Pirate Family

Chapter 979

"Why, it might be so strong!"

Huang Xing lay on the ground, unable to hold his weapon tightly anymore.

He couldn't believe what he had just encountered. The man with black hair defeated himself and Crashing Star with just two punches.

And it was that kind of overwhelming defeat without any power to fight back. If it wasn't for the fact that the opponent was not interested in killing him, Huang Xing even believed that the opponent could kill him with a single punch.

How could there be such a strong person? !

It's not that Emperor Xing has never seen a strong human being, but none of the strong human beings from the Chambord Islands can give him such a strong sense of oppression.

The strongest among them is only slightly stronger than himself by virtue of various strange abilities, and if it is in the deep sea, it is not certain who is stronger and who is weaker.

He had never seen someone as ridiculously strong as the black-haired man in front of him!

After finishing all this, Lorne just yawned boredly.

After staying in the new world for a long time, he suddenly returned to the paradise, even if it was the fishman island that was close to the paradise. There is also a feeling of a full-level god costume boss suddenly returning to Novice Village.

There is no pressure.

"Brother-in-law is amazing!"

And Povar did not hesitate to praise Lorne, looking at Lorne, stars kept flashing in his eyes.

Lorne is the person she admires the most. In her eyes, there is nothing Lorne can't do.

"Now that you see it, come out."

However, at this time, Lorne suddenly turned his head and said lightly to a wall.

"Otherwise, it would be so boring for me to find you out."

There was still no movement on the wall. Just when Lorne was about to lose his patience, a tall and strong murloc with long blue hair came out slowly from behind the wall.

Holding a huge trident in his hand, he looked at Lorne warily.

"My two younger brothers fell in front of me one after another, and they didn't even choose to escape."

Lorne looked at the murloc in front of him, and his name came to mind.

The eldest prince of Murloc Island, the next successor of Neptune, the sea god, Shark Star.

"I will not abandon my brother."

And this resolute man raised his trident and pointed it at Lorne.

"No matter what purpose you have, I will thwart your conspiracy."

The lines of decent characters are always so boring.

Just like a character card with a limited personality, it will never do anything other than its personality.

Pirates must be brutal and bloodthirsty, heroes are always great and selfless.

The murloc in front of him named Shark Star is an upright warrior, he is just and fearless, even Lorne can't find a trace of human weakness in him, just like the hottest sun at noon, shining on him On Fishman Island.

But the more people like this, the more Lorne hates them.

Because, it's just too boring.

"So, have you made up your mind to lie here like your younger brother?"

Lorne asked like this, speaking the most serious words in a tone that seemed to be joking.

Although he didn't like Shark Star, he didn't want to kill this man until there was no further conflict between the two sides.

Because in this sea, there are already many villains like himself who commit all kinds of crimes. If there are fewer righteous people like Sha Xing, it would be so boring.

That's why he let Peter Parker go.

Shark star was taken aback for a moment, and then the anger on his face could hardly be concealed.

He didn't expect the man in front of him to be so arrogant. Did he really think that he could easily defeat him?

What a joke! He is the next king of Fishman Island!

Shark star held his weapon tightly, looking for the most suitable opportunity to make a move, but just as he was about to make a move, another voice sounded behind him.

"Give up, you are not his opponent, Shark Star."

It was a mid-pitched voice, and Lorne felt the ground shake slightly, as if a very heavy thing was slowly walking towards him.

Shark star was taken aback for a moment, but after hearing the voice of the owner clearly, he still reluctantly let go of his hand. But he looked at Lorne, but he didn't hide his anger at all,

"A man like him is not in the same dimension as us."

A blue-skinned murloc in a kimono came out from around the corner. He looked directly into Lorne's eyes and said slowly.

"I didn't expect you to come to this kind of place."

The murloc paused, and then slowly said Lorne's name.


"I didn't expect you to stay on the palace island either. Shouldn't you be assisting the navy and clearing up the pirates?" The moment the murloc appeared, Lorne also recognized the person.


This murloc was the deputy of the murloc hero Fisher Tiger, the murloc with the strength that even Lorne was amazed at, Haixia Jinpei.

After the Battle of Sri Lanka, Lorne proposed Jinbei to replace the expelled Moonlight Moria and the title of Shichibukai under King Azawa.

After a long period of thinking, to be precise, another candidate for King Shichibukai, after the resignation of the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezolo, they finally finalized the position of King Jinbe Shichibukai.

It's just that, at that time, Lorne had already been expelled by Shichibukai, the king.

It is worth mentioning that the current list of Shichibukai under the king is as follows.

"Hawkeye" Joracle Mihawk.

"Tyrant" Bear.

"Ten Yasha" Don Quixote Doflamingo.

"Sand Crocodile" Sand Crocodile.

"Empress" Boya Hancock.

"Sea Man" is very flat.

Except for Moonlight Moria, these lists are surprisingly similar to Lorne's initial memory. At this time, even Lorne has to admit how powerful the inertia of fate is.

"Thanks to you, after becoming King Shichibukai, Fishman Island finally has an official identity, and no longer needs to be intruded by the navy and pirates."

Jinbe looked at Lorne and said slowly.

"That's good."

And Lorne nodded. He recommended Jinbei to Sengoku at the beginning, not without meaning that he wanted to help Murloc Island out of its predicament.

After this sentence was finished, the two fell into a brief silence, and Shi Ping finally spoke.

"Based on your current status, you probably didn't come to Fishman Island for sightseeing."

"If you want to endanger the residents of Murloc Island, even if the old man knows that he doesn't know your opponent, he will try his best to delay you."

Jinbe looked at Lorne and said slowly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a smell of gunpowder in the air.

May be ignited at any time.

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