At this time, after sensing the appearance of a news bird in the air around him, Chernos immediately lay down, returned to his half-dead appearance just now, and lay on the ground and continued to think cranky.

What Yim meant just now should be that he thought that Chernos was a fruit ability, and in front of Im, who had the ability to restrain all fruits, no matter how he developed the demon fruit, there was no way to threaten Im.

But isn't the future Wang Luffy also a fruit ability?

Can Luffy Wang and I can't?

After Chernos saw in his previous life that Wang Luffy's fruit was actually in the form of Nika, he had a few greetings from Oda's relatives in his heart that he wanted to send him.

Now that he has developed his fruit ability to the level of awakening, even if he meets Wang Luffy, who awakens Nika form in the future, he does not think that he will lose to Wang Luffy.

But why can Wang Luffy become the protagonist?

Except for his identity as Karp's grandson and the son of the dragon, Chernos couldn't see anything special about him, the only special thing was the fruit of Wang Luffy.

At the beginning, because of the mood of fucking, Chernos also went to learn more about Wang Luffy's Devil Fruit ability, although it is very strong, although it is also very interesting, it is also about the same level as Kaido.

And he can now hang Kaido.

How will that bastard Oda win such a perverted Im in the future?

Alas, I don't understand!

I can only take one step at a time, anyway, let's find a way to improve my strength again.

Anyway, now that Yim didn't kill him, he should think that he, like Whitebeard, has developed his fruit ability to be almost invincible, and can be regarded as the strongest in the world on the bright side, helping him stop those ambitious pirates.

Once he has ambitions that he shouldn't have, Im can easily clean him up, just like Lockes once was...


In this way, Lockes should not be Im, but also the strongest person in the world selected by Im, helping him suppress those restless pirates, just like Whitebeard before, just like him now.

When Lockes had the restless idea of challenging Im's status and becoming the king of the world, the Valley of the Gods War broke out, arranging for Karp and Roger to be the heroes who defeated Locks, while he continued to hide behind the scenes.

In this way, the existence that could threaten Im was eliminated by him.

As for Roger, who became One Piece, there is no threat to him, because Roger is a free man and has not established any power, such a person will not come to compete for his status.

So he can continue to rule the world and use it as his amusement park!

Not long after, the Vareth Pirates, who finally arrived, rushed to the naval headquarters that had turned into bare land, found Chernos, and carried Chernos back to the pirate ship.

"Chernos, are you all right?"

"Chernos, what the hell is going on?"

"Chernos, did Karp beat you? Or will the world government come forward and send people to deal with you together?

"No, if Chernos is defeated, he should be captured by the Navy now, it will become proof of the Navy's show of force, but Chernos is lying on the ground unharmed, it should be that Cheros won, and now it should be exhausted!"

The members discussed with frowns as they carried the Chernos to the ship.

On the way to be carried on the boat by his companions, Chernos did not say a word, still looking half-dead, and his appearance was also recorded by the news bird in the distant air.

It wasn't until the Chernos was carried into the cabin that the newsbird stopped to take pictures, flew off into the distance, and sent the photos back to the agency.

After waiting in the cabin, the members all looked at Chernos with great worry, and they could all see that Chernos' mood was not quite right, and he looked like he was going to die.

It even gave people a very sad feeling, which had never been encountered in Chernos.

In the past, Chernos gave them the feeling of being the sharpest sword, usually hidden in the scabbard and very gentle, and when it was critical, it would reveal his sharpest side, piercing everything in front of him.

Now, the sharpest sword seems to have worn out, becoming no longer sharp.

Hancock said to Chernos with some concern: "

Chernos, in the end..." Before Hancock's words were finished, Chernos got up from the ground, closed his eyes to sense everything around him, and only after finding that there was no surveillance, did he open his eyes and say to his companions around him.

"I beat Karp, but... I lost at the hands of a man who easily defeated me!

The members looked at Chernos in shock, "What? Have you been 'easily' defeated? "

Everyone on the ship knows how strong the Chernos is, and the Chernos is also the kind of strength that makes them almost desperate, even if the people on their ship unite now, they will not be Chernos' opponents.

But such an almost invincible Chernos was actually defeated by someone, and it was defeated 'easily'?

How is this possible?

Everyone suddenly had no way to accept it, not even Bichenos.

Seeing the shocked looks of his partners, Chernos couldn't help but laugh: "Is it normal for me to be defeated, okay?" I'm not yet invincible.

But it doesn't hurt to be defeated, at least to know how strong the enemy really is.

After returning this time, we will become the second group of white-bearded pirates, cultivate in the new world, and develop their power, but there is no ambitious kind.

Everything, wait until my strength becomes stronger!

Although everyone did not know what Chernos had gone through, after hearing that Chernos planned to do so, they did not refute it, but nodded and agreed.


At the same time, Morgans, who was at the newspaper office, was watching the news bird pass back photos and messages.

Seeing Chernos' confused look in the photo, Morgan couldn't help sighing.

"It seems that the next Whitebeard has appeared!"

Then, Morgan gritted his teeth and took out a box of matches, ready to destroy all the photos and intelligence materials he captured.

But until he burned the match in his hand to his feathers, he could not bear to burn the information.

After hesitating for a long time, Morgans chose to pack all the intelligence materials of this war into a file bag, bring it back to his room, and seal this information in his top-secret safe.

There are two more copies of intelligence materials lying in his top-secret safe, which he is reluctant to destroy and cannot see the light, and he hides them in the top-secret safe as a collection.

Morgans looked at the three materials that had just been put in, and couldn't help but show an obsessive smile, if the future world sees these materials, I believe their understanding of this world will definitely be subverted, right?

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