Looking at the hang-up phone, the corners of Chernos' mouth hooked.

From beginning to end, he did not intend to let the people of the navy take away the Hades blueprints, and even his previous surprise was feigned, because he knew all the intelligence of the Warring States.

Now there is Varys monitoring on all the islands of the entire New World, especially in the past half a year, Chernos has almost filled all the islands of the New World with Varis monitoring robots, it can be said that there are Chernos monitoring robots everywhere.

Even the New World Sea, with its terrifying weather, is full of Varys surveillance systems.

It can be said that as long as Chernos wants to find a person in the new world, within ten minutes, the Varis system can find the person to Chernos through these surveillance robots.

This is also what Chernos and Chernos have always wanted to do since they popularized Skynet to Shaq, and now they have the money and ability, of course, they must carry out this plan to the end.

And with the launch of the Chernos mobile phone, their Skynet surveillance network will become larger and larger, according to the Chernos idea, that is to monitor the world.

In this way, he can use this intelligence system to do a lot of things, sometimes the power of intelligence is no less than force, it is likely that because of a small piece of intelligence, they can get the greatest benefit from the Chernos.

They can also kill their enemies with a little piece of information.

As for Chernos' previous words, saying that whoever did not complete the transaction would go to the place where the force was located to cause damage of equal value, in fact, Chernos did not have the desire to go to the naval headquarters to destroy, because destroying the naval headquarters was actually not good for Chernos.

Even if he goes to hit the naval headquarters, it may lead to Im.

Now he still can't touch the bottom of Im, and it's not suitable to fight against Im, in case there is no return, it will be funny.

The reason why he released this sentence was actually so that he could logically accept the territory of those underground forces in the future and turn their forces into his power.

For example, the previous sea king was one of the goals of Chernos, and the king of loan sharks, Field, was also one of the goals of Chernos, he was the gold owner of Auntie, and he had always had close ties with Auntie, and defeating Field was equivalent to cutting off one of Aunt's arms financially.

The aunt, who has always had a very good life before, once she falls into poverty, she is estimated to go crazy everywhere with her personality.

It's just that Auntie doesn't know who to be mad with.

Chernos she can't beat, come crazy, will be abused, may even be killed, and Kaido is her ally, and the only person she can target is Shanks alone.

At that time, he can also take the opportunity to provoke a battle between Aunt and Shanks, and he will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

I just hope that Kaido can give a little strength, and don't let the Warring States really take the Hades design blueprints back.


Meanwhile, Kaido has transformed into a dragon to fly to join Auntie.

It's just that at this time, Kaido's chest has an extra huge scar, turning the X-shaped wound on his body that was cut by Mitsuki Ota into a beige-shaped wound.

His face also became very gloomy, and he kept pouring wine jug into his mouth.

"The group of bastards of the five old stars, if they hadn't made a move, it is estimated that the two admirals would be dead now, hum!"

After seeing Kaido, the aunt proudly showed off to Kaido: "Kaido, it seems that your side is a little embarrassed, not as smooth as my side."

Shanks just appeared, intending to join forces with two admirals to guard the money, but they didn't expect that I would directly set fire to all the money.

Well, now their navy will be the biggest loser this time!

Kaido glanced at his aunt strangely, and asked Katakuri: "You still don't know the news, or do you know the news and haven't reported it to Lingling?"

Katakuri said with an ugly face: "I also just received news from Bree that the Sengoku has gone to Golden City and completed the deal with Chernos!"

"What? Sengoku and Chernos completed the deal? Their money is not by me..."

Katakuri said to his aunt with some helplessness: "Mom, we have all been played by the Warring States, and most of the money we burned just now is not Bailey, but fake money!" The

smile on Auntie's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a murderous aura that was so rich that it was about to overflow.

"Lingling, don't be angry, we will have a chance to take revenge later, after the Sengoku and Chernos complete the deal, they also need to send this information back.

As long as we snatch the Hades design drawing halfway, we can avenge our previous deception! "

Ma ma, this time, I must kill the Warring States, dare to fool me, hum !!"

After Kaido took out the locator given by Chernos, he let his men drive towards the location where they were in the Warring States, and it was okay if the money was not grabbed, but the Hades design plan could not be taken away by the navy just like that.

Now that the Warring States are injured, the green pheasant and the red dog have been seriously injured by him, and the only people who can fight with them are Zefa and the yellow ape, and although the yellow ape's ability is disgusting, this guy is a well-known bastard, and it is impossible to fight hard for the navy.

The only thing to worry about is that you can't let this guy get the design drawings of Hades, if you let him get it, as long as the yellow apes are bent on running to the naval headquarters, it is impossible to catch up with the yellow apes at their speed.

As for Zefa, this guy is already old, and if he dares to make a move, Kaido doesn't mind giving him a ride.

At the same time, the Sengoku side was walking quickly outside with nervousness, and as he walked, he took out a phone worm and dialed Borushalino.

I just don't know why, Polushalino's phone worm has never been connected, and I can't contact Borusalino to get the Pluto design drawing and rush back.

According to his original plan, if Chernos did not repent and handed him the Pluto blueprint, he would have asked Borushalino to come over and rush back to the naval headquarters directly with the Pluto blueprint, so that no matter who came, they would have no way to take the fastest Polushalino.

Who would have thought that he would not be contacted now.

In desperation, the Warring States could only take the people of the world government and quickly leave by boat.

What Sengoku didn't know was that his every move at this time was filmed by Varis's monitoring machine, which made Shaq, who was watching the monitoring, laugh.

"Fools, the only means of communication is the telephone worm, don't they know that this bioelectric wave is easy to interfere?"

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