Chernos took out a pile of Hades blueprints from his arms and tossed them in his hand.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't give you this blueprint?" You must know that your navy is my worst enemy!

Sengoku laughed bitterly.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, after all, this is our navy has put in a lot of effort to get to this point, to stand in front of you, if you don't give it to us, we really don't have anything to do."

It's just that as the world's strongest person and the first auction of Golden City, I think you don't want to discredit your reputation and make the auction of Golden City a joke, right?

"The radical law is useless to me, and the reason why most people do not regret it, but choose to abide by the credibility, is because the benefits are not big enough."

But now, with 110 billion Baileys in front of me, this benefit is so great that even I can't help but want to regret it! Hearing

Chernos say this, Sengoku's face also became ugly.

Indeed, now as long as Cheros repents, not only can he accept 11 billion Baileys from the Navy, but Chernos itself has made it clear that he wants to work against the world government and the Navy, and now Chernos can take advantage of this opportunity to kill him, even those injured admirals.

In this way, the Chernos not only gained a lot of benefits, but also weakened the enemy's strength and, more importantly, made the navy a clown around the world.

Yes, if Chernos swallows this money this time, although he will be discredited, the navy and world government who are pitted will be ridiculed by more people.

A pirate pit harms the navy and the world government, and still pits a huge amount of 110 billion, which will not discredit Chernos much, maybe it will become a medal of merit among Chernos among pirates!

Therefore, now the Sengoku is really afraid that the Chernos will repent.

But at this time, Chernos threw the Hades design in his hand into the hands of the Warring States.

"I'm not very interested in money, and I don't think much of ancient weapons like Hades, but I'm very interested in the story of how you managed to get money here.

I believe this is also a question that many people are very curious about, wondering if you can tell me this story? After

the Warring States got the design drawings in his hand, he did not answer Chernos's question, but first took out the Hades design drawings and looked at them, and when it was confirmed that it was the Hades design drawings, the Warring States hanging heart finally relaxed.

After settling down, he flashed a relaxed smile at Chernos.

"I watched it just now, and I didn't expect that our battles would be broadcast live here, and the performance of our navy also disappointed many people, in fact, this is what I want to achieve."

Everyone knows that our navy will have the greatest interest if it obtains the Hades blueprints, so no one wants our navy to get the Hades blueprints.

And many of the forces participating in the auction also want a big killer like the Hades design map, so we are sure that someone will come to stop us.

These forces are very powerful forces, such as the Aunt Pirate Group, such as the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, etc.

And these forces have also stood in this world for many years, the intelligence system has long been all over the world, and it is very difficult for the navy to do anything to hide from the enemy's sight, especially when so much money is transported.

So I thought of a problem, that is, our navy does the transportation work on the surface, but in fact we do not let the navy transport, but let the relatively hidden world government transport.

The Navy sent a few admirals and I personally escorted a bunch of transport ships with fake money to attract attention, and the people of the world government transported in the shadows with money, so that the security of transportation funds could be greatly improved.

It's just that we were also preparing for both, just in case, imagining that our enemies were likely to not fight us and directly destroy the cargo box.

If this is the case, then the enemy will soon find out that our cargo boxes do not have so many Baileys, and it is very likely that he will re-investigate, and then there is a very small probability that he will find the team we sent to transport the world government.

So in order to have more insurance, we sent Zefa as the second bait to transport the money, and I told Zefa that he was the key person in this transportation of money, so that he must guard these money boxes.

At the same time, I also arranged for people to really put a lot of money in these boxes, which was five billion Baileys.

It's just that the money is placed on the top and around and at the bottom, and all the fake money of the same size as the money is placed in the middle place.

In this way, even if the enemy finds the money, no matter where they check, they can see the real Bailey, and they will believe that the money is really on Zefa's ship, thus deceiving the enemy.

When I saw that Kaido had received the news and rushed desperately towards the cargo box we were guarding, I knew that the news had been leaked, so I began to prepare.

I took Kaido's blow hard, and although it also injured me, I was not so vulnerable, but instead of continuing to stand up and fight Kaido, I pretended to faint and let the Navy men take me directly away and join the people transported by the World Government.

You all already know what happened after that, so I won't say anything more! "


.... Chernos stood up and applauded the Sengoku, although the Sengoku modestly said that they had just done some tricks, but it was not a simple matter to do everything and deceive all the enemies, including him.

With so much money, it is very difficult to hide from the sky and the sea, not leaking a little wind, as long as there is a little mistake, then the Navy is a losing end.

"Very good, thank you Sengoku-san for explaining the situation to us, well, now I have kept my promise to give you the design of Hades, and the deal has been concluded."

A friendly reminder, you better leave early!

Sengoku nodded at Chernos, did not say anything more, and left directly with the people in a hurry.

Although now Chernos kept his promise and gave them the Hades blueprint, there are still Kaido and Aunt outside who are besieging it, and only by bringing the Pluto design back to the navy or the world government can it be considered safe.

After watching Sengoku turn and leave, Chernos also disappeared with a flicker, and when no one was around, he took out his mobile phone that was on the call.

"Now that the Warring States have left, I also helped you delay the time for a while, and cut off their communication, now whether you can snatch the Hades design from the hands of the Warring States, it's up to you!"

The name displayed on the mobile phone communication is Kaido, who was fighting with the two generals before.

"Don't worry, in our new world of territory, if we can't snatch it back, it will be a disgrace to the pirates!"

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