The underground power bosses who walked out of the auction, all had different faces, some excited, some angry, some embarrassed, some grievance, and some longing.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all very fast, and they are still dialing with a phone bug in their hands.

"Hurry up, now immediately mobilize the strongest team in our forces to intercept the ship of the usury king, and rob me of all the money transported on board!"

"I am Field, immediately mobilize ten billion Bailey from the underground bank, find a way to transport it to the New World Golden City, the time is only one week, remember, there are bastards of other forces on the road will intercept, no matter what means are used, the money must be sent!"

"This time there will definitely be a lot of powerful people will mobilize their combat power to guard the money that needs to be transported, or to attack the ship that transports money, we are different, we will attack the territory of these people, if we can take the opportunity to take a few territories, we will make a profit this time!"


Almost every power is giving orders to their forces with different purposes, and the whole new world is beginning to become chaotic because of these orders.

The people under the king of usury loaded the money onto the ship according to the order, and sent a large number of men to guard the transport ship, but not long after leaving the base camp, they encountered people from other forces.

Halfway through the battle, the King of Usury had already gained a comprehensive advantage, but before they could be happy, people from a third party began to step in and join forces to attack the King of Usury.

Under such a series of offensives, the subordinates of the usury king also began to be overwhelmed and began to retreat.

Soon, the king of usury also received the news, and he quickly ran to find his aunt for help.

"Lingling, damn it, my transport ship is being attacked by people from other forces, can you send someone to help me? Once I can get my hands on the artificial fruit technology, I will definitely share the proceeds with you at that time!

Auntie didn't even think about it, so she directly refused.

"No, my people still have things to do later, and there is no way to help you!"

Kaido, who was standing next to Aunt at this time, suddenly spoke: "Field, I can send Jack to help you, but after you get the artificial devil fruit technology, I need you to give me a fifty percent benefit, and provide me with the artificial devil fruit, what do you think?"

After struggling for a few seconds, Field gritted his teeth and agreed, if there is a helper, it is better than nothing, now most of the forces are eyeing him, they don't need to do anything, just drag his ship and there is no way to reach the Golden City.

Once the usury king can't send money to Golden City on time, he will need to bear the wrath of the world's strongest Chernos.

With the small body of the king of usury, it is estimated that their entire power will be eliminated by Chernos, and then they can replace the position of king of usury.

The usury king certainly knew this, which is why he was willing to promise Kaido's lion a big opening.


After receiving a call from the Sea King, the Sea King's men stopped the transportation of goods and drove the ship towards the usury king's base camp, intending to loot the usury king's base camp.

But not long after they drove the ship out, they turned back again, because they received a call from the base camp that someone was invading the base camp of the sea king.

When the ships returned, they found that the base camp had been occupied by the enemy, led by Diamanti of the Don Quixote family and a group of Torepol cadres, and their goal this time was to take down the lucrative shipping industry, so the sea king became their first target.

After some fighting, either the Sea King's men were eliminated or subdued, and at this point, the Sea King disappeared, and the people who replaced him were the Don Quixote family.


On Happy Street, the troops of the revolutionary army appeared on Happy Street, causing countless people to flee in panic for a while.

It's just that the people of the revolutionary army were not interested in dealing with them, but rushed towards the base camp of Stussy, the queen of happy streets.

Hundreds of CP organizations also appeared in Stussy's base camp to stop the revolutionary army, and the two sides soon began a fierce battle.

It's just that this time the revolutionaries came prepared, and soon killed the people of the CP organization, and quickly occupied the intelligence base where the CP organization obtained intelligence.

It's just that they did not plan the liberation operation as before, but took all the intelligence in the intelligence stronghold, and as for Stussy's large wealth, they also took it with them.

Then it quickly disappeared!


As for the other small forces, they are also fighting in the new world, and the entire new world has begun to become extremely chaotic.

These situations, Chernos also learned the news through Varys's intelligence system, but he didn't care, because these were small troubles, and the real big drama had not yet been staged.

At this time, two sailors, a man and a woman, rushed towards Chernos, and after seeing these two people, a trace of nostalgia flashed in Chernos' eyes, and they were really familiar characters!

"Navy soldier Smogg, Navy soldier Tina, acting Navy Marshal Sengoku-sama conveyed news to you, Sengoku-sama went back to the naval headquarters in advance, saying that after giving away the money, I would have a good conversation with you!"

Before Smogg's words were finished, he felt that an extremely strong domineering aura was suppressed on his body.

"Smogg, I want to ask you a question, do you think the Navy is just?"

Smogg's body was being pressed down little by little by that domineering aura, Smogg shouted, turned into a cloud of smoke and retreated, but before he withdrew far, he was suppressed by that momentum again, showing his human form.

He hunched his back and gritted his teeth and shouted at Chernos: "This is how the world's strongest man bullied a naval soldier?

"Answer my question!"

"Of course, the Navy is just, we guard the safety of the vast majority of people around the world, so that they are not invaded by you bastard pirates!"

"Wrong answer, if the Navy is righteous, then why are you guarding the Draco who act arbitrarily and wantonly rob the people of money?"

After that, Chernos took back his domineering attitude, so that Smogg, who was about to be crushed to his knees, eased up, lying on the ground and panting continuously.

"Chernos, is it interesting for you, as the strongest man in the world, to bully me a naval soldier? Or what do you want to do?

"Smogg, say no more, sorry, Mr. Chernos, he's an idiot!"

Tina on the side finally resumed her action, but when she wanted to stop Smogg, it was too late.

"I want to... How about recruiting you guys to come and be an intern for my pirate group? "

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