiosity was aroused, she looked at Lorne, her big eyes were full of curiosity.

"Me? I don't know."

Lorne shook his head without giving a definite answer.

When he just felt the emotional changes of this Neptune, Lorne also tried to distort the perception of this huge creature, but Lorne only tried it before choosing to give up.

He knows what pirates like and what beasts like, so he can easily create an environment that confuses their perception.

But he didn't know what a giant sea king would be interested in, so he didn't bother.

And in this kind of deep sea, facing this kind of super giant creature, many common attack methods have no effect, so Lorne really doesn't know if he can beat this sea king.

"Is it that powerful?"

Povar stuck out her tongue, and said in surprise, in her opinion, her brother-in-law is already the most powerful person in this sea, even he can't do anything about this sea king, maybe the real master of this sea , is this huge creature.

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