In the royal palace of Albana, the capital of Alabastan, a little girl who looked like two or three years old was running around the palace corridor, and a man with large curly hair was behind her.

"Princess Vivi, be careful, don't fall!"

He looked at Vivi with full attention, not looking at his feet at all, but knocking himself down.

After watching the big curly hair fall, Vivi suddenly laughed.

"Ikalem is a big idiot, he can't walk, slightly!"

Vivi stuck out her tongue at Ikalem and continued to run mischievously, towards Kobra's palace.

"Father, Wei Wei has come to see you!"

Kobra, who was at work, looked at Vivi with pampering in her eyes.

"Weiwei, you're running around again disobediently, have you studied all today's lessons?"

Wei Wei raised her face and said proudly: "Those courses are a piece of cake for Wei Wei, Wei Wei has learned them all!"

Kobra was about to praise his daughter when Bell, the adjutant of the guard, walked in from outside the palace.

"Lord King, Admiral Red Dog and Yellow Ape are visiting, saying that they have important matters to discuss with you, and at this time people are already waiting for you in the side hall!"

Hearing the two admirals coming together, Kobra's brows suddenly furrowed.

He first said to Wei Wei: "Wei Wei is good, originally Dad wanted to reward you and play with you, but now there is no way, there are guests coming, I can only wait for Dad to greet the guests, and then play with you!"

Although Wei Wei was a little disappointed, she still said to Kobra sensibly: "Father go first, I can play by myself, but you have to promise me, after you receive guests, you have to come and accompany me!"

Kobra smiled and said, "No problem!

Just after leaving the palace where Vivi was, Kobra's expression became serious, and he asked Bell: "Two admirals are visiting together, something big must have happened, Bell, did you hear any wind?"

Bell slowly shook his head, "Nothing, the two suddenly came over, we don't know what happened, we can only know after seeing them." "

Unable to obtain any intelligence, the two can only passively respond, and now can only hope that the navy will bring good news, not bad news."

Soon the two came to the side hall, Kobra did not see him, heard his voice first, he laughed and walked towards the two admirals, and said to the two: "It's really rare, I don't know what kind of wind blew the two admirals to me."

Since the two distinguished guests are here, then I must do my best to be a landlord and invite you both to have a drink! When

Sakaski and Borusalino saw Kobra coming, they also got up to greet Kobra.

"King Kobra, we have come this time to explain to you that according to the information we have received, the head of the Four Emperors, Chernos, has set his sights on the historical text of your place and will send his men to attack you in the next two days.

We're here to help you preserve the text of history! "

The Neferutari clan of Kobra was once one of the twenty royal families who created the world government, and the Neferutari clan gave up staying in the Holy Land of Marijoa in order to protect this historical text, which is a secret to others, but to the world government, it is very well understood.

"Chernos? Wasn't O'Hara, which can read the text of history, destroyed? Even if Chernos obtains the text of history, he has no way to decipher the text on it, if he wants, I can let him print a copy! When

Kobra saw two admirals coming over, he originally thought it was something very important, but after hearing that it was because of the text of history, he relaxed.

In his opinion, there is no one in this world who can interpret the text of history, that is, Chernos got the text of history, and Chernos has no way to interpret it, let alone create it, just give it to him, save him from harming his people because of conflicts with Chernos' men.

Sakaski said with a serious expression: "No, he can read the text of history, Nicole Robin, the only demon son who survived from O'Hara, is by Chernos's side, as long as he gets the text of history, then the ancient weapon Hades will be reproduced by Chernos, and at that time, the safety of the entire world will be threatened by Chernos."

Kobra's face suddenly became ugly, if Chernos had someone around him who could interpret the text of history, then this battle seemed inevitable.

"When will they strike? Now what do we do? Kobra

, who originally thought that he had completed his mission to protect him, now found out that his family's mission had not yet been completed, and maybe his country would suffer from war because of this mission.

"I don't know, we don't have a way to confirm when they are coming, nor when they will attack, only that among the people they came this time, there are genius scientist Shaq and sand crocodile Klockdar!"

Kobra didn't know much about Shaq, but he knew Klockdar very well, and after this man came to Alabastan, he became the hero of Alabastan in a very short time.

And in addition to liking to do good deeds and leave a name, they are all good in other aspects, and they have protected the people of their country many times.

"Klockdar's character is good, let's try to communicate with the other party to see if we can impress Klockdar and make him give up this mission."

As long as he gives up, then the remaining genius scientist should be easy to deal with!

Borusalino said with a smile: "In the Kingdom of Kobra, Klockdar is a veritable pirate, the kind that eats people without spitting out bones, maybe this time the idea was made by him, how could he give up."

Please let go of those unrealistic ideas, otherwise, you will be more hurt and betrayed!

Just then, a loud laugh came from the top of the palace.

"Yehahaha, playing sand, this person really knows you!"

After hearing this sound, the faces of everyone in the palace became ugly, and they did not expect that the other party would come so quickly, and they came directly to the sky above the palace.

"Hmph, I am the hero of Alabastan, and now it is only natural for Alabastan to repay me with the text of history!"

"Don't fight back, finish the task early, I'll go back to study the drawings early, and I'm really looking forward to how the ancient weapon Hades is designed!"

Sakaski frowned, listening to the voice just now, it should be that the thunder god Anilu is also coming, this time it is tricky, the two of them do not have much chance of winning against Anilu and Klockdar, not to mention that there is a genius scientist.

Now in the situation of three to two, their winning surface is not big!

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