Pirate God-class Naruto System

Chapter 115: The charm of Weierdan

"I'm only acting on orders. If you agree, please sign this agreement; if you don't agree, I can't do anything about it. However, please remove the petrochemical status of my subordinates, and, Give me back my sword."

It turned out that after Lei Yin's was put in prison, Kusanaru sword was taken away.

Lei Yin's words were not unreasonable, and they were more sincere. The empress bit her vermilion lips lightly: "Then, will you tell others about the imprint behind me?"

Lei Yin smiled indifferently: "Is it any good for me to say that kind of thing? Don't worry, I'm not that gossip."

Hearing this, the empress's heart palpitated, and after that, she ordered Sandassonia to take out the sword. The empress held the sword in her hand and handed it to Lei Yin.

"Thank you."

Then, the empress followed Leiyin to the warship and relieved the naval soldiers from petrification.

"Then, Qiwuhai's agreement?"

"The concubine promised you."

After all these twists and turns, the Nine Snake Emperor Boya Hancock officially became a member of the Qiwuhai, the world's political amulet king.

Lei Yin boarded the warship and ordered the warship to go. The empress looked at him and said, "That...what's your name?"

"Lei Yin."

As the voice fell, the warship slowly walked away.

Seeing the warship drifting away, the empress lowered her head thoughtfully.

Mary Godreu: "Sister, men are really weird, some are abnormal and terrible, and some are cold outside and hot inside."

Sundar Sonia: "Yes. But anyway, I think it's a good choice for my sister to become Qiwuhai."

The empress looked at Sanda Sonia, her eyes widening: "Sonia, why are you wearing a navy cloak behind you?"

Only then did Sundarthonia react. It turned out that Lei Yin had just thrown out the navy cloak behind her and forgot to bring it back.

The female emperor took the cloak away: "How can this kind of thing stay here? The concubine will destroy it!"

"Yes...yes, sister..."

In the future, Lei Yin will have a series of things with the empress...

Marine Headquarters Marlin Fando, Office of the Marshal.

The Marshal Zeng Guo smiled happily, and praised: "Lei Yin, the task is done very well. As expected, I didn't misunderstand the person."

Lei Yin: "This is nothing."

Warring States: "Haha, I heard that the emperor of Nine Snakes is a very difficult woman to deal with. I went to two generals before, but they all returned without success. I didn't expect that as soon as you went, she agreed. what."

Lei Yin successfully completed the task, which was considered to have removed a small piece of heart disease from the Warring States Period, because the island of Nine Snake was some distance from the headquarters, and the navy could not manage everything in the world. Although the Pirate Empress is a female stream, she is powerful, and she is recruited as Qiwuhai. In any case, she is considered to be a political talisman in name. If the political talisman has any orders, she can also notify her, but she does not comply with the order. It's another matter. However, what is certain is that if the Pirates of the Nine Snakes and the navy meet, they will never fight.

To a certain extent, the navy can be regarded as an additional ally, at least not tit-for-tat. The Warring States patted Lei Yin on the shoulder happily: "Boy, you are doing a good job. If you have any requirements for the headquarters, please ask me. suggest."

Lei Yin sighed: "If you have to make a request, give me a new'justice' cloak..."

When Lei Yin came back, he heard about something. Just a few days after he went to the daughter island to recruit the female emperor, Yu Qi Mula, who was in the same period as his cadet and the current lieutenant colonel, confessed to the long-awaited Verdan Up.

After hearing the news, Lei Yin felt a little funny inadvertently: That guy, and boys like her, it's really interesting...

Everyone has the heart to love beauty, and it is the nature of men to like beautiful women. Wei Erdan looks outstanding among girls, and when a man sees her, he basically has the feeling of blood swelling. It can be said to be a real "stunner", although it is slightly inferior to the female emperor, but It will never be too far apart.

I just don't know what Lei Yin thinks about this wood.

This is what happened that day.

Especially Mulla is holding a bunch of red roses, and a little anxiously waiting for her on Weierdan's daily path. When Weierdan and her girlfriends were talking and laughing, Yukimula suddenly came out.

"Vic...Vildan, I have liked you since the first time I saw you. I have been deeply impressed by your beauty and gentle heart. Please accept my love."

As a result, Wei Erdan was shocked. For Yuki Mulla, she definitely didn't feel anything, but Wei Erdan was kind-hearted and didn't know how to refuse him.

Thanks to her best friend who helped her out: "Yukimura, my sisters don't like you. We'd better be friends."

"I... I want to hear Verdan say it myself."

Verdan blushed: "I'm sorry, Yukimula, we...let's be friends."

Yukimula sighed heavily: "Okay, I respect your decision, but I will not give up pursuing you. I really like you, Verdan."

After speaking, Yukimura turned and left.

The girlfriend beside her looked at Wei Erdan with a look of envy: It would be great if a boy had confessed to me like this.

Many people have seen this incident, and it has been spread up and down.

One person heard about this and scratched his head anxiously. He had thought about Wei Erdan for a long time, so he also took action.

This person is also a classmate of the same youth training camp as Lei Yin, a superman who is capable of wheel fruit, Xia Linggood.

On the second day Lei Yin returned from Daughter Island, he also confessed to Wei Erdan.

"Sister Weierdan, please accept my love."

In full view, Xia Lingood did not conceal his emotions and spoke directly.

This time, there were more navy onlookers than last time.

People watching the excitement are always not afraid of big things, and many people chant "together".

"Together with..."

"Just promise him!"

"Look how sincere Xia Linggood is..."

There are also many men who are silent there. They beg Weierdan not to agree in their hearts, because quite a few of them have a crush on Weierdan, but they are not as brave as Xia Linggood and Youqi Mula, and they just speak out directly in the public.

For this, Wei Erdan still politely refused.

Many onlookers gave a sigh of relief, secretly glad that their goddess has no master...

As a result, some men's hearts began to move around, trying to imitate Yukimura and Xia Linggood...

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