Pirate God-class Naruto System

Chapter 116: Moving island

The fact that Wei Erdan was confessed several times has been reported to the navy headquarters.

Women are always gossiping creatures. On this day, Tina and her three girlfriends are sitting together and discussing.

Best Girlfriend: "That Weierdan has been very popular recently."

Girlfriend B said in a tone of envy, jealousy and hatred: "Yes, who makes the parents so beautiful?"

Friend Bing looked at Tina and said with a strange yin and yang aura: "It doesn't matter if we are ordinary-looking people. By then, some people, I'm afraid some people will be completely compared to others."

Tina snorted, "Cut, who cares about this kind of thing, it's boring."

Although Tina said so, she actually cared most about her. Everyone has the love of beauty, and comparison is a woman's nature. As for Tina, to a certain extent, she and Wei Erdan are also rivals in love. The charm of the rivals is so explosive that she is naturally very unhappy in her heart.

"If the wood is snatched by her..." Tina didn't dare to think further...

Lei Yin still does his daily training every day. For him, the two most important things at the moment are to quickly master Mu Dun in addition to practicing the domineering look and hearing that Karp gave him.

"Left-handed water properties, right-handed soil... It's really not easy..." Constantly focused, trying to combine the two chakras in one place, but always failed.

If it were that easy, it is estimated that there will be strong characters like the first generation of Naruto.

"So hard."

A clear and sweet woman's voice came, interrupting Lei Yin's attention.

It turned out that it was Major General Taotu. If there were no tasks, the two of them would be in the same office and could see each other day and night.

"Teacher, you are here."

Lei Yin wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"You are the best one among the students I have taught. Alabastan, recruiting the Nine Snake Emperor, seems to be able to complete such a difficult task, and the strength is also the strongest among the students." Taotu praised.

"Teacher, you praised."

Taotu looked at Lei Yin: "I just want to say, you are already very strong, so hard, don't you want to be a navy general?"

Lei Yin: "I haven't thought about this, but if only they have the same strength."

"Haha, I'm still very motivated."

When the two returned to their desks, Taotu took a piece of the latest newspaper and read it.

"Lei Yin, read this report."

Upon hearing this, Lei Yin took the newspaper:

Four days ago, the great pirate Moonlight Moria, who offered a bounty of 320 million, challenged the Four Emperor Kaido in the new world, and the whole group lost!

It turned out that after escaping from Propulsion City and returning to the New World for half a month, Moria went to challenge Kaido, who was the opponent of Kaido in such a degree, so she was defeated and returned.

"Four emperors, it's really not an ordinary person who can pull him off." Taotu said with feeling.

Lei Yin: "Well, if the Four Emperors were defeated so easily, our navy would not have to deal with them so much."

In fact, Moria is also overwhelmed by life and death. If you don’t talk about it, just look at the bounty. The bounty of 320 million is certainly a lot. However, you must know that Jack, one of the three major disasters of Kaido, has a bounty as high as 800 million. Wan Baili (1 billion in a few years later). Needless to say, for the other two disasters, Kaido’s bounty is definitely above 1 billion or even 1.2 billion.

Although bounty cannot fully represent strength, is the difference between more than 300 million and 800 million or even 10 billions too far?

Don't count the beast army under Kaido, even if Kaido plus the three major disasters, the reward will be at least more than 3 billion, right?

300 million to more than 3 billion, what does Moriah mean?

When the two were discussing Moria's affairs, Leiyin's adjutant Captain Craven walked into the office:

"Brigadier General, according to the regulations, the headquarter issued an order and it is time for you to cruise."

Lei Yin said lightly: "I see, I'll be here in a while."

The Ministry stipulates that almost every once in a while, an officer above the rank of colonel will be sent to cruise in the waters near Marin Vatican, the purpose of which is to observe whether there are pirates and other forces attempting to sneak into the navy or any other malicious attempts. Similar to the frontier sentinel.

Lei Yin gave a little bit, and then led his warship to set off.

When sailing to the sea, Lei Yin was not idle, for fear of wasting a little time to cultivate himself.

"If Mu Dun does not practice as soon as possible, there will be no way to practice the fairy mode. However, this is difficult, but it is not an overnight effort..."

Although his ninja level has reached the level of the upper ninja (intermediate level), there is still a distance from the practice [Fairy Mode]. After all, he hasn't even mastered "Mu Dun" now.

I really want to learn Mu Dun now and immediately become very strong, like the original Hokage, learn "Mayfly Art", "Spore Art" and even the one that can compete with Uchiha Madara's strongest Susano trick......

At this time, the sky was getting late, and the sky gradually became dimmed. The warship had been about 80 kilometers away from the navy headquarters, and Leiyin had completed the work and ordered the warship to prepare to return to the headquarters.

"What's that in front? Okay...it seems like an island is moving?!" The navigator on the warship said with a scope.

"The island is moving? What are you talking about?" said a second lieutenant next to him, taking down the telescope in the navigator's hand and saying, "Sure enough, is it really an island?"

The two people said this, which greatly aroused everyone's curiosity, and the navy rushed forward to wait and see.

"Keep away from me, let me have a look."

Lei Yin said, the major took the initiative to pass the telescope to him.

Because the night is getting late, there is still some sea fog in front of me, it is dim and I can't see what it is, but as everyone said, it is like a big island-like thing sailing.

Lei Yin put down his binoculars, and immediately became interested, "Army helmsman! Bring me closer to that big guy!"

With Leiyin's order, many navies came over.

"Brigadier General, are you kidding me?"

"We have completed our mission, and the goal of that thing is not our navy headquarters, we don't need to care about it."

"Yes, Brigadier General, we don't have to take this risk at all!"

"Shut up all of you!" Lei Yin shouted, "I am the commander of this ship, so I have the final say on the course of this ship!"

With Lei Yin's voice, the deck was suddenly silent.

Indeed, Lei Yin is the supreme commander of the warship, no one dares to refute...

The warship gradually approached the moving big guy.

What is that big amazing thing that is moving?

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