"Tom, let me ask you again, where is your disciple?" Crystal Knife asked sharply towards Tom.

But Tom still ignored him and continued to debug the machine.

The Tom Smoke, which originally had various problems, has begun to sail smoothly at sea under Tom's commissioning.

Seeing that Tom completely ignored the meaning of the crystal knife, it also made a trace of anger flash in the eyes of the crystal knife, and now that Tom's two disciples were not there, it meant that Tom had handed over the drawings to the dragon along with his two disciples.

"Don't delay time any longer, if you delay time any longer, not only the capital of the seven waters you want to protect will die, but most of the countries in the world will die!"

Tom also noticed the impatience of the crystal knife, and quickly said to the crystal knife: "Just give me two more minutes, just two minutes!" I

saw Tom's fat fingers flying on various machines, quickly adjusting the machine, as if his fingers were dancing on the machine, full of a different kind of beauty.

It's just that the patience of the crystal knife has reached the limit, crystals appear on his palm, and these crystals continue to spread downward, and soon form the appearance of a crystal knife, and when the crystal knife is formed, he also walked in front of Tom and slashed at the console without hesitation.

Looking at the crystal knife that was chopping over, Tom stood up directly and blocked the crystal knife with his broad back.

After being attacked, Tom not only did not look pained, but smiled.

Ignoring the pain of the crystal knife still slashing into his flesh, he turned his head to the crystal knife and pleaded: "This Tom Smoke has been debugged and can be used directly, although the speed is a little slower, but there will be no problem."

I'll do whatever you want, but please don't spoil it, okay? This is the hope of the capital of seven waters to survive! Crystal

Dao and Luki were both shocked by Tom's behavior, and the two looked at Tom in disbelief, they did not expect that Tom was willing to do this for this train, for this capital of seven waters that did not wait to see him.

The crystal knife let go of the crystal knife in his hand, and the crystal knife suddenly turned into crystal chips and fell to the ground, and he turned around and walked outside the train.

"Lucie, when he drives the train back, take him to the ship!"

A smile appeared on Lu Qi's unchanged face, "Yes, my lord!" He

also sincerely admired this person who swore to build a ship and desperately wanted to save this island, and if he could, he did not want to attack such a person, let alone destroy this person and the hope of this island.

After Crystal Dao left, Lu Qi said to Tom: "You are lucky, you met Lord Crystal Dao, if you meet other people who like to destroy the hopes of others, it is estimated that your performance just now will only make them more eager to destroy."

Tom nodded thoughtfully, after living for so many years, he had encountered too many residues, and there were very few people like Crystal Dao who were willing to help him in the world government.

On the contrary, there are a little more good people in the navy that fights pirates on the front line.

"Thank you!"

Crystal Dao was willing to keep the sea train, and Tom also drove the train back very cooperatively, and as a fish man, he didn't even have the idea of jumping into the sea to escape.

Even though he knew that if he followed Lu Qi back, he would most likely die at the hands of the world government, but he still went back very cooperatively.

A few days later, Tom, who was tortured by the world government but did not open his mouth to say half a word, was also convicted by the government and executed on the Island of Justice.

On the same day, Tom's Smoke was officially activated by the Capital of Seven Waters, and began to travel between the Capital of Seven Waters and the Queen of Spring City, and the opening of the line also revived the capital of Seven Waters, and the shipbuilding companies of the Capital of Seven Waters also ended the tragic price war because of enough orders, and the residents of the island also because of the arrival of tourists, so that the residents who live in the City on the Water and cannot live by planting can also survive by serving tourists.

The capital of seven waters, alive!


Meanwhile, three people arrived in the enthusiastic Alabastan by boat.

Because without Klockdar to make trouble in this kingdom, King Kobra is a great monarch who loves his people like a son and is devoted to his people, which also makes the kingdom of Alabastan prosperous economically, the national strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the people's lives are getting better and better.

In the New World, I see that many of the inhabitants of the island eat and drink is a problem, but the people on this island have no worries about food and clothing, as long as they are willing to work and work hard, everything will slowly become better compared to life, the two are simply one in heaven and one in hell.

"Goohhahaha, this is indeed my favorite country, the warm desert style, always make me so obsessed!"

At this time, Anilu on the side was pulling out his ears and mocking Klockdar: "Playing sand, you like it here because your power can exert a stronger power here, and it has a half-dime relationship with this country!"

Klockdar glared at Anilu unpleasantly, "Backdrum, this operation doesn't need you to come over at all, if you talk more, I'll let Chernos recruit you back!"

Anilu said with a grin: "Recently I learned a good word from Chernos, which means that we are outside, and we can not listen to Chernos and act according to our own will." Although

Klockdar felt uncomfortable, there was nothing he could do with Anilu.

"Shaq, you also talk about this guy, save him from being screaming all the time!"

Shaq glanced at the two, "You two Jiyou guys are talking, don't take me with you, you guys feel free!" "

These two natural departments are notoriously good on the Varice Pirates, and if he says one of them, maybe in the end it will be set on fire by two people.

It's like two people quarreling and others go to help, no matter who they help, they are likely to end up not being human inside and out.

After seeing that Shaq was also unwilling to help him, Klockdar could only helplessly say to Anilu: "Our mission this time is very difficult for a guy like you, what we want is to make the mission fail when we use all our strength to compete for the main text of history."

You guy better not mess around, if you caused our plan to fail, then you go back and wait to be trained by Chernoster!"

Anilu opened his arms beautifully, raised his head and said, "Failure is indeed a simple and easy thing for you mortals, but it is indeed an extremely difficult thing for a god like me, but it is precisely because of this that I am coming, because it is full of challenges for me!"

"Chernos didn't call himself a god, you guy really thinks of himself as a god, and I don't know where your confidence comes from, forget it, I don't care about you guy, anyway, I reminded you, if you let the plan fail, you god will wait to meet the wrath of Chernos, I don't know if you dare to call yourself a god in front of Chernos at that time!"

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