The speed of the sea is extremely fast, and when the Chernos pauses time, it almost surrounds the Chernos, and if the Chernos slows down for a second or two, it is estimated that the Chernos will be surrounded by the sea water of Im.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Chernos did not care at all, but looked at everything around him.

Although he had experimented before, he had not yet mastered how to use it at that time, and he did not really enter the time pause, but this time was different, he really stopped time.

He looked down at the shocked expressions of Waldo and Barrett, both of whom were shocked by Im's ability to manipulate the ocean.

Warring States looked relieved, as if he had solved some big trouble, and Karp's expression was actually regretful.

No wonder there will be so many people willing to help Karp in the future, and they are willing to release water for Wang Luffy, Karp this guy can indeed be a person, even if he stands on the opposite side, Chernos is not very willing to kill him.

As for the five old stars, their expressions were a little strange, they seemed to be excited, and they seemed to be expecting something.

Finally, Chernos looked at Im, whose eyes remained disappointed and disdainful, and it seemed that he did not pay attention to him at all.

Since it was the first time to use the time pause, Chernos did not know how long this time pause would last, and he was not observing the magical scene where everything around him stopped, and rushed towards Im at great speed.

He rushed to Im, his figure froze sharply, and he took out a pistol and shot Yim in the face.

After the light catapult, there was no accident, and it directly exploded Im's head.

Chernos glanced at the pistol in his hand, it seemed that as long as it was something held by him, it could be used even if time was suspended.

Just now, Chernos was still a little worried, after all, Im has not known how many years he has lived, there will always be some backhand, even if it is a pause, Chernos is still wary of Im.

Now that Im's head had exploded, Chernos was relieved.

However, in order to be on the safe side, in case there is anything special about Im's body, such as killing the head will not die, Chernos quickly mended the knife on Im's body, and fired several shots at the heart, and then fired several shots at Im's limbs.

When Chernos finished mending the knife, the ripples in the time world began to fluctuate again, the time world disappeared in an instant, and everything around it began to move.

"Lord Chernos, be careful!!"

"Run !!"

Waldo and Barrett were shocked to see Im controlling a large area of ocean into the air, and they also shouted at the new boss Chernos, which they recognized very much, they had just somewhat identified with the boss of Chernos, but they didn't want to lose it just like that.

Karp turned his head with some regret, although he was the enemy of Chernos, he did not want to watch Chernos die, in his opinion, Chernos was just a poor man who crawled back from hell after being cornered by the Draco.

After Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were still staring at the sea, and he would only truly relax if he watched Chernos die with his own eyes.

The five old stars looked at the Chernos side expectantly, intending to witness the birth of a new history again, after today, after Lord Im has the fruit ability of Chernos, he will be a truly invincible existence in this world, and what if Joey Boi appears?

With the rebound fruit of the Water Fruit Realm and the Awakening Realm of Chernos, anyone must die!

It's just that in the next second, the expressions of the five old stars staring at Chernos were full of stunned, and the Chernos, who was already about to be surrounded, actually disappeared, could it be that the speed of Chernos had been developed enough to teleport?

At this moment, they heard a roaring sound, and the sound of the light bomb bursting out just now was only now sounding.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the place where the voice appeared, but this look, everyone froze.

Just now...... What happened?

The one who was beaten with holes everywhere will not be... Lord Im, right?

"No... No way!

"That was... Lord Im?

"What the hell is going on?" How could Chernos suddenly appear in front of Lord Im? How could Lord Im suddenly become like this?

Barrett and Waldo were also in a trance, one second they were still worried about the life and death of Chernos, and the next second Chernos killed the terrifying existence that could control the ocean?

What the heck?

What exactly is this capability?

What exactly happened?

The two had a lot of question marks in their hearts, but no one except Chernos could answer them.

Although they don't know what happened, Chernos was able to kill strong enemies in seconds, which is a great thing for them!

The stronger the Chernos, the greater the benefit to them!

Without Yimu's control, the sea water previously controlled by Yim fell down, and the water of the entire ocean suddenly poured into the seawater, and the terrifying power generated by the sea water falling from the sky suddenly set off a thousand-meter-high monstrous wave, sweeping towards everything around.

The Warring States Karp and the five old stars did not have time to think about how Chernos killed Im, and in the face of the monstrous waves, they could only flee for their lives, saving their lives first.

They can run, the advancing city and the surrounding warships are unlucky, the first layer of the advancing city ground floor is directly shot away by the huge wave, the sea water is also frantically pouring towards the underground prison, if there is no one to save the people in the prison, it is estimated that it will not be long before everyone in the advance city dies.

As for the soldiers on the warship, the vast majority of them were smashed by the waves, and the rest were also washed by the waves, only a few of the smarter, after seeing the sea falling, jumped towards the sea at the first time, quickly swam towards the depths of the sea, and barely saved a small life.

It can be said that Im's deference not only failed to hurt Chernos, but almost destroyed his own subordinates!

Warring States, Karp, and the five old stars rushed into the air, looking at the people below who were almost destroyed, and looking at the devastated Advance City around them, they were only stunned in their hearts.

They didn't understand what was going on, obviously just now Chernos made a move that could imprison everything around him...

Could it be that Whitebeard's research for decades has not been studied for decades and the time was suspended and studied by Chernos?

How is this possible?

Everyone present has dealt with Whitebeard, and they all know that Whitebeard's strongest move is to be able to imitate the pause of time and imprison everything around him.

It's just that this trick is too consuming, not to mention, the key has no effect on Im, which is why when they fight between the two sides, they are sure that Chernos will lose and Im will win.

Although I don't want to believe it, looking at the current situation, only Chernos used the time pause to explain why Im was suddenly killed by Chernos.

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