A few days later, after handing over the money to Chernos, the red-haired pirates managed to get six billion Bailey-worth of rubber fruits, and they also left the golden city of singing and dancing and laughter, but there was a dead silence on the sea.

Kaido and Aunt set out on a boat together, and confronting them on the sea was the naval warship escorting up to 110 billion Bailey, and in front of the warship there was a heavily armed warship, and on the warship stood the three admirals and the Warring States.

"Ember, you can just drag a general later, Katakuri, the same is true over there, Sengoku and the remaining generals I and Lingling will deal with it.

The key to this victory is that we can defeat a general first, and when we defeat a general, then the advantage will tilt in our side.

Quinn, take our Hundred Beast Pirates to deal with the remaining navies, as long as we can get that money, then we will get the greatest benefit.

Do you understand? On

the other side, the face of the Warring States also became very solemn, the strength of their navy has no problem dealing with a four-emperor regiment, but in the face of two four-emperor regiments attacking at the same time, they will be very difficult, especially when they need to guard so much cash on the ship, it is even more difficult.

If they fail to protect it, are robbed by Kaido and Aunt or destroy the money on board, they will not only lose a large amount of money, but also face the wrath of Chernos.

At that time, it is estimated that the entire naval headquarters will be destroyed by Chernos!

If things do come to that point, then their navy will lose face.

"Everyone, go according to the plan, this battle, we must win, and we must win beautifully!"

The rest of the admirals nodded solemnly, this battle was very important to their navy, and everyone did not dare to relax in their hearts.

If they can win, then their navy will once again become famous, deterring those pirates and underground forces who are absolutely weak.

At the same time, in the distance, several people also floated quietly in the air, their eyes staring directly at the situation on both sides.

If you look closely, you will find that the eyes of these people are actually composed of high-definition cameras, which are recording what happened on both sides.

And this scene was also shown at the Sky Theater in Golden City.

Chernos filmed the war as a big show, and sold tickets at high prices, which immediately attracted people from all over the world who came to visit the Golden City.

Even if the price is as high as 10,000 Baileys, there are still tens of thousands of people who buy tickets to watch.

After all, it is the battle of the world's top four emperors and three major generals, before they couldn't see it even if they wanted to see it, but now they only need to spend 10,000 Bailey to see it, and almost everyone who has a little money in their pockets is willing to pay it out.

And this live broadcast also allowed Chernos to directly earn hundreds of millions of Baileys.

It can be said that it is too easy to get money after having money!

However, as the lord of the Golden City, Tezzolo did not want to make only a sum of money from these people, he wanted to make more money.

Taking advantage of the fact that the battle between the two sides had not yet begun, Tezzolo shouted loudly to everyone in the Sky Theater: "Now the live broadcast for you is the world's top combat power competition, two four emperors VS naval marshals and three generals.

Who do you think will win? "

Most of the people in the audience are nobles from all over the world, of course, they want the navy to win, so they shout about the navy.

It's just that there are still many pirates here who are also playing and relaxing here, and after they heard those nobles shouting about the navy, they immediately stopped and shouted the four emperors.

Although there are fewer people on the pirate's side, they shout more imposing than those nobles, and for a while the two sides were actually somewhat evenly matched.

Tezzolo on the stage smiled even happier after seeing the scene of the two sides arguing.

"Now let's play a little game, we at Sky Theatre have opened the function of betting, you can buy bets at will, the amount is not limited, once the side you bet on wins, you will get double the odds, if the side of the bet loses, the money you bet on will be gone, and it will become the loot of the winning side.

Now the odds are 1:1, so start betting now, cheer on your favorite side and wish them to win! After

hearing that they could still bet, everyone present immediately became excited, and they all planned to take out a sum of money to support the object they supported.

Once they win, they can also reap huge profits.

For a while, almost everyone present placed their bets.

Many staff members are also busy shuttling through the crowd, helping the spectators complete their bets.

"Hello gentleman, I wonder which side you want to bet?"

"The Navy bet 10,000 Baileys, right?"

"Okay, for every 10,000 Baileys we bet here, we need 100 Baileys as a handling fee, can you see?"

"Have helped you complete the bet, this is your voucher, when you win, you can go to the window over there to redeem it, I wish you victory!"

Please remind you that the odds on both sides are adjusted according to the betting situation before the end of the battle, please keep an eye on it, the odds are based on the odds on the big screen at the end! "


Soon, everyone's bets were over, and Tezzolo also got the betting situation, and after hearing the report from his staff, he couldn't help but smile even more.

The amount of money bet this time is enough to have more than a billion Baileys, and for every 10,000 they can draw a hundred Bailey's handling fee, and if they bet more than a billion Baileys, they can earn more than 10 million Baileys.

Not to mention that they can adjust the multiplier at any time, as long as they do a little trick at that time, they can completely earn another hundred million points from these more than a billion Baileys.

In this way, this live broadcast alone, they can earn two or three hundred million Baileys.

Such a speed of making money is simply beyond his imagination, not to mention that the battle between the two sides should last for a long time, and in the meantime, he only needs to encourage a little more, maybe he can attract these viewers to invest more money to bet.

That's when they'll be able to make more money.

After having the money, he can use it to fill the bottomless pit of Shaq, allowing him to create more and more powerful robots, and when they have accumulated a certain amount of robots, they can use the machine torrent to sweep the world.

At that time, he must let those Draco try it and taste tortured!

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