[Now that the world government knows the news of our meeting, I am here to say sorry to you, the location of the Hades manufacturing drawings, just as a gift to compensate you. ]

Because the news leaked from my side, I have a spy of the world government by my side.

Regarding this, I deliberately intend to use this spy for a certain purpose.

Now is not the time for us to cooperate, you are fledgling, my strength is not strong enough, even if we cooperate now, there is no way to shake the world government, each of them develops.

In the future, when your wings are full, when I am strong enough, we may be able to overthrow the world government together and fight against Im's rule together!"

Dragon saw the letters in the document and frowned.

Now that Chernos is recognized as the strongest in the world, even the other four emperors have to avoid it, but as powerful as Chernos, he actually claims that his strength is not strong enough?

It seems that Chernos should have fought against that person, but he lost, and he lost miserably, otherwise Chernos would not have made such a sigh, and would not have said that his strength was not strong enough.

The water of the world government is deeper than expected!

After sighing, he then looked at the letter.

[This time the news leaked out, the world government has also made a big move, you should be able to detect that if you arrive in the Chambord Islands in advance, then after reading the letter, leave and lead your men to leave, go to the capital of the seven waters, and explain the situation to Tom the shipbuilder truthfully, with Tom's deep understanding of righteousness, it should not be a problem for him to destroy the drawings of Hades. ]

If you want him to hand over the Hades drawings to you, it is estimated that it will be difficult, and you can grasp this yourself.

Here, I would like to make a small request to you, can you take Tom away while the CP organization is all attracted to the Chambord Islands?

He is a talent, if he continues to stay in the capital of seven waters, there is only one end waiting for him, that is, he will be executed by the world government, and it would be a pity if such a talent died.

Tom's name, the dragon has also heard of it.

Now Tom is developing an incredible technology, sea train technology.

This is the technology that the world government has always dreamed of, and in order to connect all the islands, even spending hundreds of years, it intends to build bridges between the islands, in order to be able to connect all the islands so that they can rule.

With this technology, this will greatly reduce their idea of connecting all the islands.

For this reason, they are even willing to let Tom, who should have been executed, continue to live and let him develop this technology.

He is even willing to promise that if Tom develops this technology, he will pardon Tom for building a pirate ship for the former One Piece, and acquit Tom.

But no matter how important this technology is, there is no way to compare with the ancient weapon Hades, the sea train technology will only make their rule more convenient, and the ancient weapon Hades may destroy their rule, which is more important, the world government can still screw it out.

As long as they find out that Tom has the Hades drawings in his possession, then the world government will definitely get the Hades drawings in their hands at any cost.

Even if they don't build it themselves, they must be in their hands.

For this, sacrificing a Tom is nothing to them.

At that time, Tom's fate is likely to be executed by the world government as Chernos said.

Such a talent world government is not a pity, but they are very eager to join their revolutionaries, although it will not directly enhance their strength, but it will bring them a lot of hidden benefits.

Such talent, without Chernos saying, he also wants to take it in.

Thinking of this, the dragon said to the others in the bar: "Chernos has something I need to do, and I have to hurry, sorry everyone, I have to leave first."

Luo, after you go back, tell your teacher and say that I am looking forward to the time when I can cooperate with him!

After the dragon finished speaking, he bowed slightly to everyone, and then, a fresh breeze blew through, and the dragon's figure disappeared with the breeze.

Xia Qi held her chin and said with a smile: "It seems that the two people of Chernos and the dragon have reached a preliminary consensus, it's really good, it's a pity that I can't see what Chernos wrote to the dragon, it can actually make the dragon have such a big reaction, it's really curious!"

Luo said with a smile: "The relationship between Aunt Xia Qi and the teacher, just make a call and ask directly, presumably the teacher will not hide from you!"

"Your little mouth really inherited your teacher, really can talk, well, although a little reluctant to let you go."

Now there are people from the world government everywhere outside, and if I stay, I guess my little bar will have to be demolished!

Renly, take them out of here from the waterway, pay attention, they are all Devil Fruit powers!

Reilly said helplessly: "Don't forget my current profession, I am a coater!"

Xia Qi glanced at Renly, "Your profession is not the goods of human traffickers?

"That's a game when you're bored, and besides, what are you talking about in front of your children?" Reilly was ruthlessly demolished by Xia Qi, and also looked a little embarrassed, turned to the two and said: "I'll go to prepare first, Xia Qi still has something for you, after you take it, come and find me!"

With that, Renly walked towards the back of the bar, pushed a wine bottle, opened a secret passage and walked down.

And Xia Qi also took out two gifts from under the bar and handed them to the two.

"This time, because of your teacher's task, you can't stay here longer, and I can't treat you well, so I prepared a gift for you in advance, and when I come next time, I will treat you well."

Hearing Xia Qi say this, the two did not pretentiously refuse, but directly accepted the gift.

Luo received a large fast knife twenty-one work, the whole blade body was as white as snow, it didn't look like a knife, more like a knife for decoration.

And the blade of this knife is also very strange, the position of the blade coming out of the entire blade is black, like a black line, and the rest of the place is as white as snow.

"This knife is called Xueyin, it is a big fast knife specially made for a doctor, I heard that you used to be a medical family, and the Devil Fruit is also about doctors, so I found you this knife as a gift, I hope you like it!"

"This is too precious, I..." "This

is a meeting gift, you can't refuse!"

Hearing Xia Qi say this, Luo Cai bowed deeply to Xia Qi again and thanked him.

Then he turned his head to look at Yamato who had not moved for a long time, "Yamato, what gift did you receive?" "

Ah~ that... This..."

Yamato was so frightened that the whole person jumped up, hurriedly put the gift behind him, his face was red, and his mouth was full of thoughts for a long time, but he couldn't say anything.

Xia Qi smiled and gave Luo a snap of his fingers, "This is a secret between women, don't ask, let's go, come and play next time!" "

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