On the sea surface of the New World, there is an extremely ordinary looking merchant ship sailing on the sea, but on this merchant ship, it does not have the relaxed atmosphere of ordinary merchant ships at all, but is full of slaughter.

"How's it going? Is there a phone bug that can be reached outside?

"Sorry, Sengoku-sama, now all our devices have no way to contact the outside world, including the anti-eavesdropping black phone bug!"

After hearing the reply of the CP organization, Sengoku rubbed his face with both hands and forced himself to calm down.

Now the situation was clearly wrong, and after he could not contact Borushalino at first, he took people to leave on a merchant ship, and also arranged a number of pretenders dressed as him, and made them all take a forged Hades blueprint.

If people who do not understand technology and ship construction technology get this forged Hades design drawing, they will not be able to distinguish the authenticity of this Hades design drawing.

After making so many preparations, Sengoku still felt uneasy, because Polusalino's phone worm still couldn't get through.

This is obviously an abnormal phenomenon, as a general's phone worm, generally choose a superior phone worm, even if there will be a short signal failure, or the general himself does not answer, but will not answer his call for a long time.

Especially at such critical times!

This also filled the heart of the Warring States with unease, making people move quickly and act together in multiple ways to cover up his whereabouts.

The road also went very smoothly, they did not encounter any enemies, did not encounter any accidents, and even the extreme weather common in the New World was rarely encountered, and everything went smoothly to make Sengoku feel a little unreal.

Such a smooth situation not only did not make the Warring States relax, but also made the uneasiness in the hearts of the Warring States more and more serious.

This also made the Warring States control everything on the merchant ship more strictly, and even let those who were organized by CP check the merchant ship over and over again, not sparing a corner.

Such strict control really made the Warring States have an unexpected discovery.

A CP organization person really found a machine under the ship that they had not noticed before, this machine was very small, and there was a small lamp that had been flashing on it, although the Warring States did not know what it was, but the Warring States knew that such unknown items must not continue to be stored on merchant ships.

After Sengoku crushed the machine, he ordered the people of the CP organization: "Re-inspect every corner of the ship, and find out all these shimmering machines for me!" "


Everyone immediately took action, although they often complained that the Warring States were nervous to the point of being a little nervous, but if anything happened, they would deal with it as soon as possible, after all, they were now grasshoppers tied to a rope, and once the enemy tracked their location, they would die in the enemy's siege.

After some searching, the CP organization found a full twelve shining machines on the ship.

Looking at these machines, Sengoku couldn't help but feel cold, so many unknown machines were installed on the ship before, but no one noticed it, not even he knew it.

If this is the machine that the enemy uses to track them, doesn't that mean that they are constantly exposed to enemy surveillance?

"Quick, change the course for me and return to the Great Route from the rest of the routes!"

Sengoku smashed all the machines with one palm, and at the same time shouted loudly to all the members of the CP organization to let the merchant ship change course.

"Sengoku ... Sengoku-sama, it seems that we are already late! A

CP member who was about to go out to deliver the order of the Warring States, after seeing the scene outside, the whole person was dumbfounded in place, looking outside stunned and saying.

At this time, outside the merchant ship, pirate ships rushed out from under the bottom of the sea, surrounding all the merchant ships where the Warring States were located.

The people standing in front of the merchant ship were none other than Kaido and Aunt.

Worst of all, Kaido and Aunt had already completed the charge, waving their weapons together towards the merchant ship.

"Bahai !!"

An extremely terrifying ball of four-colored light rushed towards the merchant ship.

Seeing this scene, Warring States felt helpless, but he could only transform into a big Buddha and make his most powerful move.

"Buddha light shines !!"

The Great Buddha incarnated into a posture of three heads and six arms, throwing flowers in his hands, and a strong light bloomed on the flowers in the Buddha's hands, stabbing towards the four-colored ball of light.

Although this is the strongest move of the Warring States, it was used in a hurry, but it still failed to resist the terrifying power of this move.

The four-color ball of light withstood the strong light pierced by the Warring States, and pushed the strong light of the Warring States towards the Warring States.

Its power was so powerful that even the Warring States wanted to use his Buddha light to deflect the four-color ball of light, and was solidly hit by the four-color strong light on the Buddha's golden body.


- The four-color ball of light instantly exploded, turning into a pillar of light and stabbing towards the chest of the Warring States.

At the moment of crisis, Sengoku tried his best to deflect his body a little and avoid the fatal blow, but he was still pierced by a pillar of light on his right shoulder, and this huge wound left Sengoku's arm with only a layer of skin dragged, and he was almost knocked off the entire arm.

And this huge wound is only a little closer to the heart of the Warring States, and the beating heart inside can be seen in the wound of the Warring States.

Although he escaped the fatal blow by luck, he also let the Warring States lose his ability to fight and directly passed out.

Seeing that Sengoku was seriously injured, a sinister smile appeared on his mouth, transformed into a green dragon, and rushed towards Sengoku, intending to mend the knife and kill Sengoku.

But at this moment, a figure flashed, catching Sengoku and avoiding Kaido's fatal blow.

The man was dressed in a black clown costume, and a cracked smiley face was painted on the clown mask on his face.

"Lord Kaido, I came to pick up the Warring States on the order of Lord Chernos, Lord Chernos said that the dead Warring States have no value, only the living Warring States are valuable, and now killing the Warring States does not make any sense, it will only offend the world government."

After hearing the Joker's words, Kaido's dragon claw froze in the air and stopped in front of the Joker.

"Chernos? If this is Chernos' plan, why didn't Chernos tell me before? The

clown mask man calmly said to Kaido: "If you don't believe it, you can call Lord Chernos to ask, but now all communication signals here have been cut off, if you want to contact Lord Chernos, you can wait two hours, and after the signal here is restored, check with Lord Chernos!" "

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