Whether it was the five old stars or the Warring States Karp, they were all silent, and their eyes were a little empty.

Because they never thought that Chernos would defeat Im.

In the previous battle, Yim had been crushing Chernos, and even two days ago, Chernos was captured by Im into the city of Advance, preparing to be executed in public in a few days.

Who would have thought that in the past two days, Chernos would actually kill Im, and he also used the invincible trick of time suspension to kill Im in seconds.

None of them knew what to do now.

Will Chernos kill them?

What will happen to the world government?

Everything they planned was disrupted by Chernos, and their life and death, and their future were in the hands of Chernos!

After the wind and waves calmed down below, Chernos grabbed Im's body and flew down, throwing Im's body in front of the five old stars.

"Now give you a choice, surrender or die!"

The five old stars looked down at the broken body of Im, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, the five old stars with a birthmark like a map on their heads knelt towards Chernos and said to Chernos: "Lord Chernos, you are already a supreme being, of course we choose to surrender."

It's just that the villain has a small request, the villain has served Lord Im for hundreds of years, and wants to ask you to hand over Lord Im's body to us so that we can bury Lord Im.

Can you see?

After the burial of Lord Im, we will give our hands all the possessions of the world government, and the five of us will also worship you as the new lord!

The other five old stars also knelt on the ground and begged Chernos: "Lord Chernos, please let us do our last duty as a servant, please!"

Chernos Fox glanced at the five old stars suspiciously, these five old guys won't want to engage in some kind of moths, right?

However, Chernos glanced at Im, who was dead on the ground, and nodded: "Okay, give you three days to deal with Im's affairs, and when the three days are up, I will go to Mary Joa to take over everything."

Of course, you can also choose to resist when the time comes! The

five old stars quickly kowtowed to Chernos and said, "Thank you, my lord, I laughed!" The

five knelt in front of Im's body, each with a sad face, and then the five took Im's body, bowed again to Chernos in thanks, and left.

Sengoku and Karp are standing in place, and they don't know what to do, now that Im, the controller of the world, is dead, Chernos has controlled time to suspend such an invincible move, and no one is Chernos' opponent.

And listening to the words of the five old stars just now, in the future, Chernos will take over the world government, and their subordinate institutions of the world government will all be under the control of Chernos.

This makes the Warring States very embarrassed, they were still fighting with Chernos before, but now Chernos has become their top boss, and it is the highest kind, and whether they can live in the future depends on whether Chernos is in a good mood.

Chernos looked at the face of the Warring States like death, and said to him jokingly: "Sengoku, you... Let's go back to the Navy headquarters first and wait for news!

Sengoku was silent for a while before saying, "Xie... My lord! "

In fact, Sengoku also knows that Chernos let him go back and wait, it is torturing him, making him worried in his heart, making him always afraid and suffering in his heart.

As for whether he was alive or dead, he would only know after three days.

Chernos took Barrett and Waldo to the Chambord Islands, and Chernos found the machine set up by the Varis system in the Chambord Islands and contacted Shaq.

"Shaq, inform all the members and assemble at the Holy Land of Mary Joa in three days!"

"Hahaha, Chernos, I know that this guy of yours is not so easy to defeat, I will send the nearest robot to bring you back now, let's discuss, see how you plan to take revenge on the world government and Im, we will all help you!"

After contacting Chernos, Shaq is very happy in his heart, although he has no confidence in killing the Holy Land of Marie Joa, but as a good friend of Chernos, he must help Chernos avenge this.

Chernos smiled and said: "No need, I've already solved Im, let's go over and take over Mary Joa in three days!"

By the way, remember to tell Tezzolo and Brother Fisher to make them happy! "

When the three of them escaped from the Holy Land of Mary Joa together, this time they go back, and the three of them must also go back together!

"Oh, you've solved Im... What the? Im was killed by you? How is this possible? Isn't this guy a lot weaker than Im?

"Hey, hey, have a little confidence in me, okay?" I deal with Im, but it's a second kill!

"Are you really a Chernos? It won't be sent by the Navy or the World Government to fool me, right?

"Bastard, you let Varis open the Eye of Heaven and take a look!"

"Awesome! Hahaha, I'll go and inform everyone!

As soon as Shaq finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the phone that was hung up, Chernos was not surprised at all, and the only person who dared to hang up his phone now was probably Shaq.

Chernos, who was in a good mood, decided to give Shaq a month off, let Shaq not touch his machines, and go out for a month to have fun, only hoping that Shaq would not go crazy by then.


On the other hand, after Shaq hung up the Chernos phone, he directly controlled the system and connected all the members' bracelets.

"Everyone listen, no matter what you are doing now, let me go, we need to leave for the Holy Land of Mary Joa now!"

When all the members heard Shaq's news, their faces became gloomy.

Shaq, as the one who listened on the intelligence, now let everyone go to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and he should have listened to some bad news.

The Holy Land Mary Joa, as the base camp of Im, if you go now, you will fight hard with Im.

The few people who were still thinking about usurping the throne before, after hearing the news of Shaq, did not hesitate, directly put down all the things in their hands, and gathered in the family, intending to make a big fuss about the holy land Mary Joya.

Even if he dies, he must destroy the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and let the Draco on the Holy Land Mary Joa give Chernos a burial!

When Shaq arrived at the Sphinx Hall and was about to call everyone to go, he found that many of the members had death intentions on their faces, and a few of them had crazy looks in their eyes, looking like they were going to destroy the world.

Shaq scratched his head, "That... Didn't I tell you? Chernos killed Im, let's go together to take over the Holy Land of Marie Joya?

Everyone froze for a moment, and then looked at Shaq murderously: "No! "


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