"Nani? Wasn't Chernos just sent in? Could it be that someone opened the sea tower stone yoke on Chernos? After

receiving Magellan's call, Sengoku immediately ordered the warship to turn around, and then asked Magellan.

"I don't know how Chernos escaped when he was all fixed by the shackles of the Sea Tower, but what is certain now is that Chernos has left the sixth layer, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he appears on the fourth layer where I am!"

"Okay, you wait for me, I'll be there right away, and I'll let Karp come over at the same time, you hold on anyway and wait for me to come!"


Magellan just hung up the phone, and Hannibal, who had just gasped, hurriedly said to Magellan: "Lord Magellan, not only Chernos, Chernos also came out with the World Destroyer and One Piece's left hand Barrett, both of them are the world's top combat power, if you face them alone, you will probably be killed by them."

Well...... After you were killed, I didn't become the director of Advance City, so Magellan's killing seems like a good thing to me!"

Magellan gave Hannibal a blank look, "Bastard, you got your heart out!"

Hannibal quickly covered his mouth, looking like he didn't know anything about what had just happened, Magellan gave Hannibal a blank look, but he was not in the mood to teach Hannibal a lesson now, and hurriedly walked towards the door from the fourth floor to the fifth floor.

"From now on, all jailers will withdraw from the fourth level, and soon this place will become a real hell!"

Watching Magellan open his hands ready to release the venom, Hannibal rushed towards the third floor, and at the same time took out the walkie-talkie and informed all the jailers through the loudspeaker on the fourth floor: "Everyone, withdraw from the fourth layer now, and immediately !! When

all the jailers heard Hannibal's broadcast, they dropped their work and immediately ran towards the entrance to the third floor.

The jailers working here knew that something big must have happened now, and it was estimated that Magellan was going to clear the scene, so he gave such an order.

They also know how powerful Magellan is to clear the field, and it is estimated that it will not be long before the entire fourth layer will become a poisonous hell, and if they go later, it is estimated that they will all die in Magellan's hands.

After feeling that the fourth layer was no longer the breath of the jailers, Magellan took a deep breath and released the venom on his body with all his strength.

"Poisonous Dragon !!"

From Magellan's body seemed to be liquefied, the liquid on his body began to climb upward, slowly forming three poisonous dragons, and after the three poisonous dragons appeared, they roared around.

After the liquid on the poisonous dragon's body dripped on the ground, even the hard ashlar floor was corroded to the point of moisture, and it was pitch black after a while.

Magellan controlled the three poisonous dragons to spit venom around the fourth layer, starting from the passage from the fifth layer to the fourth layer, and not long after, the entire fourth layer was covered with venom, even those prisons where prisoners were held.

The prisoners who were being held in the prison looked at the crazy Magellan and suddenly went crazy, they kept begging Magellan and cursing Magellan, but to no avail.

Magellan also knew that he was sorry for those pirates, but who let the enemy he was about to face was the strongest in the world, Chernos, if he left a little gap for Chernos at this time, it would definitely become a breakthrough for Chernos to escape from the advancing city.

He had no way of imagining whether they would have a chance to capture Chernos in the future if they let Cherokes escape this time.

Once Chernos flees, what a devastating blow will it inflict on the world government and the navy!

In contrast, sacrificing these criminal pirates to die, he will have less condemnation of himself in his heart.

At this time, a figure walked to the entrance of the passage from the third floor to the fourth layer, he looked at Magellan, who was spitting venom on the fourth layer, puzzled and a little excited, and asked: "Magellan, do you also think these people deserve to die?"

"Hiliu, you are here, the Chernos ran, I am blocking the fourth layer, you are blocking the passage entrance on the third floor, you must not let the Chernos run, if you can stop them, the prisoners of the fifth layer are at your disposal!"

After seeing Hiliu appear, the strings in Magellan's heart loosened a little.

Although the two have different philosophies, Hiliu believes that as long as it is a prisoner who enters the city, he deserves to die, so he often tortures and kills some prisoners, sometimes initiates madness, and even the jailers who go to dissuade Hiliu will be killed by Helyu.

Magellan's idea was that these prisoners were guilty, but they would spend the rest of their lives tormented in the city to pay off their sins, and they, the administrators of the city, should not kill these prisoners privately.

For this reason, the two who were called to push the iron wall of the city often quarreled, and even Magellan had the idea of locking Hiliu in the sixth layer.

But now, Magellan can't care so much, and plans to exchange the fifth layer with the fewest prisoners for the combat power of Hiliu, so that Hiliu can deal with them with him.

The strength of the two is similar, both have the combat power of the general level, coupled with his special fruit ability, the two may be able to leave Chernos behind.

Even if you can't keep the Chernos, delaying the Chernos for a few hours shouldn't be a big problem.

At this time, the three figures walked to the entrance of the fourth floor, looking at the passage full of poisonous gas and venom, and Chernos turned his head to look at the two.

"Which of you two shot?"

Waldo looked at the passage full of venom and Magellan, who had three poisonous dragons behind the passage, and his face was a little ugly.

"My fruit ability... Not very suitable for dealing with such opponents!

Barrett looked at Waldo with even more disdain.

"Let me come, this kind of small means can only deal with those weak people!"

When Barrett talked about the weak, he also glanced at Waldo, which was obvious, that is, Waldo was weak.

If it weren't for the fact that Valdo's fruit ability was somewhat valuable, it is estimated that Barrett would want to kill a useless guy like Waldo now!

Chernos nodded, "Go, if you can't deal with it, call me!"

"Heh, if you need to be called to deal with these weak people, then I will not be qualified to challenge you in the future!"

Barrett said, excitedly walking towards the passage, and countless black geometric liquids appeared on his body, rushing towards the venom in the passage.

After encountering Barrett's combined fruit ability, those venoms were directly decomposed and absorbed and integrated into Barrett's body, and a gas mask appeared on Barrett's face, so that he would not be eroded by those poisonous gases.

Magellan, who was able to restrain most of the fruit abilities, was now restrained to death by Barrett.

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