Chernos turned sideways to avoid it, but the speed of that light was too fast, so fast that he had no way to dodge at all, and was shining on his body.

After being illuminated by the light, Chernos looked at the place where his lower body was irradiated, and found that there was no injury or discomfort on his body, as if everything just now was an illusion.

He stared warily at Im's chest, and after looking at it for a while, the light on Im's chest had disappeared, and he hesitated for a moment and fired at Im again with a pistol.

When Cheros attacked, Im's chest lit up again, clearing all the light bullets fired by Chernos, so that Chernos could not hurt Im.

Then it was the same, and a ray of light shone on Chernos again.

This time Chernos did not dodge, but stood in place and felt, when the light shone on him, he could feel that an energy entered his body, but after this energy entered his body, it disappeared, as if it was absorbed by his body.

Chernos stood in place for a while, and found that there was no difference in his body and no damage, which also made him have a guess.

This light should have hurt him, but in this time of stasis, it did not attack immediately, or the attack failed, so there would be light shining on him, but he was not harmed.

I don't know if these rays will hurt him after exiting the Time Stationary World, but he doesn't care, anyway, it has already been hurt, if these rays can cause damage to him after going out, then if he doesn't kill Im now, the person who dies after going out is likely to be him!

And the time pause is not infinite, there is also a limit, about one minute or so.

Some time has been wasted just now, if you don't kill Im quickly, the time pause will end, and you will die by then!

Thinking of this, Chernos no longer hesitated, the pistol did not fire, and rushed towards Im at great speed, intending to punch Im's head.

When he rushed to Im and threw a punch at Im, the light on Im's chest was like an automatic defense device, detecting the attack of Chernos and immediately emitting light to resist.

It's just that these rays of light seem to be unable to stop the body, and after the light hits Chernos, it disappears again, and Chernos also burst Im's head as he wished!

Looking at Im, who had turned into a headless corpse, Chernos breathed a slight sigh and reached out to grab Im's chest, wanting to see what was shining just now.

It's just that Chernos caught for a long time, but he caught nothing, as if what had just shone did not exist.

"It's true that the thing that shone the light just now should be the Heavenly King Ouranos, but now Im doesn't have this thing on his body, could it be... The heavenly king Ouranos wears on Im's body, and this body is only Im's doppelganger? "

Im's doppelganger can share the abilities of Ouranos with Im's body without having to wear it on his body?"

Chernos thought for a while, feeling that this guess was very likely, and the current Im should not be dead, and only Im's doppelganger was killed.

And the Heavenly King Ouranos he holds should have a very terrifying power, otherwise he would not have just emitted a few rays of light, he could clear all the light bullets I just launched, and he could automatically attack me.

I just don't know what effect this light will have on me or whether it will cause any harm.

If the damage is very strong, then it will be troublesome to kill Im in the future!

After a moment of contemplation, Chernos lifted the stillness of time.

"Ah, Im... Lord Im's head..."

"This... What the hell is going on here? How could

Lord Im be..." "Calm, how can Lord Im die so easily, rest assured, the person who dies in the end must be this damn guy!"


Those Draco looked at Im, who had turned into a headless corpse, and suddenly made a mess, but some of the older Draco were very calm, in their opinion, Lord Im was invincible and could not die at all.

And the five old stars also did not react to Yim's death, as if they were expected, just standing quietly in place.

For them, whether it is Chernos or Im, they are people who can kill them, and they have no way to participate in the battle between the two, so they can only watch from the sidelines.

No matter who wins, you need to use them and continue to rely on them!

Of course, if they could, they would definitely want Im to continue to win, and Im to win, so they wouldn't need to make any changes or spend time thinking about Chernos explaining their importance.

Chernos, who had broken away from the world of time, stood in place and quietly felt it, wanting to see if the light emitted from Im's chest before would cause it to him.

After just coming out, his brain rarely appeared dizzy and confused, and then several voices appeared in his mind, and these sounds were all his own.

It's just that the personalities of these people are completely different from him, some are crazy, some are sick, some are cold-blooded, some are indifferent to everything, they are all telling Chernos, let Chernos give their bodies to them.

"After controlling the time suspension such a big killer, you actually haven't taken Yim to become the king of the world, I really feel ashamed of the same person as you!"

"Huh, cell phone plan? Skynet Project? Are you living a family? In this world where strength is respected, you can kill all the way, and engaging in these messy things is simply a waste of time!

"Waste, you've always grown up fighting before, why don't you fight now? Keep fighting, kill everything in sight, and when everyone is killed by you, are you afraid that you won't be able to deal with Im?

"Give up your body, I'll kill Im and end this boring world!"

The voices in his head began to speak separately, and at the end, all voices shouted at Chernos in unison, "Give up the body, give up the body..."

These voices made Chernos headache, but there was nothing he could do, because these voices came from his soul, from his heart, as if several personalities had suddenly split out.

What the hell is Ouranos? There is actually such a disgusting ability for people!

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