Pirate Family

Chapter 977 Conflict (2)

"That human is indeed here!"

The fat murloc from before pointed to Lorne and said loudly.

"They carry countless gold coins on them, catch them and search for their gold coins!"

A wretched-looking murloc with a fleshy face walked up to Lorne with a sinister smile.

"You saved the little guy, Kemi, right?"

"The gold coins you gave me don't seem to be enough."

He took out the bag of gold coins he had obtained from Lorne earlier, and weighed it in his hand.

"This little gold coin is not enough to buy what Kemi stole from us."

"You're talking nonsense!"

Cammy stood up, blushing and said.

"I just hid on your boat and took a breath of land air, you took so many gold coins..."

But before Kemi finished speaking, he was interrupted roughly by this wretched murloc.

"For our things, we can set whatever price we like."

"This gold coin is not enough for our hard work to bring the air down from the land. If you want us to stop, unless you give us ten more bags full of gold coins like this."

Kami stood there blankly, she did not expect this group of people to be so shameless. After a while, she squeezed out a few words from between her teeth.


"Anyway, you have taken the things now, but you haven't paid the money yet." The wretched murloc looked like a rascal.

"Either give Kemi to us now, or give us ten bags of gold coins!"

The murloc was thinking in his heart that it would be easy for the human being in front of him to take out a bag of gold coins without changing his face, and it seemed that he could take out more. After all, the island is the territory of the murlocs. They can bully this group of humans who can't swim however they want.

This is the sense of superiority of superior species over inferior species.

Cammy still wanted to argue, but Lorne gently grabbed her hand and pulled her down behind him.

"Is the Marcus family right?"

Lorne looked at the wretched murloc in front of him, and saw their identities from the logo on their clothes.

"Since you know our identities, why don't you take out your money obediently!"

This wretched murloc thought that Lorne was showing weakness to him, so he became even more aggressive.

"Money, I can give you."

Lorne clapped his hands. The Vernhill family has never lacked things like Bailey.

Because money that cannot be converted into combat power is meaningless.

The murloc thought that Lorne had agreed to his request, and was still wondering if his request was too low. But at this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

A strong human with an expressionless face punched him in the abdomen. The murloc felt his abdominal cavity tumbling, and his whole body was blown away.

"It's just that this is your burial fee."

As Lorne said, the next moment, his soldiers swarmed up and beat up the murlocs brought by Marcus. After a while, this group of murlocs who were originally arrogant were lying neatly in the tavern doorway.

After so many generations of transformation, the warriors of the Vinhill family possessed incomparably terrifying power. Even a murloc with ten times the strength of ordinary humans, in front of this group of cold-blooded warriors, was no different from ordinary babies. .

He let go of this group of murlocs before, but he just thought they were an eyesore. He didn't expect that they would dare to blackmail his head.

Could it be that Lorne himself forgot that he was a pirate because he hadn't appeared on the sea for so long?

Cammy opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Lorne. She didn't expect that the gentle-looking human being in front of her could move her hands so fiercely. Looking at the way Marcus and the others were lying on the ground crying, Kami guessed that they would lie in bed for at least several months.

If Lorne knew what Kami was thinking, he would think she was a little naive.

The grievances and grievances of pirates often only end in life and death. Marcus's fate is no different from that of children playing house.

But at this time, Kaimi seemed to remember something, and said blankly.

"It's over, it's over!"

"What's the matter? Is there any big man standing behind this group of people?"

Lorne said playfully, he is really not afraid of any backers behind these people, even if it is a pirate emperor, or even the navy, it doesn't matter.

Because he himself is the biggest backer in this sea.

What's more, Lorne looked at the murloc lying on the ground who kept howling, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

There will be no "big shot" who would look up to such a weak person.

"No, no," Cammy said slowly, shaking his head like a rattle.

"Because on Murloc Island, Murlocs are protected. If you do this, the palace guards will come to arrest you soon!"

Although he hates Marcus and the group of murlocs who often bully him, Kemi still knows one thing, that is, because of the sparse population and the incident with Princess Otohime a few years ago, the murlocs are very Just to protect our shortcomings, once there is any conflict between humans and the murlocs, the group of palace guards will often side with the murlocs.

Sure enough, several seahorse carriages came in from the outside, and a group of heavily armed murlocs wearing silver-white metal armor got out of the seahorse carriages and surrounded the entire venue.

"What happened!"

A slightly muscular murloc looked at Marcus lying on the ground and said coldly.

"This group of humans bought our things and didn't give us money. When we asked for the bill, they suddenly attacked and beat us like this!"

Marcus, who was lying on the ground, wailed and raised his finger, pointed at Lorne, and said with resentment.

"We are compatriots, you have to help us!"

The murloc soldier looked at Marcus and the others, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. He was quite familiar with the character of this group of murlocs. Most likely they provoked others beforehand.

However, he looked at Lorne, the other party was a human being after all, so the necessary procedures still had to go through.

"Bring them all back!"

The murloc soldier captain waved at Lorne and the others, and said coldly.

"What should I do, brother-in-law?"

Povar gently tugged on Lorne's clothes, and said somewhat at a loss.

Do you want to fight all the way out? Such an adventure is too boring.

And just when Kemi thought that this irascible human was going to kill, Lorne waved his hand suddenly, signaling his soldiers not to resist.

"Troubleshooting? My favorite."

Then he let the group of murloc soldiers put handcuffs on himself and others, and put them on the seahorse carriage.

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