Pirate Family

Chapter 976 Conflict (1)

"sorry sir!"

The mermaid girl who bumped into Lorne's arms subconsciously apologized, then she raised her head and saw Lorne, her big eyes were full of doubts.

"Hey, why is it a human?!"

"What's wrong with humans?"

Lorne let go of the girl, showing a slight smile.

"The most indispensable thing in this sea is human beings."

"no no,"

The mermaid girl shook her head like a rattle, and said in a cute way.

"Just because, very few humans have come here recently..."

Few humans have come here lately?

Lorne caught the key words from the girl's words. You must know that Murloc Island is different from other islands. This is the only way for the pirates in Paradise to reach the new world.

Unless one owns an airship similar to the Vinhill family, if one wants to reach Paradise, one must coat the ship in the Chambord Islands, then dive into the sea and pass under the red earth continent.

Has the Navy already done this? Forcing all the pirates in the paradise to dare not go to the Chambord Islands to coat the ships?


Lorne thought of the destroyed ships he saw at the entrance of the New World, and had a vague guess in his mind.

"Kami! If you steal from me again! I'll sell you to human society as a slave!"

A fat fishman with ugly fish scales on his head said out of breath.

He was a little surprised when he saw Lorne standing next to Cammy.

"I didn't expect that there are still humans who dare to come to Fishman Island."

Lorne frowned. He hated people looking at him like this. What's more, this murloc really didn't fit Lorne's aesthetics. The black fish scales couldn't cover up the fat on his neck, just like the elders. A tumor is general, misshapen and ugly.

What's more, Lorne needs to get some news from the mouth of this mermaid named "Cami", so it is even more impossible to hand over Kemi to them.

"Take care of it."

Lorne said to a soldier of the Vinhill family behind him.

The fat murloc saw that Lorne, a human being, dared to ignore him after coming to the murloc island, and was about to explode, but a strong male human walked up to him.

"Are you ready to fight?"

A flash of fighting intent flashed in the obese murloc's eyes, and he clenched his hands tightly. You must know that the murloc's strength is ten times that of humans, and he has never been afraid of fighting or anything.

But the human shook his head, and took out a small bag from his clothes. When he took it out, there was a rattling sound like metal rubbing inside.

Opening this small pocket, the fat murloc saw that it was filled with golden coins, and his eyes immediately turned into money symbols.

"I understand, I'm leaving now!"

The fat murloc snatched the bag with one hand, and said flatteringly.

"Cami is yours now!"

Then, as if afraid of Lorne's repentance, he took the small bag full of gold coins and ran away in a hurry. Its speed made Lorne have to doubt the authenticity of the fat inside this murloc's body.

Kaimi's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at this scene. How could his troubles be solved so easily?

It's just that the girl reacted quickly, then came to Lorne, and bowed deeply to Lorne.

"Thank you, thank you!"

A quarter of an hour later, at the Murloc Tavern "Ocean Pearl", Lorne watched a group of unique murloc wines served by the beautiful Mermaid lady. "Deep Sea Emerald" frowned slightly.

It was the first time he saw wine of this color, and the emerald green liquid in the glass made him feel slightly queasy.

It's just that when he endured his nausea, he picked it up and tasted it, and found that there was no disgusting taste, but a faint fragrance.

"It's delicious! This is a specialty of the murlocs. It's made from deep-sea seaweed, but it's so expensive! We generally can't afford it!"

After watching Lorne drink the glass of wine, the little mermaid girl Kami said excitedly, as if she was showing off the wine-making skills of the murlocs.

"not bad."

Lorne commented, putting down his glass and looking at Cammy.

"Now, can you tell me, what happened to this island? You just saw that I was a human being, and you seemed very surprised."

"Ehhh? How did I forget about this!?"

Kemi patted his head suddenly, he was too happy just now, and forgot about his savior.

"Actually, there's nothing special about it."

Kemi stuck out his tongue, "It's not you humans. Some time ago, the Navy Headquarters suddenly declared war on all pirates, and even the number of pirates who dared to reach the Chambord Islands has decreased a lot during this period of time."

"Without the supplement of special products from the above-ground world of the Chambord Islands, the Fishman Island has become quite depressed."

The reason why she was caught by the Marcus family was because she sneaked to their boat to breathe some air from the sea, but she was accidentally caught by them.

Hmph, these bad guys, obviously the air on the sea is inexhaustible, they actually thought of bringing the air down from the sea, and then packed it in bubbles and sold it to the residents of Fishman Island.

Moreover, it is so expensive!

"Because the navy is rounding up pirates, so few pirates have been able to reach this island during this time?"

Lorne looked pensive, which was somewhat different from what he had guessed.

"But, in this case, shouldn't you be surprised when you see humans?"

Lorne didn't forget that the fat murloc's wording was that there are still humans who dare to come to Murloc Island. He meant that there is something that humans should be afraid of hidden in this place?

"Actually, there is one more thing..."

Cammy put down the juice in his hand, and said with some hesitation.

"Because Princess Otohime died at the hands of humans a few years ago, many murlocs have a hostile attitude towards humans, so you humans may encounter some troubles in Murloc Island."

"In addition to this period of time, there are very few humans arriving on Murloc Island. The partners who go out often see human ships destroyed in the depths of the sea, so they are all talking, talking..."

While talking, Cammy observed Lorne's face, and continued after making sure that Lorne was not angry.

"I'm saying that you humans have angered Lord Seagod, you are to blame."

And Lorne's expression didn't fluctuate at all, and he didn't nod until Cammy finished talking about everything he knew.

"I see."

When Cammy saw Lorne, he hesitated to speak, but at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the tavern.

Several strong murlocs rushed into the tavern, and when they saw Lorne passing by, they rushed straight towards Lorne.

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