Pirate God-class Naruto System

Chapter 114: Leiyin vs Empress

Hearing that, the ninja warriors who didn't know the truth fled like rat snakes, one by one for fear of being petrified.

After everyone left, Lei Yin faced the empress directly: "Next, should I fight you?" Hearing this, the empress stepped on a jade step and slowly walked down from the high platform...

Mary Godreu rescued Sandassonia with a snaketail, and the empress said to Lei Yin: "You have been defeated by me twice. How dare you say anything here again?!"

Mary Godreu turned around: "Sister, he is our savior..."

Empress: "Cut, don't be deceived by the illusion, he is just afraid of being petrified, so he put his clothes on Sandassonia."

Lei Yin snorted coldly: "You are really a self-righteous woman, do you really think I don't know what the sign behind you means?"

"What?!!" The three sisters were surprised when they heard the words, especially the empress was stunned.

If Lei Yin really knew this, it would be a shame for them.

"The one behind you is called'The Seal of the Sky Dragon', right?"

When Lei Yin said this, the three sisters "cocked" in their hearts at the same time.

The female emperor has already assumed an offensive posture, "Since you know how well you are, then I can't keep you anymore!"

As she said, she put her hands in a peach heart shape again: "Sweet and sweet!"

But this time, Lei Yin was not as stupid as last time. The "sweet and sweet wind" of the Empress had an attack range, even if Lei Yin would be petrified, just avoid its range.

"Flying God Second Stage!"

Lei Yin suddenly drank, and disappeared in place.

After suffering two losses, he has mastered its laws. Of course, Leiyin will not be so stupid to open a kaleidoscope to write round eyes to fight hard, otherwise it will only kill himself.


"So fast!"

"Sister, he is behind you!"

After hearing this, the female emperor turned around, and Lei Yin was already standing there firmly.

"The concubine body will never let you escape!" After that, the empress yelled, and the fingers of her right hand touched her lips to create a small peach heart shape, and then used it as a bullet and her fingers as a gun Aiming at Thunder and launching away, "Kiss the gun!"

Lei Yin flashed once again, and the next moment, the arrow of the heart shot directly on the distant tree, instantly petrifying the tree.

Looking at the petrified trees, Lei Yin was a little surprised.

"As expected, even plants and non-living creatures can be petrified."

The female emperor didn't seem to want to give Lei Yin a chance to breathe, her face was full of anger, beautiful eyes angered, and her fighting spirit was Ling Ran.

The next moment, she kissed her index finger again with her thin pink lips, looking very attractive.

However, Lei Yin did not have the mind to appreciate these. The moment the Empress kissed her fingers, she created a pink heart that was several times larger than before. The heart looked like a balloon and was very elastic. Tao Xin yelled softly: "Captive Arrow!"

After that, the pink heart with a strong aura turned into thousands of pink arrows, like a squally rainstorm, hitting thunder...

Today, Lei Yin is considered to have thoroughly seen the ability of Hancock's superhuman sweet fruit. If time is added, this ability may surpass the strength of the three generals. Lei Yin, who is a fan of pirates in the real world, knew very well that if he was shot by this "captive arrow", he would be instantly petrified, even non-living creatures, such as metals, trees, and even shells. It is hard to escape the doom of petrochemical.

Such a perverted ability, I am afraid that the entire sea is also hard to meet.

Facing the terrifying arrow that hits like a squally storm, one can only win by speed.

Not only that, Leiyin turned on the domineering vision to avoid every peach arrow attack, and at the same time maximized the speed to avoid this wide range of long-range attacks.

Suddenly, the female emperor's eyes tightened, and Lei Yin appeared in front of her.

He didn't use any moves, just used his force in an instant, and slapped the empress on the chest with a palm, shaking the empress back several steps.

The female emperor was holding her chest, her face was already extremely ugly, "This... how is this possible?"

"How about it, do you want to continue fighting?" Lei Yin stood still, as steady as Mount Tai said.

At this moment, the empress also knew in her heart that she was too poor at skill, and even if she continued to fight, it would be impossible to beat him with the speed and perception of the man facing him.

Thinking about it, the empress half-kneeled on the ground, her face was covered with delicate hands like white silk, and she started to cry.

Today, she has suffered a great humiliation. When she took a bath, she was seen clean, and the most difficult "Seal of the Sky Dragon" was also discovered. Also, the man in front of him who was subdued by himself over and over again and again, but now he has no choice. Her majesty of the Nine Snake Emperor has been cleaned up, how can she not be sad?

In fact, Leiyin is not much better. Originally, I came to your daughter’s island with hard work and was only ordered by the superior. I came here and went to jail twice. I was almost petrified. I was almost entangled in arms by accident. Domineering bow and arrow pierced, you say depressed is not depressed?

However, compared to this, the empress seemed to be more sad. What she cared most about was the imprint that could never be eliminated behind her, and she also remembered the extremely unbearable past.

"Sister..." Sandasonia and Mary Godrew stepped forward to comfort her.

Lei Yin also slowly stepped forward, and his tone became a little humble: "Your Majesty Nine Snake, if there is any offense, please allow me to say sorry to you. Please consider the matter I said seriously. a bit."

The female emperor raised her head, still angrily: "Now, you are still mentioning this matter of breaking the Qiwuhai..."

"I also ask you to think about it calmly!" Lei Yin interrupted her with a big drink. "If you don't accept this proposal, even if you don't think about it for yourself, have you considered for these women of the Nine Snake clan? "

Leiyin's scream made the three sisters startled at the same time.

"Think about it, if you don't accept this title, you will always be a pirate. If that day the navy leads a large army to encircle and suppress, do you really think you can resist it? Even if you have some strength, your two sisters, What about your warriors? They will be taken away, and what fate will they suffer?"

Lei Yinxiao explained the reason and continued: "Just like you said, I am just a member of the brigadier general. In the navy, how many people are stronger than me? If the admiral is here, you can stay here again. Do you have peace of mind to rule the king?"

Hearing that, the empress fell into contemplation...

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