Looking at Barrett, who kept walking towards the passage without being affected in any way, Magellan's face became solemn.

He also knew that Venom and Poison Gas could not deal with the Chernos three, but in his mind, it should be no problem to delay time.

But what he didn't expect was that his poisonous hell didn't play any role at all, and he couldn't even stop them.

And after his venom was decomposed by Barrett's fruit ability, he lost control of those venoms, and instead, a set of liquid armor appeared on Barrett's body to firmly protect him.

This increase and decrease also made the balance of victory tilted in Chernos before the battle began.

If you continue to let the Chernos side expand its advantage in this way, then there is no need to fight next.

Thinking of this, Magellan did not hesitate and directly used his strongest move.

"Poison Soldier - Judgment of Hell!!"

Magellan's body gushed out countless bright red venoms like blood, and these venoms quickly formed a skeleton giant.

Unlike the previous purple venom, these bright red venoms are very terrifying, no matter anything, as long as they come into contact with these bright red venoms, they will be infected with highly toxic, and these poisons will quickly spread on the objects they touch, until all the objects they touch become poison.

After seeing the bright red venom skeleton appear, Barrett's footsteps stopped for the first time, because he could feel that the bright red venom skeleton in front of him could threaten him.

"Hahaha, this is interesting, I hope you let me fight to the fullest!"

Saying that, Barrett fused the domineering energy of his body with himself, and the whole person was like a hideous devil.

His figure disappeared instantly, and in the next second he appeared in front of Magellan, regardless of whether Magellan's body had poison that could poison people, and a punch blasted towards Magellan.

Barrett's speed was completely beyond Magellan's imagination, so that he didn't even have time to arrive, and he was already smashed out with a punch.

The terrifying force smashed Magellan all over his face with blood, and Barrett wanted to continue chasing Magellan, but at this time Magellan was already wrapped in the venom skeleton behind him, and also controlled the venom skeleton to slap Barrett.

Barrett's figure jerked suddenly, looked at the giant palm of the venom skeleton with a sinister smile, wrapped the domineering energy on the liquid armor, and blasted towards the venom skeleton with a punch.

The furious force erupted on Barrett's fist, and with one punch, the giant palm of the venom skeleton exploded.

Barrett's attack did not stop, quickly jumped into the air, waved the afterimage with both hands, and bombarded the venom skeleton, and in less than a few seconds, the venom skeleton had been liquidized by Barrett, all scattered in the surrounding buildings.

Without the protection of the Venom skeleton, he rushed directly in front of Magellan, punched Magellan with an upper-hook, and then kicked Magellan with a roundhouse kick.

The terrifying force on Barrett's feet kicked Magellan into several prison walls before stopping.

He appeared in front of Magellan again in a flash, and stepped on Magellan's head.

"As the first opponent I was in, you disappointed me a little, and after losing the toxicity of the fruit ability, you actually behaved so weakly, garbage!"

Just as Barrett was about to step on Magellan's head, a thunder sounded from behind Barrett, causing Barrett to stop stepping on Magellan, turn around and punch a sword.

This extremely fast sword technique only left a white mark on Barrett's fist that was hastily responded, and it failed to break through Barrett's defense.

"Hehe, interesting, I have never killed such a powerful opponent, I wonder if it will make me feel more happy after killing?"

After Hiliu finished speaking, the sword in his hand stabbed towards Barrett like a rainstorm.

Seeing Hiliu's attack, Barrett became excited again, quickly waving his fists with both hands, swinging Hiliu's sword strike.

For a while, the sky was full of fist shadow sword light, and the two of them became more and more excited the more they fought.

"Hahaha, good, finally there is someone who can make me have a little fun!"

Barrett fought against Hiliu hundreds of times in a row, not feeling tired at all, but felt that the blood on his body began to heat up, both in speed and strength.

On the other hand, Hiliu's side is different, and the speed of punches like a rainstorm in Barrett, coupled with the huge force like a train crash, makes Hiliu begin to be a little unable to parry Barrett's attack.

He knew that if he continued to fight like this, it was estimated that it would not be long before he stepped into Magellan's back and was knocked to the ground by Barrett.

This guy is simply terrifyingly strong, but such a strong existence is still subservient to Chernos, so how strong will the world's strongest Chernos be?

Hiliu glanced at Chernos, who was crossing his hands in front of his chest and looking at the two with bored eyes, looking at the indifferent expression on Chernos, as if he saw a god who ignored mortal life, making him feel cold all over.

"Boy, don't you know that you can't be distracted when fighting?"

Hiliu had just heard Barrett's voice, and then was slammed in the head by Barrett's fist, which blasted it to Magellan's side.

"Hmph, really, my blood has just warmed up, you are so distracted, trash!"

Barrett was about to kill the two with one punch, but heard Chernos say: "That poisonous fruit ability person stays, I still have some use!"

Barrett's fist stopped on Magellan's head, got up and stepped on Hiliu's head, stomping on his head.

"Is this guy of any use?"

"One of my subordinates is a scientist who is studying the bloodline factor, he has studied the ability to extract the Devil Fruit ability from the Devil Fruit ability, this guy can bring it back for him to experiment, if successful, he can use this guy as a template to create a robot legion with the ability of poisonous poisonous fruit."

"Extracting the Devil Fruit ability from the Fruit Ability?"

Barrett looked at Chernos in surprise, if there really is such a technology, then in the future, Chernos will not want as many Devil Fruit Ability people as there are, and these Devil Fruit Ability people are still robots, can't they form a real Devil Fruit Legion?

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