Sengoku covered his head in despair, feeling remorse in his heart.

Only now that things have happened, he must face everything, to extract ten billion funds from the funds of the Navy, and send them to Chernos together with the hundred billion Bailey given by the world government.

You also have to guard against the attack of Kaido and Auntie.

If they fail to prevent it, they will not only get nothing, but also have to bear the wrath of Chernos, so to speak, if they are not careful, their naval headquarters will be gone!

The people present are also human spirits, and after seeing Kaido's reaction, they immediately reacted, they can completely not have to auction the auction items, they can directly rob the person who auctioned the auction items, so that not only do they not have to spend money, but they can also get treasures.

At this time, those people from other underground forces who were weak in terms of funds, but not weak in terms of force at all, all set their sights on those who participated in the auction, especially the king of usury, and the artificial devil fruit technology he auctioned was coveted by the people around him.

If they can obtain this technology, then their strength can be further advanced and rise to become the largest force under the Four Emperors.

And the safest in the entire auction was Shanks, who was bleeding heavily for a devil fruit, and everyone present would not offend this four emperors because of a devil fruit.

After the auction was over, Chernos said to everyone: "From now on, all of you can visit and play in the Golden City on your own, if you think it is good, you can also live directly in the Golden City, but a friendly reminder, all the entertainment facilities here, after tomorrow, you need to charge!"

I'm also going to watch the Fishman show on Fishman Island, and I wish everyone a great time in Golden City!

After that, Chernos bowed slightly to everyone and left the venue, and all the auction items of this auction were also sealed in gold safes, waiting for the person who auctioned the items to pay before giving them the items.

Shanks happily led his men to visit the Golden City, and as for the issue of mobilizing funds, he handed it to Beckman and Diamond Joz.

Tiqi in the red-haired pirate group said to the people around him: "I went to the toilet first, I didn't want to miss the auction just now, I have been holding back for a long time, I can't hold it anymore, you guys go to play first, I'll go over to find you later!" The

people around couldn't help but laugh as they watched Tichy holding the way he jumped underneath, but they didn't want to miss tonight's auction because of going to the bathroom.

Even if they were already members of the Four Emperors, tonight's auction really opened their eyes, so they all said to Tiqi with understanding: "Go, don't pull it in your pants!" Tichy

rushed out and scrambled everywhere, provoking his companions to laugh again.

After everyone from the red-haired pirate group went out to play, Tichy walked out from a hidden place, still holding a doll mask that he didn't know where to find.

"Chernos just said that he wants to go to Fishman Island to watch the Fishman show, and hopes to have the opportunity to talk to him!"

Although he said that he hoped to have a chance, his eyes were very firm, this time he would do whatever it took to obtain the dark fruit in the hands of Chernos!


Chernos sat on Turtle Royce and headed in the direction where Fishman Island was.

During the construction of the Golden City, Fisher discussed with Chernos and Tezzolo to move Fishman Island to a new world.

The former Fishman Island was below the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and not far away was the Chambord Islands, where human traffickers were prevalent, and the headquarters of the Navy, which was not suitable for the development of Fishman in such a place.

And Princess Otohime has always wanted to move Fishman Island to land, constantly launching speeches and lobbying for people, but with little success.

But if they move Fishman Island to the Golden City of the New World, not only can the fish people live on land, but the fish people can also sell various special items of Fishman Island to tourists from all over the world who come to Golden City to earn money to support themselves, and the fish people can also perform in the Golden City and receive the protection of the Golden City.

In this golden city with countless gold, Tezzolo's strength can be infinitely enlarged, becoming an existence second only to the four emperors, which can completely protect the safety of the fish people.

And the people of the Chernos Pirates will often come here to deal with things, shop and play, and also provide protection for the fish people of Fishman Island.

Especially Hancock and Liu Ji will often come to Golden City to shop, if they come, they will definitely bring Chernos over, if there is Chernos, who else in this world dares to be presumptuous here?

Not even the Draco, if the Draco dared to be presumptuous here, it was estimated that Chernos would directly unscrew their heads to kick as a ball.

What's more, Fisher himself will come to see the situation of the fish people if he is fine, and there will also be a group of fish people and pirates on Fishman Island to guard day and night, which also makes the fish people on Fishman Island can live safely on land and enjoy the beauty of the sun.

Moreover, the fish people can also communicate with the territory under Chernos, forming the beginning of the gap between humans and fish people!

Of course, Chernos and Tezzolo will not refuse Fisher's proposal, especially Tezzolo, who wishes that the fish man could come to the Golden City, which will become a highlight of the Golden City.

Soon, Chernos came to Fishman Island, saying that it is Fishman Island, in fact, it is just a big ship now, but this is also because the Fishmen have moved over for a shorter time, and over time, they will continue to move more things to build the real Fishman Island.

Recently, Fisher is also thinking of a way, planning to get out of the huge ark in their Fishman Island, and if he can move the entire ark over, he can make the Ark into the current Fishman Island.

When Chernos first came to Fishman Island, he was warmly welcomed, and the pirates present also roared excitedly when they saw the appearance of Chernos.

Facing these pirates who came to Golden City to play, Chernos also smiled and greeted them.

At this time, Doflamingo walked to Chernos' side with a step that the six relatives did not recognize, laughing.

"Fur, Chernos, our plan is going well, it is estimated that it will not be long before the whole new world will be chaotic again, I wonder how it is going over there?"

Hearing Doflamingo say that the plan went well, the smile on Chernos' face widened.

"My side is smoother, the Warring States offered a sky-high bid of 110 billion Bailey for the design of Hades, and Kaido 'suddenly' chose to abstain!"

Doflamingo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he understood why Chernos put the emphasis of his speech on the 'sudden' two, and laughed again.

"Fu Fu, it seems that I can see a big drama!"

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