In fact, when they landed on the Red Earth Continent, all the people were Varis robots, but these robots were connected to them and controlled by themselves, so they would be so real.

It's just that all this is acting for the five old stars to see.

As for whether there will be an ambush on Mary Joa, in fact, Chernos does not know, he just thinks that a person who has lived for so many years will definitely be prepared, maybe there will really be something like Im coming back from the dead.

Even if Yim did not come back from the dead, the old foxes of the five old stars were estimated to not be so obediently captured, and they would definitely make some moves.

With this in mind, Chernos asked Varys to build a robot with several people and put on a show for the members.

Even if the last five old stars really surrendered, then for the Chernos they have nothing to lose, just a waste of time, and when it is determined that the five old stars really surrender, it will not be too late for them to play.

Fortunately, this time it was the robot that came on, and he sat down on the throne, it was his own idea, he didn't expect that the five old stars would turn off the engine so suddenly, and the speed of this mechanism was so fast that he couldn't react at all.

If he himself came in, it is estimated that he really planted it this time.

Im looked at the calm Chernos, and then at the Varis members below who were also calm, their eyes were full of gloom, and with a wave of his hand, the water mass was suddenly split in two, cutting Chernos directly at the waist.

Chernos, who was cut off from the waist, really exposed countless machine parts on the part of the slash, and a few wisps of electricity came out of the water, so angry that Im punched the head of the robot Chernos.

At this time, Yang Yuki, who was standing in the crowd, opened his mouth and said to Im: "I used these robots to test and see what tricks the five old stars had, and I didn't expect you to be resurrected again."

But it doesn't matter, as long as I kill you again!"

Im looked at Chernos and said with disdain: "You were able to kill me last time, it was completely because your move surprised me, and now that I have taken precautions, hmph, how can you kill me!"

Chernos chuckled, "Can you hold the time?" Funny! The

gate of the palace that was more than ten meters high suddenly exploded, as if it had been kicked open with great force, Chernos slowly walked in from the gate of the palace, and as he walked, he said to Im: "Since I can kill you once, I can kill you countless times!"

"Come and try it! See who killed whom this time! "

Knock ~ Knock


Chernos directly made a time pause, and now Chernos is still at a comprehensive disadvantage in the face of Im, and the only way to deal with Im is to pause time.

As the so-called trick eats freshly all over the world.

It is enough to have a means to kill Im, and this time Chernos does not plan to give Im another chance, after killing Im, he will search the entire Holy Land and not give Im a chance to be resurrected again.

Just as Chernos was about to pause his time, his whole person suddenly froze, and then he jerked back, away from Im!

He raised his head and looked at Im with some disbelief.

Just now, when he was about to pause time, a voice suddenly appeared in his head, this voice was his own, and said to him: "You are defeated, you can't win in the face of the defensive Im!"

This voice appeared very abruptly, and his domineering appearance warned him that if he continued to use the time pause, his time pause would not only be interrupted, but also put him in danger.

That's why the Chernos suddenly retreated.

"What is that? Another fruit ability of yours?

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be quite cautious and actually pull yourself back on the brink of death.

It doesn't hurt to tell you, this is not my other fruit ability, but the head of the three generations of ancient weapons, Heavenly King Unolas!

Chernos's brow suddenly furrowed.

He also collected a lot of information about the Heavenly King Unolas, and even directly asked Doflamingo, who might know about Unolas.

It's just that neither the intelligence collected nor Doflamingo knows what Unoras is.

The only thing that had some intelligence value was that Doflamingo said to him.

"When I was in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, I heard the elders in the family say that as long as you control the heavenly king Unolas, you can control people's will, you can control people's consciousness, and you can become a supreme king!"

It's just that when Chernos heard this sentence, he felt very vague, could it be that Unoras could control his thoughts?

When he stepped within 100 meters of Im just now, this voice suddenly appeared, and it seemed that this ability had a range limit.

And just now this ability only made another voice appear in his heart, and did not cause him any substantial harm, why would he be wary of seeing the domineering color, telling him that the front was extremely dangerous, and he might die if he moved forward?


Im hooked his finger at Chernos, "Come on, aren't you trying to kill me?" I'm just standing here for you to kill, use your time pause, and see if you can kill me!"

Chernos ignored Im's clamour, his brain spinning rapidly, thinking about how to deal with the Heavenly King Unoras!

Since there is a distance limit, I should be able to kill Im as long as I use the time pause outside the range of Heavenly King Unolas.

It's just that seeing that Im has a fearless appearance, the time suspension is likely to be useless to the Heavenly King Unoras.

No matter what the result is, in short, try it once and then say it, if it works, kill Im directly, if it doesn't work, you can also test what the ability of the Heavenly King Unolass is!

Knock ~ Knock ~

Chernos entered time again to pause, everything around was still, everyone's movements seemed to be frozen, and everything around them was quiet.

In this static world, only Chernos could move, and he walked slowly towards Im.

Approaching the hundred meters where the problem had been before, Chernos hesitated for a moment before slowly taking the next step, but nothing happened.

Fifty meters, forty meters, thirty meters, all of which happened nothing, which made Chernos relax a lot, but Chernos did not continue to approach, but condensed a pistol in his hand, accumulated enough energy, and fired several shots at Im.

In this position, it is possible to attack Im directly, and if something happens, he also has time to retreat.

Just as the light bullet was about to hit Im, a burst of light suddenly emitted from Im's chest, and all the light bullets fired by Chernos disappeared.

This light actually ignored the Chernos' time pause and shone straight towards the Chernos.

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