After arriving at Whitebeard's home, Chernos discovers that Whitebeard's home is really poor, and there is nothing else except after wine.

However, his home has a very good view, it is a very beautiful sea view house, and you can see the beautiful sea view right outside.

At the back of the house there is a garden full of flowers, and next to the garden there is a small vegetable field, which is now overgrown with more than a dozen different vegetables.

Outside the house is a rice field, and the rice on it has already taken shape, and it is estimated that after a while, it will be harvested.

It can be seen that this is completely a house where Whitebeard prepares for his retirement, and it is also Whitebeard's dream to live a leisurely farm life here.

It's a pity that even after more than ten years in his previous life, he still failed to complete his retirement, and in this life he was also killed by Chernos and failed to live the retirement life he wanted.

But the house was not a waste and is now a new home for Chernos.

After arriving at his new home, Chernos asked the Varis robot to take out a map of the new world, on which all the islands and the distribution of power on the islands had been marked.

Whitebeard occupies most of the islands in the New World, and there are nearly twenty islands under its command, and these islands can be said to be the best environment and most suitable for human life in the New World.

Now that Chernos has defeated Whitebeard, these islands will have to be taken down.

Chernos leaned back on the sofa and said to the members: "Whitebeard's territory will be taken, Brother Fisher, Yangyuki, Anilu, Klockdar, and Doflamingo, you will go and occupy these islands, hang our flag, and kill anyone or force who resists!" The

named people nodded towards Chernos, and then did not stay on the island to rest, and left the island directly, preparing to go to the island of Whitebeard to swear sovereignty.

These islands are Chernos' most important resources in the New World, and with these resources, he can use them to hatch his robot legion.

This is also one of his most important projects.

"Shaq, you can start building your robot production base, you don't need to worry about anything during this time, focus on getting the production base out for me."

Shaq, who had been staying on the ship, also came to the island this time, he came for the words of Chernos, he couldn't wait to complete his robot legion plan.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm preparing all the time on the ship, and I've already found the island, give me three years, and I'll give you a robot legion out."

After that, Shaq did not wait for Chernos to reply, and rushed out excitedly.

Then Chernos said to Tezzolo: "Tezzolo, you also start to gather shipwrights and construction workers to open your golden city, I will turn the entire turtle island into a golden city!"

Moreover, in the future, all the wealth of the Varis Pirates will be entrusted to you, go, and become the richest person in the world!

"Okay, boss, don't worry, I will make this turtle island all covered with gold and create a big golden city for you!"

And you can rest assured that I manage your wealth, and you will definitely take care of your wealth in an orderly manner!

After that, Tezzolo took Bakara and walked outside excitedly.

Then Chernos looked at Moria, Brooke, and Perona.

"Moria, you have two missions, the first is to cooperate with Tezzolo to turn your pirate ship into a horror paradise, and the second is to form an intelligence department.

I believe you will be able to do a good job in the horror paradise, but the intelligence department, you need to work harder, in the future, I need the intelligence of the Navy and the World Government, you will find a way to infiltrate the Navy and the World Government.

If you have any questions, you can ask me for help! At

this time, Chernos looked at the remaining Ayamura for a while and did not know how to arrange, count the strength, although Akamura is also very hard, but it is not outstanding on the ship, and the cooking skills are also decent.

Counting him, he is a combination of Solon and Sanji, but it is a weakened version of the two, and this strength is also a little embarrassing, as the main combat personnel, his strength is the weakest, as an auxiliary personnel, his strength is stronger.

And now he has 'taught' a lot of the deliciousness of his previous life, and if he arranges for Jiucun to go out, when the time comes, if he wants to eat hometown dishes, who will cook it for him.

However, if he didn't send Ayamura out to practice, Ayamura would have no way to face a strong enemy, and his strength would have no way to become stronger.

Whether or not to let the village go out also made Chernos very entangled.

Seeing Chernos' tangled expression, Ayamura also lowered his head with some loss.

He also knew that his strength was a relatively embarrassing existence on the ship, and unless his kendo was taken to the next level, his strength was still the bottom of the ship.

Ayamura gritted his teeth and said to Chernos: "Captain, I want to leave the pirate group for a while, and I plan to challenge the sword master of the new world and hone my kendo, I hope you can allow it!"

Chernos looked at the village with determination in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh.

He walked up to Ayamura and gave Ayamura a hug with open arms.

"I'm sorry, Ayamura, because of my selfishness, I dragged you down by letting you stay in the kitchen all the time studying the dishes I gave, leaving you with little time to delve into kendo!

If you want to experience, I can recommend you to go to a place, but that place is more dangerous, if you can challenge successfully, I believe your strength will be greatly improved, I don't know if you are interested in going! Akamura

did not expect that Chernos would actually say that he dragged himself down and shirked for his weakness, which also made Ayamura very moved.

But he was more interested in the place in Chernos' mouth.

No, it should be said that he is very interested in any place that can make him stronger.

He wants to become stronger and repay Chernos, he also wants to become the main combatant on the ship, and he wants to fulfill his father's wish to challenge the world's number one sword, Hawkeye Mihawk.

"Captain, I'll go, no matter how dangerous it is, as long as I can improve my strength!"

Chernos patted Ayamura's shoulder, soothing his excitement.

"Don't talk so much, in fact, I don't know the specific location, but I know that it should be in the sky near the Advance City, there is an island called Vilmeyou.

On this island, there is a great sword lord, his name is... Golden Lion Shiki!

Ayamura's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Chernos in disbelief, as a pirate, how could he not know about the golden lion.

You must know that it is a legendary pirate with the same name as Whitebeard and Roger.

Chernos actually asked him to deal with the legendary pirates?

The village that was originally enthusiastic suddenly became a little unconfident.

"Don't worry, the reason why I let you deal with the golden lion is because the golden lion suffered a heavy blow on the head, because of the prison escape, and he cut off his own feet, and now his strength has declined a lot, and he is a suitable object for your training."

Go and bring back the first level of the Golden Lion, I believe my chef can defeat the Golden Lion and win! "

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