Pirate Family

Chapter 975 Arrival

After the giant sea kings left, there were no other creatures infesting the boat, so Lorne and others arrived at their destination smoothly.

Fishman Island.

The entire Fishman Island seemed to be inside a huge bubble, and lights from nowhere illuminated this beautiful island, like a brilliant pearl left in the depths of the sea.

When he arrived at this place, Lorne obviously felt that the surrounding environment became angry. Many ships come and go, the high-spirited newcomers yearn for adventures in the new world, while the "losers" who have been devastated by the new world return here in their broken ships with a look of decadence.

A group of burly murlocs patrolled around the murloc island, and the pirates looked at these murlocs with obvious fear, subconsciously avoiding their route.

"Pirates who are afraid of murlocs?"

Lorne was a little surprised, if he didn't have this bit of courage, it would be very difficult to navigate in the new world.

Right above the entire Fishman Island, there is a channel, which is also the only way for foreign ships to enter the Fishman Island.

Lorne's boat slowly approached the passage, and the murloc soldiers guarding the passage showed surprise when they saw the flag of the Vernhill family, and quickly moved out of the way.

The name of the Vinhill family resounded throughout the sea, even in the 10,000-meter-deep Murloc Island, they had heard of it.

They don't want to offend this upstart in the sea.

"so amazing!"

After passing through the coating on the outermost layer of the Fishman Island, the boat landed on the port of the Fishman Island, just like an ordinary small island. And Povar stretched out his hand, and after feeling the sunshine scattered on the Fishman Island, he clicked his tongue in wonder.

After getting used to the incomparably dark environment under the sea, suddenly coming to this bright fish-man island, which is no different from ordinary islands, inexplicably made her feel a little fresh.

On the other hand, Ying Gongli smiled lightly, it wasn't the first time she came to this place.

The last time she failed in a decisive battle with the Vice Admiral, the female swordsman named Gion, was in the Chambord Islands above the Fishman Island.

If Lorne hadn't let her go that time, she might have been caught and taken to the Navy's New Advancement City, and there would be no subsequent adventures, so she was very grateful to Lorne.

"The concubine is in this place, and there are some unresolved karma."

Ying Gongli bowed slightly to Lorne, and then said softly.

"My lord, please allow me to deal with these matters."

At that time, all the supernovas located in the Chambord Islands were wiped out by Lorne and Gion. They and the pirates were frightened and scattered. In the process of fleeing, they invited all the famous boatmen in the Chambord Islands to up. Looking at the fully booked boatmen, Ying Gongli had no choice but to find an apprentice to help her boat with coating.

However, apprentices are apprentices after all, and during the dive, the thin membrane of the boat suddenly shattered, unable to withstand the pressure of the sea.

Ying Gongli was swallowed by the sea in an instant, and when she woke up, she found herself lying on the fishman island.

It was a female mako merman who rescued her.

"In the future I see, you shouldn't die in this kind of place."

The female mako shark merman held a crystal ball and said divinely. Ying Gongli went in without knowing it, but she was still very grateful to this woman who saved her life, so she promised that if she could come back from the new world alive, she would definitely repay this woman.

At that time, Ying Gongli was carrying her mother's long-cherished wish, and even she herself didn't know whether she would be able to come back alive from the new world, so she hesitated to speak.

And the mermaid girl named Xia Li seemed to see through everything, and said slowly to Ying Gongli.

"You will definitely come back. When you come back, please tell me about your adventures in the new world. This will be my reward for saving you."

Ying Gongli has never mentioned this story to anyone else, even Lorne.

This mermaid girl named Xia Li is one of Ying Gongli's few friends, at least Ying Gongli thinks so. So when she returned to this place, she immediately thought of finding this mermaid girl.

"I never restrain my family."

And Lorne just smiled slightly when he looked at Ying Gongli with a cold face.

"The members of the Vinhill family will definitely be the freest people in this sea."

"Do whatever you want, that's what I ask of my family."

Ying Gongli looked at Lorne, nodded, then turned and left the port of Fishman Island, and walked towards Xia Li's residence in his memory.

The sailors were dropping the anchor to fix the ship here, while Lorne walked off the deck and said to Povar.

"You can walk around this place with me."

"Just don't let your sister know that we're being lazy here."

Lorne smiled slightly, and the excited girl nodded her head quickly, and then followed closely behind Lorne, for fear of losing Lorne.

She didn't hear Lorne's words at all. At this moment, she only thought of her sister's advice when she called her sister again.

It is said that there are many beauties of other races in the fishman island, so you must keep an eye on your brother-in-law, and don't let him hook up with other murloc girls.

Is the world of adults really that complicated? Povar shook his little head, put these complicated thoughts behind his mind, and then kept chanting.

"Watch it, watch it, watch it."

"Watch what?"

Lorne asked in surprise.

Because of being close to Yangshu Adam, Lorne felt as if he was walking in a forest, and the air was extremely fresh.

The coolly dressed mermaid girls around seemed to seldom see a tourist-like human like Lorne, and all looked towards Lorne curiously, and Povar remembered her sister's advice, and immediately acted like a guard. She stood in front of Lorne like a little hen with a calf, and then gave these mermaid girls a hard look.

It made the surrounding mermaid girls laugh constantly.

But at this moment, Lorne suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming from the front.

"Stop it! Kemi!"

The angry cry of a male murloc suddenly sounded.

And a mermaid girl with a pink tail and short emerald green hair rushed forward.

Then one accidentally bumped into Lorne's arms.

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