"Wow, the two nature departments of the navy are also there, you two are also nature departments, you go and drag them down, I will deal with the rest of the miscellaneous soldiers, and when I get the main text of history, we will leave!"

Klockdar and Anilu both laughed after looking at the two admirals.

"Nature plays nature, rightly, I have always heard that Sakaski's magma fruit is very powerful, just try it!"

Anilu shrugged, "Everyone who plays with sand has chosen an opponent, then I will deal with this guy who looks obscene!"

As soon as Anilu's words fell, the whole person turned into a ray of thunder and disappeared.

"Thunderbolt, it's also a speed type, it's really terrible, I hope I won't lose this time!" Borusalino formed a mirror in his hand, and his figure also made a laser light, constantly refracted in the air, as if teleporting, and rushed towards Anilu.

Seeing that the two had already fought, Klockdar stretched out his finger and ticked at Sakaski.

"The place here is too small, see that the two of us are not good to play, Sakaski, let's go, let's go outside and fight!"

Saying that, Klockdar pressed his palm on the wall on one side, and the incomparably solid wall instantly sanded, forming a huge hole.

Klockdar flew out towards the void, and he turned to look at Sakaski, who was not moving, and couldn't help but smile disdainfully.

"How? Scared? If you are afraid, then you can stay in this palace and wait for me to use the sand in the desert to submerge the whole of Albana!" After

hearing Klockdar's words, Sakaski had a little headache, they didn't expect that Chernos would send three people over, if only Klockdar and Shaq came over, the two of them could deal with it, and now send three, and the extra person is still the powerful Thunder Fruit ability Anilu, which makes them very embarrassed.

Borusalino's speed does not have any advantage in front of Anilu, the two people are likely to be even, and although his magma fruit restrains Klockdar's sand fruit, but this is the kingdom of Alabastan, a famous desert country, it is too difficult to win the sand fruit ability in the desert.

But even if they know, it is difficult for their navy to send three big generals to support Alabastan, now Kuzan is in the Chambord Islands, and Zefa has actually entered the retirement process, only waiting for the approval of the five old stars to retire, as for Karp, after the last battle, he has stayed in the East China Sea for a long time, it is called a good name to heal his wounds, he is indeed seriously injured, and the five old stars are not good to say anything about him.

For now, they can only do their best!

Thinking of this, he said to Kobra: "King Kobra, our navy has done its best, if you don't want the main text of history to fall into the hands of Chernos, then mobilize the power of your country and stop Shaq!" His

left arm turned into magma and chased after Klockdar.

Looking at the two admirals just now, they were like big enemies, and they looked like they were waiting for it, Kobra was also a little panicked, where in their country is there such a fighter whose combat effectiveness can be comparable to that of the admiral, how can they resist this person with glasses and looks Sven in front of him.

It's just that what Kobra doesn't know is that now Shaq across from him is also panicking.

Shaq took out a monitor that looked like a tablet and looked at it, and the more he looked at it, the more panicked his heart became.

Not because the defense of the kingdom of Alabastan is too strong, and the combat effectiveness of the guards is too high, but because the people of the entire royal palace ... Too weak!

He had heard Chernos say that the CP organization had a way to test combat effectiveness, that is, the Dao power test, for example, a naval soldier holding a weapon has a Dao power of 10.

He also developed a machine to detect people's combat effectiveness according to this Dao force test, and now this machine has scanned the entire palace and found that in the palace, the vast majority of people's Dao power has not reached 10, and the strongest one in the entire palace is the person standing in front of Kobra now.

But this person's Dao power is only about 400, and a robot created by his side by the way is... 1000!

And he has dozens of such robots, not to mention himself!

Two admirals dragged down the two of them, and none of the entire kingdom was able to defeat him, no, it should be said that there was not even a single one who could drag him down.

It is simply impossible to lose such a situation!

What to do?

Now what should I do?

How do I play in a game where I have to lose, but I can win while lying down?

Chernos also demanded that in this plan, they must exert all their strength to seize the main text of history, but before they can exert their strength, they are already about to win, if they use their full strength, then they must not directly snatch the entire kingdom of Alabastan back?

It's so hard to come out and do tasks, it's better to do experiments in the lab, that's much easier than doing tasks.

On the other side, both Kobra and Bell stared at Shaq warily, but after a long time, they found that Shaq just stayed in place and did not attack them, which also gave them an idea.

"Lord Kingdom, I know who this person is, he is the genius scientist Shaq under the command of Chernos, although the bounty is 300 million Bailey, but I heard that he has rarely participated in battles, and the reason why he was given such a high bounty is also because his research and development level is very high and he can create robots.

I remember very well that the Navy's bounty requirement for him was that he must be captured alive!

That is to say, the strength of this person is not necessarily strong!

Kobra's eyes suddenly lit up, "Bell, you mean, we can defeat this genius scientist?"

Bell nodded solemnly, "But Lord King, this Shaq has not made a move for a long time, and now the outside world does not know what his strength is, whether he can win him, I am not sure, but I will do my best to drag him down and do my best to defeat him!"

Although Bell's voice was small, Shaq, whose body had been mechanically modified, could still hear it clearly, and Bell's words also made Shaq's eyes light up.

Yes, although I am very strong in combat, I can even rank in the top three or top four in the pirate group, but this is unknown to the outside world, since this is the case, then I can act.

Just let this Bell think that they defeated me and guarded the palace?

But if I want the other party to defeat me, I have to make the other party not see the flaw, then I have to have a huge flaw.

With it, I can perform a person whose body is very weak and relies on other robots to fight, otherwise if my body strikes, I am afraid that I will suddenly give the slag with a Dao power of only 400 seconds.

Although the robot's Dao power is 1000, but put a little sea, and dozens of mistakes, the other party should be able to win, right?

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