Pirate Family

Chapter 978 Dragon Palace City

Several murloc soldiers escorted Lorne and his party into the carriage.

"Stupid humans, you will pay the price."

Marcus, on the other hand, was still lying on the ground and said in a resentful tone.

Cammy gave Marcus a blank look, but looking at the back of Lorne and the others leaving, there was still some anxiety in his eyes.

If it was an ordinary time, it would not be a problem to be taken away by the soldiers, because these soldiers would definitely release them after asking them clearly.

But now, the situation on Murloc Island seems to be a little delicate. Even someone as simple as Kemi can feel it. Something must have happened that she doesn't know.

At this time, Lorne and the others were taken away by murloc soldiers, which is not a good sign.

"By the way, I haven't asked the savior their names yet!"

At this time, Kemi remembered that he didn't know the other party's name, patted his head annoyed, and then swam towards Murloc Street.

Sister Xia Li was there, if it was her, she might be able to help him.

Returning to Lorne's side, after being escorted to the Shanghai horse carriage, Lorne looked at Zhuang Heng on the racecourse with curious eyes.

Some beautiful shells are used as interiors, inlaid on the carriage, and then there is an unknown emerald green line pattern.

Several murloc soldiers showed no expression on their faces, as if as long as Lorne didn't do anything overstepping, they wouldn't care.

"It's not the first time I've been a prisoner."

Lorne said with some self-mockery that because of his experience back then, he didn't dislike being a prisoner too much, but because of this incident, he felt a little nostalgic.

"Brother-in-law, what shall we do!"

On the other hand, Povar lowered his voice and looked at Lorne at a loss. This pampered girl has been living under the wings of her mother, but because she was attacked by Mikawa Qi with Garrett before, she almost fell into the trap. It is the highest masterpiece of Mikawa Qi, so Povar is not as flustered as he imagined.


And Lorne just replied like this. Then he closed his eyes calmly and leaned on the seahorse carriage.

Not at all like a prisoner.

Lorne wanted to find the historical text hidden in Murloc Island, but he didn't know how long it would take to find it with his own strength, so he had to rely on the ruler of Murloc Island, that is, the man with the title of "Sea God", the king of Murloc Neptune's help.

And going through these murloc soldiers was the fastest way to meet Neptune.

Even though he was a little old, Neptune's prestige was still unmatched in the entire Murloc Island, so the seahorse carriage was not hindered in any way, and soon arrived at the Murloc Palace, Dragon Palace City.

Dragon Palace City is located on the top of Murloc Island. It is made of various brightly colored large coral reefs, colorful shellfish, and some unknown materials.

Compared with the palaces of those kingdoms on land, it is a little less magnificent, but a little more fantasy.

The Haima carriage entered from a passage on the right side of Dragon Palace City, turned a few corners, and finally arrived at its destination.

Dragon Palace Prison.

"You stay here for a while, and when we find out the truth and have nothing to do with you, we will release you."

The murloc captain said with a straight face. But Lorne looked at him with a smile on his face, without moving.

Not only him, but all the warriors of the Vinhill family did not make any moves.

"Did you hear me?"

The captain of the murloc soldier felt something was wrong. He was just about to raise his weapon, but he felt an indescribable pressure that enveloped his heart.

Lorne's hand lightly patted his shoulder. The next moment, the brave murloc let go of his weapon, and stared forward with dull eyes.

"Tell me where King Neptune is."

Lorne asked softly.

The murloc soldier stiffly raised his finger and pointed to a certain place, and through his own perception, Lorne indeed felt that direction, where some creatures with surging vitality were hidden.

"Very well, you are doing well."

Lorne patted the murloc's shoulder again,

"Now you are very sleepy, and you really want to sleep. When you wake up, everything will be over."

As soon as Lorne finished speaking, all the murloc soldiers suddenly fell to the ground as if they had received some orders.

And several warriors of the Vinhill family also got the keys from these soldiers and released their shackles.

"Go to the ruler of this place and have a good chat."

Lorne and his party walked in the vast Dragon Palace City, as if they were walking on their own territory. All the murloc soldiers didn't seem to notice that a group of people walked past them swaggeringly.

After so many years of training, Lorne has mastered the use of his abilities. It is easy for him to control the perception of these murloc soldiers who are like minions.

But just as he was about to approach Neptune, Lorne stopped suddenly.

A slender, strong murloc with red hair rushed out suddenly, holding two long swords, and stabbed Lorne fiercely.

"There are intruders!"

A sharp voice shouted from the murloc's mouth, and he looked at Lorne with hostility.

"I don't know how you broke into Dragon Palace City, but if you meet me, there is only one fate for you!"

"Don't talk nonsense with them, Emperor Xing!"

Another simple and honest voice came from behind, and a murloc with long brown hair, a fat figure, and a simple and honest appearance came out from the corner behind.

Holding a huge machete, he looked at Lorne and the others with hostility.

"No, there are only a handful of human beings who can sneak into Dragon Palace City so quietly."

The murloc known as Emperor Star looked at Lorne warily.

"I suspect that he has an inseparable relationship with my little sister's disappearance!"

After mentioning "Little Sister", the simple and honest murloc also became serious. He held his weapon tightly and looked at Lorne and the others.

"Since you have major suspicions, I can only defeat you."

"Is that so?"

And Lorne looked at these two people with a playful look on the corner of his mouth.

The moment these two people appeared, he already knew their identities.

The thin one is the second prince of Dragon Palace City, Huang Xing, while the fat and honest one is the third prince of Dragon Palace City, Crashing Star.

With royal blood, they are much stronger than ordinary murlocs, which is why they were able to find Lorne.

It's just that I want to keep myself here.

A trace of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Lorne's mouth.

With them alone, it's not even close.

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