Titch was a little surprised, because he had just made this suggestion, wanting to become an undercover agent of Chernos, but Chernos did not agree, and now Chernos invited him in turn, what is this operation?

"This... Is this different from my proposal?

Chernos said with a smile: "Yes, your proposal is to give you the Devil Fruit now, my proposal is to give it to you in the future, this is the difference, of course, you are also qualified to become a member of our pirate group, I don't know if you want to?"

Tichy was stunned again, "I... Of course I am willing, this is an opportunity that outsiders ask for, how can I refuse!

"It's different, once you join my pirate group, if you still have any ambitions, if you want to betray me, then you will face my pursuit, if you have any ambitions, such as becoming a pirate king, or even the king of the world, then joining the pirate group may not be able to achieve it!"

After hearing Chernos' words, Titch lowered his head and felt like he was being seen through, as if there were no secrets in front of Chernos, and his superb acting skills were completely ineffective.

After pondering for a while, Titch decided not to hide himself anymore and laughed.

"Thief hahaha, Chernos, you are indeed powerful, almost see through everything about me, but this time is interesting, I want to join your pirate group, but I also want to surpass you and become the only person above the peak!"

I'll go undercover for you, but I don't want to be aimless, you give me a goal, and when I'm done, you give me the Dark Fruit, and then I'll come and be your subordinate.

But well, if one day I feel like I can surpass you, I will unceremoniously attack you!

After Tichy finished speaking, he took a deep breath and prepared to die.

The reason why he did this is to gamble, if the bet wins, he is likely to get the dark fruit, if the bet is lost, he will most likely die.

After all, no one wants a subordinate who is not loyal, let alone a subordinate who may attack him at any time.

However, he had to do this, and if he agreed to the previous Chernos proposal, then it was very likely that Chernos would hang him with the Dark Fruit all the time, let him do things all the time, but not give him the Dark Fruit.

At that time, in order to obtain the dark fruit, he may only be able to become a knife in the hands of Chernos and let him do it.

Instead of getting such a result, it is better to fight with your life, in case you win?

Chernos was silent for a moment, staring at Tichy, his fingers tapping on the tabletop, as if hesitating whether to say yes or kill Tichy.

Tiki is the future Blackbeard, and is also the only double-fruit ability in this world, this alone is enough for him to have the capital to win the first place, on the other hand, if Tiqi can be taken under him, then he will get a four-emperor-level battle.

At that time, his grasp of dealing with the world government was a little greater.

As for Tichy's ambition, this does not matter, as long as he is alive, he can suppress Tichy's ambition, just like the guy from Anilu, who has always wanted to defeat himself, take over his own power, and become a supreme god.

Guys like Doflamingo are constantly selling him his schemes, wanting to strengthen the strength of his subordinates.

And Klockdar is even more so, and he still often attacks him, even sneak attacks, just to kill him and take his place.

Now one more ambitious Tiki is nothing!

Thinking of this, Chernos snapped his fingers and commanded Varis: "Bring the things!" Not

long after, a Varis robot walked in from outside the door, still holding a box in his hand.

Chernos opened the box, directly took out the dark fruit inside, and threw it to Tichy.

"Eat it, this is the dark fruit you want, from now on, you will be an official member of our Varis Pirates, and then I will give you a set of equipment, which is only available to the official members of the Varis Pirates."

But now you can't reveal your identity until you complete my mission! After

getting the Dark Fruit, Tichy carefully identified it for a while, determined that it was the Dark Fruit he had been waiting for for many years, and then stuffed the Dark Fruit into his mouth.

Even though the taste of the devil fruit was as disgusting as, Titch still ate the devil fruit to a point, and even the scraps that fell on the ground he picked up and ate it.

After feeling the change in eating the Devil Fruit, Titch laughed maniacally.

"Thief hahaha, now I am no longer the same me as before, the big ship I was waiting for has finally carried me and set sail!"

But in the next second, he was laughing and was slapped out by Chernos.

"When I speak, listen carefully, your strength is not good now, and after you are strong enough to defeat me, you can choose not to listen to me, understand?"

Tiphy, who was slammed into the wall and slammed into the ground, rolled and wailed in pain, as if he was experiencing enough pain to kill him.

After a few seconds, Tichy recovered from the extreme pain, got up from the ground, and came to his knees in front of Chernos.

"Cut... Captain, what task do you need me to complete?

"Go and destroy the red-haired pirates, and when you replace the redhead, that's when you return, understand?"

Of course, when you replace the redhead, you can also choose to defect to the pirate group, but at that time, your enemy is me!

Tichy's face became solemn, there were two monsters on this sea, one was Chernos and the other was Shanks.

They are not the kind of people who are extremely talented physically, the kind of people are Kaido and Aunt, they are the kind of people who are extremely powerful in domineering and developing talent for Devil Fruit.

It took Chernos less than two years to develop the Devil Fruit and cultivate domineering to become the first of the four emperors and become the strongest in the world, while the redhead relied on domineering and took five or six years to become the four emperors.

The most frightening thing is that they are far from reaching their limit, and they are still getting stronger.

And Kaido and Aunt, who rely on innate physical talent, have been developed for decades, and they have reached their limit.

If he were to rank the four emperors, it would be Di Ji Nuo, second Shanks, third Kaido, and finally Aunt.

And now, Chernos directly asked him to challenge the second Four Emperors?

The difficulty of this task... It's comparable to heaven!

"Thief hahahaha, interesting task, I took it, you just wait for my good news!"

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