On the Chambord Islands, Crystal Knife is taking Luki to the naval base on the island.

At this time, on the naval garrison base of the Chambord Islands, a large number of people in black suits were standing in the naval base waiting, and these people exuded a terrifying murderous aura that made people shudder.

Jing Dao walked directly in front of everyone and said to the men in suits: "This mission is very dangerous, you are allowed to use all kinds of means, as long as you can capture the revolutionaries."

Here I also give you an intelligence, this time the target is very powerful, if you meet, the first time to find a way to send a signal, do not think about greedy for yourself, form a team, multiple people to cooperate together is a very good choice.

The target figures this time are the leader of the revolutionaries, the dragon, and the disciples of Chernos, except for these two people, after the other characters meet, you can choose to give up.

One thing I have to remind you in particular is that Kaido's daughter Yamato is also on this island, after encountering, don't kill her, otherwise we will have big trouble, others you feel free!

After Jing Dao finished speaking, he took out Luo's portrait drawn by Luo, "Everyone engraved the person in this portrait in their minds, this is a disciple of Chernos, and it is also the breakthrough point of our mission, his strength is not strong, as long as we can catch him, our mission can be regarded as a complete success."

Do you understand? The

CP members in black suits all stared at Luo's portrait, and a trace of heat flashed in their eyes.

The level of the mission this time is very high, and the people involved are either disciples of the head of the four emperors or dangerous figures such as the leader of the revolutionaries, but the higher the high-level task, the greater the reward once it is completed.

What's more, there are also breakthroughs such as Chernos disciples, which also make them full of confidence in completing the task.

The crystal knife continued to say to everyone: "There is an important piece of information here, that is, in the Chambord Islands, there is the former One Piece's deputy Hades Renly, he has a good relationship with Chernos, and it is very likely that he will protect the disciples of Chernos, you must be careful when completing the task." After

those people in the CP organization heard the news, they immediately frowned, everyone has heard of the name of Hades Renly, if Hades Renly is there, the difficulty of their task will skyrocket.

"Now the main target, the disciples of Chernos are on Island 13 of the Chambord Islands, and Renly is also there, while the other target mission dragon has not yet appeared, according to the intelligence, it should appear in a day, each of them is ready, and the meeting is dispersed!"

As soon as the voice of the crystal knife fell, all the CP personnel in the naval base disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Looking at them, Lu Qi's eyes narrowed, it seems that he used to underestimate the members of other CP organizations, and there are still many powerful people in the organization.

Several of them gave him a sense of threat, something he had never encountered before.

If these people are his opponents, then even he is estimated to be difficult to deal with.

I just don't know if that disciple of Chernos can withstand the round-up of these people.

He asked the crystal knife: "Lord, if you let so many people out, won't you beat the grass and startle the snake?"

Jing Dao smiled, "Don't worry, these people are the ones who let them feel at ease, let them think that what we sent out is still the same goods as before, which will make them relax their vigilance."

Our real killing move is no longer among these people, but behind!

Saying that, Jing Dao led Lu Qi towards the office building of the naval base, and in the hall of the office building, several people were sitting on chairs resting, these people were completely different from the CP personnel who stood straight and looked like soldiers just now.

Some put their feet on the table, some are drinking, and some are reading novels.

It can be said that none of these people in the naval office building have a positive shape.

The only person who sat up straight was a man dressed in a navy jacket, except that his eyes were also covered by blindfolds, and he could even hear a slight snoring.

After Jing Dao walked in, he directly clapped his palms and said to everyone: "What I said outside just now, I think you have heard it, so I won't repeat it."

Let me tell you a little, our main target this time is the dragon, according to intelligence, the dragon will come to the Chambord Islands in a day, but the scouting ability of that group of rats is also very strong, do not rule out the possibility that the dragon will arrive early, we have to prepare on Island 13, once the dragon appears, we will immediately surround.

The dragon's devil fruit is very tricky, it is very difficult to capture him, don't trust your strength too much, you should use the sea lou stone weapon given to you by the organization, don't miss any opportunity to capture the dragon.

If Renly helps out at that time, then you can split two people to entangle him so that he can't help the dragon.

Also, remember not to kill the disciples of Chernos, this is very important, understand? The

CP members in the office building all nodded and walked directly outside.

The crystal knife continued to say to the navy wearing the blindfold: "General Kuzan, after this operation starts, you will be troubled to freeze all the nearby seas, so that the dragon has no way to leave by boat, and you are also responsible for blocking the back road of the dragon, understand?"

That navy was the newly promoted admiral Kuzan, who raised his blindfold and said to the crystal knife: "It's no problem that I'm responsible for blocking the dragon's back road, but I've dealt with the dragon, and it's very difficult to capture him, and I may not be able to keep him."

The crystal knife stared into Kuzan's eyes, "As long as you don't release water!" "

Long used to be a person in the navy, and was even known as the most likely person to take over as the next generation of naval marshals, but no one thought that dragon directly defected from the navy and became the most vicious criminal.

This is arguably one of the biggest scandals in the Navy.

Just in the face of the dragon, the Navy rarely goes all out to hunt down, because the dragon has a well-known naval hero father, Karp!

In this operation, Crystal Dao originally wanted to let Sakaski come over to help, but Sakaski is now on another mission.

As for Borusalino and Zefa, he didn't think at all that one was too slippery and the other was too old, and neither of them could help them in this battle.

In this way, the only person he can find is Kuzan.

If Kuzan doesn't release water, then his frozen fruit ability can definitely help them a lot.

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