The white-bearded pirate group is an extremely large force, the entire pirate group has more than 1,600 people, divided into 16 detachments, and the captain of each detachment is very strong.

And under the Whitebeard Pirates, there are 43 affiliated pirate groups.

Whitebeard's islands are also mostly guarded by his men, and if they want to occupy Whitebeard's power, they need to defeat all these forces.

It's just that the white-bearded pirate group without the pillar of Whitebeard, although huge, is like a giant without a backbone, and can only be reduced to nourishment for others' growth.

Apparently, Marko also knew this, so when Chernos offered to let the people of the Whitebeard Pirates give up the territory, he did not refute a word, but silently left with Whitebeard's corpse.

Originally, Marko wanted to bury Whitebeard on the island next to the Sphinx, because this is where Whitebeard said when he was alive that he wanted to be buried.

It's just that now Chernos is on Sphinx Island, and it seems that he plans to use Sphinx Island as a base camp, which also makes Marko not very comfortable burying Whitebeard here.

In desperation, he could only choose a small island with very beautiful scenery and bury the white beard first.

All the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and 43 affiliated captains all went to the island to attend Whitebeard's funeral, and almost all of them had sadness on their faces, but their emotions were more anger.

"Marko, daddy is dead, and those of us who are sons have to avenge daddy for anything!"

"Marko, I propose to gather all the captains and captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and go together to kill Chernos, in the battle with Daddy, Chernos can't be injured at all, and now is the best time for us to kill him and avenge Daddy."

"Yes, we can't continue to delay time, now the longer we delay, the less chance we have to kill Chernos, we must do it now!"


Seeing that all the captains were excited, intending to take action while Chernos was injured and avenge their father, Marko was not so optimistic.

You must know that when Chernos and Daddy fight, although Daddy's strength has declined somewhat, not as good as at its peak, but the strength is still unparalleled in the world, in this case, Chernos can kill Daddy, the strength can be described as unfathomable.

And Chernos is only in his teens now, and his body at this age, no matter what injuries or diseases, can recover quickly by relying on his body alone.

As long as Chernos recovers half of its strength, these people are not opponents of the other party, if they recover more, then they go to Chernos to take revenge, it is simply to send them to death.

It is precisely because of this that Marko has been silent, and now he has the greatest influence in the Whitebeard Pirates, and he is worried that because of one of his decisions, the entire Whitebeard Pirates will be destroyed.

After pondering for a while, Marko stood up and asked everyone: "Chernos' strength is very strong, once he recovers, we will go to fight Chernos, that is, to send him to death."

Now, let me ask you a question, are you ready to die?

Everyone present looked at Marko with firm eyes.

Everyone said in unison, "We are ready to die!"

After Marko listened, he took out a jug of wine from his waist and poured it in front of Whitebeard's grave.

"Dad, you also see that all your sons are good, all of them intend to die for you, since this is the case, then I have no way to obey your will.

Everyone is ready to set off at once to fight Chernos and avenge Daddy!!

After that, Marko slammed the wine jug in his hand to the ground, raised his right hand, and roared loudly.

"Avenge Daddy!!"

Everyone present also roared in unison, "Avenge Daddy!!

"Marko knows that there is a high probability that there will be no return this time, but so what, without the white-bearded pirate group, can it still be called the white-bearded pirate group?

Can't you blade the enemy with your hand and watch the father-killers flaunt their might on their territory, and those of them who are sons are living in humiliation in order to survive?

Instead of living so depressed, it is better to fight with Chernos, if you can help Whitebeard take revenge, even if all of them are dead as sons, so what!

In the excited crowd, a person also kept shouting the slogan of avenging Whitebeard and cutting Chernos, but his eyes kept moving, as if thinking about something.

Someone on the side patted him on the shoulder and shouted at the man: "Tichy, we are going to prepare, the captains and captains are all planning to leave later, and go directly to Chernos to fight!"

We had to go to the ship first to prepare. Tiqi

smiled cheekily: "Okay, let's go and make preparations!" After

everyone had boarded the ship, Marko gathered all the captains and captains into one ship and prepared for the crusade meeting.

Marko said to the crowd, "Before we left, Chernos told me that he wanted us to give up all the territory, but the territory of our Whitebeard Pirates is not so easy to eat.

We have many territories and are widely distributed, Chernos has just become the Five Emperors, and there are not many members of the pirate group under his command, and if you want to take our territory, you will definitely send most of the members around you.

At this time, the crew around him should be the least, and this is also the best time for us to attack him!

I have received news that Chernos is now on the island of Sphinx and is planning to heal there, and our people on the island have told us that we have seen Chernos's men leave the island by boat, apparently to take over our territory.

Therefore, what we have to do is very simple, that is, take advantage of the fact that there is no one around Chernos, directly concentrate all the combat power, and besiege Chernos together.

Even if Chernos' strength is stronger than ours, but now he is injured, plus most of the members are not around, in this case, Chernos surrounded by us, we can consume him!

Everyone heard Marko's plan and all nodded in agreement.

Now is indeed the best time for them to seek revenge on Chernos, and once this opportunity is missed, after allowing Chernos to recover, they will not have a chance to avenge Whitebeard.

After all, the most famous thing about Chernos is his growth rate, in a very short period of time, he has grown to the strongest position in the world, such a growth rate that even the former whitebeard has never had.

After deliberating, the plan, which Marko named the battle of revenge and beheading, officially began!

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