After Chernos was grabbed by his fist, he looked at Im in disbelief.

But then he also understood that Whitebeard must have fought against Im and used the Time Shock, but at that time, this trick was cracked by Im.

Now Chernos came up with the same move against Im, which definitely didn't work.

Although Time Shock does not work, but Chernos does not plan to give up just like that, he has already defeated Whitebeard and Karp, as long as he defeats Im again, he is the real strongest in this world.

After becoming the strongest, it was time for him to liquidate the sins of the Draco.

Chernos swung his left fist and smashed towards Im's head, but before Chernos' fist could hit Im's body, a tentacle-like stream of water emerged from Chernos's back, pulling Chernos' arm, and several streams of water appeared behind Chernos, firmly imprisoning Chernos' body.

Chernos just wanted to use his power to disperse the water entangled around his body, but when Chernos tried hard, he found that his body could not exert his strength, and he also broke away from the state of fruit awakening.

At this time, Im threw his hand and smashed Chernos to the ground, and then stepped on Chernos's head, pulling Chernos' arm hard, so that Chernos could not move at all, once moved, his head would be torn off by Im.

Im leaned over to Chernos and said, "You're not bad, like Whitebeard... No, you are better than Whitebeard, and you have developed this fruit ability very well, and it can even be said that the owner of this fruit, no one has been able to develop as powerful as you since ancient times.


In my eyes, you, like Whitebeard, are still rubbish!

Even if you develop the fruit to the extreme, you still can't defeat me, understand?"

Go be the next unambitious whitebeard, if you still jump like this, I don't mind taking the time to erase you!

After that, Im lowered Chernos' arm and walked directly to the ship with Chernos' head.

Everyone present fell silent, Chernos' strength was the strongest among them, but in Im's hands, like a child, he casually fell to the ground.

Is such an existence, an existence that is desperately powerful, the strongest in the real world?

How can such a person be defeated?

Shanks lowered his head, he had long known about the existence of Im, and it was precisely because of this that he did not dare to eat the Devil Fruit to make his strength stronger, because the other party was the natural water fruit ability that restrained all the Devil Fruit abilities.

No one with fruit ability can ever defeat the other because...

All Devil Fruit Abilities are afraid of water!

Im, who can freely control the seawater, is the nemesis of all Devil Fruit abilities!

It's just that he is domineering alone, and it is difficult to defeat Im, alas, Captain, can I really only wait for the person you prophesied to appear?

Is there no other way?

I'm so unwilling!

The five old stars did not take advantage of Yim's presence to make a move on the other four emperors, but said to the Warring States: "Bring all the navies and follow us!"

After the five old stars finished speaking, they also walked straight towards the ship, without even paying attention to the interest of the other four emperors.

When the five old stars walked to Chernos's side, everyone else passed by the Cherokes lying on the ground indifferently, only the five old stars with the knife glanced at the Chernos with interest.

It's just that he didn't say anything, silently followed the other five old stars, and walked onto the ship.

Sengoku left with the other admirals, and he personally went to carry the seriously injured Karp and boarded the ship of the five old stars.

This time, Lord Im actually came, which also shocked the Sengoku, who originally applied for the vacancy of serving as the general marshal of the whole army in the World Government to help him win this battle and solve the threat of pirates in the New World once and for all.

But the void did not appear, but came Im and the five old stars.

This also made the Warring States a little puzzled, why Yim did not kill Chernos, even the other four emperors present, you must know that if you kill these four emperors, then in the future, the navy can attack the New World in a big way, and these stubborn diseases are generally cleaned up by pirates.

But looking at Im's attitude just now, it seems that he doesn't want to eliminate these pirates, and even let Chernos become a whitebeard and let Chernos dominate the world of pirates, why?

After watching the navies leave, Shanks sighed and walked towards Chernos, who was still lying on the ground.

A proud son like Chernos has hit the strongest position in the world all the way, which also makes Chernos proud, but such a proud son of heaven was severely stepped on by Im, in the true sense of the word.

How big a blow this is to a heavenly pride like Chernos, you can imagine.

"Chernos, they're gone, I'm leaving, I have to go and rescue my crew, I know you're feeling very bad right now, but I still have to remind you, watch out for Kaido and Auntie!"

After Shanks finished speaking, looking at Chernos motionless on the ground, he couldn't help but sigh again.

After Shanks and them left, Aunt Kaido also walked towards Chernos.

However, Kaido and Aunt rarely took advantage of the bad state of Chernos to start, but stood by Chernos' side for a long time, seemingly thinking about something.

Kaido suddenly spoke, "In the Valley of the Gods, Karp and Roger did not defeat our captain Lokes, they just defeated us crew. After

that, Kaido and Aunt also left the island, and their crew members were taken away by the navy, and they needed to rescue them.

When everyone had left and Chernos was left on the island of the naval headquarters, Chernos' eyes suddenly looked around, and only after confirming that there was no one around, not even Morgans' seagulls, did he sit up from the ground and frown in thought.

The reason why he was lying on the ground just now, and even looking confused and collapsed, was actually for the world government, the navy and the other four emperors, he wanted these people to think that he was because he couldn't accept the blow of being defeated by Im.

In fact, when Chernos fought against Im, he didn't have the idea of defeating Im in his heart, he just wanted to test Im's strength.

He had thought that Im's strength was very strong, but what he didn't expect was that Im's strength was so strong, it was a little beyond his imagination.

The natural water fruit real ability, but also has an extremely terrifying domineering, is simply a combination of Karp and Whitebeard, no, it should be said that it is even more terrifying than the combination of the two of them.

The water fruit that restrains all the fruit ability is the domineering of the world, how can such a guy be defeated?

After thinking for a while, Chernos felt a little headache, such a guy felt as if he was invincible, there was no defect, and if he wanted to defeat the other party, he didn't know where to start!

Then, Chernos suddenly remembered what Kaido had just said, thought about it for a while, and felt that Kaido would definitely not just say this to him so simply.

Kaido means that Rocks was defeated by Im?

At this time, a flash of inspiration flashed in Chernos' head.

Is there a possibility that Lockes is Im???

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