The expression of the personality became very ugly, when he developed teleportation, he spent a lot of effort, this move is also very powerful and practical, but this move is indeed as Chernos said, there is no way to kill Chernos.

They all have the ability to rebound fruits, no matter how fast his attack is, but his attack method is still the same as before, no matter how he teleports, when he finally attacks Chernos, he still attacks Chernos with his fists or abilities.

But such an attack is the same for Chernos or for them, it can't hurt the other party at all, let alone kill the other party.

After figuring it out, the personality did not waste time, directly ended the duel, and once again thought in his inner world how he should be able to kill Chernos.

If he can think of a way, with the teleportation ability he developed, he will definitely be able to kill Chernos in one fell swoop!

Although Chernos was beaten, he had no intention of beating back, because he did not want to waste his time on such meaningless things.

And this time he was beaten, Chernos was not only not angry, on the contrary, he was very happy, after the observation just now, it is not too simple for him to reproduce the same ability.

This is equivalent to him obtaining a powerful Devil Fruit ability for nothing.

Chernos also did not stay much in the inner world, and went directly to the outside world to practice his newly acquired abilities.

The idea of this personality development is very good, that is, by simulating the ability of the shock fruit, the space is shaken out of the gap, and then the rebound ability is used to move through the space gap to achieve the effect of teleportation.

Although it looks relatively rough, it has the disadvantages of long start-up time, limited teleportation range, and teleportation can only be performed in areas of space oscillation, but as long as it is improved, then you can obtain a powerful ability.

After going out, Chernos immediately began to improve his teleportation ability.

Now that the personality has mastered teleportation, if he does not master it, he will become very passive in the next battle, and he needs to improve and perfect the teleportation ability first, so that the next time he enters the inner world, he can better deal with his personality.

With the foundation of personality development, Chernos changed the development to change the spatial shock to spatial resonance, similar to the earthquake when Whitebeard entered.

It's just that this time it resonates with space!

After trying a few times, Chernos finally found a frequency that resonated with space, allowing himself to resonate with space, so that the space of this world was not an obstacle for Chernos.

After generating spatial resonance, Chernos began to try teleportation.


The force of rebound erupted on the feet, so that Chernos suddenly entered a subspace, which was not the same as the outside world, and the outside world seemed to be a world of countless folds in the eyes of Chernos.

If the folds were unfolded, the distance would be very far, but now in the eyes of Chernos it is like a piece of paper folded.

Before, if he needed to run from point A to point B, he needed to fly for an hour to finish, but at this moment, the two points were indeed folded in the eyes of Chernos, and he only needed to take a step to be able to cross from point A to point B, which only took a few tenths of a second.

As long as he can find a place to fold, he can directly teleport back to Sphinx Island from Magnetic Drum Island.

At close range, he doesn't need to calculate at all, as long as his eyes reach, he can complete the teleportation as he wants.

After some improvements, the teleportation that can be used by the Chernos is now more powerful and faster than that used by the personality, and can be used in actual combat.

Choba, who came out to deliver food to Chernos, jumped to the place where Chernos was.

"Chernos, eat... Eh-"

Choiba opened his mouth and looked at Chernos, who was constantly flickering in the air, his eyes were so wide that they were about to fall out, and his jaw fell directly to the ground.

Hearing Choba's voice, Chernos teleported to Choba's side, dropped a word of thanks, then teleported away again and continued to practice.

After seeing this strange scene, Choiba ran towards the castle in a panic.

"Doryl Doctor, Doryl Doctor, it's not good, Chernos actually teleported, suddenly appeared next to me from a long distance, and then teleported far away, well... It's amazing!

Kureha was also shocked when she heard Choba's words.

You must know that the strength of Chernos is strong enough, in this world, only Im can be stronger than Chernos, and even said that if it were not for the king Ouranos in the hands of Im, it is estimated that the strongest in the world now has become Chernos.

But Chernos has not stopped getting stronger, and has developed such a powerful ability as teleportation, once Im dies, it is estimated that no one in this world can limit Chernos.

I don't know if anyone in the future will be as powerful as Chernos.

Moreover, Chernos is now in a complete state where he has not yet grown to the fruit combination, once Chernos cultivates his fruit to the fruit combination, how strong will he become?

At that time, a person who is more invincible than Im will appear, but I don't know if he will become the next Im.

A trace of worry flashed in Kureha's eyes!

It seems that you can't continue to remind Chernos, delay the growth rate of Chernos!


When Chernos solved the mystery of the heavenly king Ouranos, the outside world revealed a strange calm.

After Kaido and Aunt snatched the design of Hades, they began to spend countless amounts of money to build this big killer.

Countless machines and equipment were bought back by them to build, which also caused many pirates to panic.

Many pirates found the Sphinx Island, intending to let Chernos, the head of the Four Emperors, come out to sanction Kaido and Aunt, but at that time there was news that Chernos was arrested by the Navy.

In desperation, the pirates could only go to find Shanks, who had a little more strength, but they also pounced, because Shanks was not in the New World at this time, and it is said that Shanks ran to the Great Voyage to find a strong partner.

The two major and four emperors are not there, and the rest of the pirates can only helplessly watch Kaido and they are building Hades, and it is estimated that when Hades is completed, it will be when these pirates are unlucky.

With the personalities of Kaido and Aunt, they will inevitably attack them first!

But they have no choice but to watch Aunt Kaido and they create Hades.

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