At this time, Chernos did not know that Marko and the other whitebearded remnants were planning to surround him, because he was now busy studying the energy of the Time Shock.

This move, which can temporarily block time and space, was actually inadvertently developed by Whitebeard.

Whitebeard has a pocket watch, and during a voyage, he stared at the second hand of the pocket watch, and felt that the beating rhythm was very interesting, so he used the fruit ability in his body to beat with the second hand.

After his fruit ability jumped for a while, he found that all the people around him had stopped, but everyone seemed to be frozen.

This discovery also made Whitebeard's stop beating of the fruit's ability, and the people around him recovered and resumed their actions again.

It's just that after that time, none of the people around him found out that he used the fruit ability, nor did they know that they were fixed, that is, the people around him were suspended at that moment.

When he used this move, he didn't consume or damage, just as simple as breathing.

It's just that after that, Whitebeard no longer has a way to enter that state, and the time earthquake developed according to this opportunity, there is no way to really suspend space-time, but can only make space-time extremely slow.

And when he uses the Time Shock, the controlled person can still see him in action and can still think, which is a castrated version that he inadvertently made before.

But even in the castrated version, the power of this move Time Shock is so powerful that almost no one can resist it, plus the consumption of using Time Shock is too great, after use, even with a white-bearded inhuman physique, it also needs to rest for a while before it can continue to be used.

And in such a dangerous place as the New World, once he has no way to fight for a while, then he is likely to be killed, especially a sea thief like him.

Therefore, Whitebeard did not continue to delve into it and developed a real time-space pause.

Whitebeard didn't hide anything about this, and told Chernos everything, because he hoped that Chernos could develop a real time pause and defeat the real strongest in the world.

On the first day that Chernos came to the island, he studied the time shock used by Whitebeard, the principle is actually very simple, his fruit ability as long as it vibrates according to the frequency of the second hand vibration, you can follow the use of Whitebeard, walk forty-nine steps, and complete the resonance of space-time energy, you can make the time shock out.

Chernos also tried this method, but halfway through the use, Chernos stopped and continued.

Now he finally knows how perverted Whitebeard is, the consumption of this move is too terrifying, even if he turns on the absorption ability, but still can not resist the consumption of this move, which makes his physical strength lose rapidly, once the physical strength is lost, then it will begin to consume life force.

And his current physical strength can only last until he completes about thirty steps at most.

In other words, if he wants to use this move, he must consume life force!

Such a move is obviously abnormal, no one can use this move completely, and this move is also very damaging to the body, because the body has always maintained a state of resonance with the time shock space, resulting in his body always needing to be in a state of concussion.

Such a state of concussion is extremely damaging to the body, whether it is muscles, bones or internal organs, it will be damaged.

Using this trick is simply killing the enemy for a thousand and self-destructing eight hundred.

How exactly can you use Whitebeard's ability to pause time without damage?

With Whitebeard's personality, it should be impossible to lie to him.

But how do you get into that lossless state of time suspension?

It is also according to the vibration of the second hand into the state of time pause, why one can directly pause the surrounding time really, the consumption is extremely small, and it does not damage the body.

One is extremely consuming, has great limitations, and will damage the body?

Thinking about it, Chernos felt that his head was getting bigger and his head hurt a lot.

But this is also normal, if it is simple, there is no reason why Whitebeard cannot be developed in these decades.

In the past, he developed fruit ability, it is very simple to say, see what similarities his fruit ability and anime characters in his previous life, if there are any similarities, then directly according to the ability of anime characters to develop, which is equivalent to having a reference direction, so development is also very simple.

But now, in the face of abilities that he had never seen before, without a reference direction, he suddenly did not know how to develop it.

Chernos sighed, let's take it slowly, if such an anti-heavenly trick as letting time pause can be simply developed, then he will really be invincible.

If he developed this ability, there would be no need for him to wait for the robot army to be established, and directly kill the Holy Land Mary Joa alone, directly kill Im, and the slave Draco.

It's a pity that if only things could be that simple.

Thinking of this, Chernos shook his head, got up and walked towards the door, and began to enjoy the rare leisure time.

Since he came to this world, he has hardly stopped, and has been running around, either trying to develop fruit abilities every day, or staying up physically, or fighting enemies.

Until now, I have hardly stopped to rest.

This time, he took advantage of the injury to find an excuse for himself to rest, stop for a while, and take a break.

Otherwise, he is also worried that he is like a taut bowstring, and if it is stretched for too long, it may break.

And he also has a rare opportunity to be alone with Hancock and Willow Ji, this time taking advantage of the rest, he can cultivate a good relationship with the two people, and maybe take advantage of the absence of the other members to take them both.

Thinking of this, Chernoston was still a little excited in his heart.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he shouted with a smile: "Liu Ji, I feel a little uncomfortable, I need to be treated..." "

Mr. Captain, Sister Liu Ji and Sister Hancock have gone shopping in town, if you are uncomfortable, I can also help you!"

Robin was sitting in the doorway, holding a book in his hand, looking at Chernos with a mocking face.

Chernos looked at Robin, who only reached his chest, and she had not yet grown up, and looked at the ordinary airport, and couldn't help sighing.

"Forget it, you can't cure my disease now, come and help me treat it when you grow up!"

Little Robin raised his eyebrows, his index finger gently brushed his lips, and he put on a charming expression with his childish face, "Although I am small, I should have everything, I should understand, I also understand it!"

It just so happens that the two sisters are not at home, Mr. Captain, are you sure you don't want me to help you treat? "

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