In the New World, a pirate ship is delivering supplies to an island.

"Hehe, boss, I heard that this island is a famous war island, do you say we should take the opportunity to play on this island?"

"Yes, Captain, on this kind of war island, I heard that if you are lucky, you can still play noble girls, you take us to try our luck!"

Looking at the lewd expressions on the faces of his subordinates, the ship looked with contempt.

"Heh, a group of guys who have never seen the world, on the war-torn island, as long as you can find people in Happy Street, even if you want to play princess, it's okay, provided that you have money?"

A tall pirate said to the captain: "Isn't that a war island?" If we don't have money, we can directly rob ah, and we can even threaten one of the parties to let them find us a woman, if they don't do it, we will go to support their enemy! The

captain looked at the high pirate with a teachable look, "Yes, this is what we pirates should do, but we have to be careful when we go to the island, I heard that this island has been taken over by the Varis Pirates, remember, don't offend the people of the Varice Pirates!" "

After those pirates heard about the Varis Pirates, they were a little timid.

"You said how did the group of madmen of the Varis Pirates Group not eliminate the other four emperors and dominate the new world, Chernos is the strongest in the world, and the demon god Barrett under his command, the sun god Fisher, the thunder god Anilu, the desert god Klockdar, and the hunting god Yangyuki have the strength of the four emperors.

There are countless powerful masters under these people, even if Chernos does not make a move, these people alone are enough to crush the other four royal groups.

If their boss Cherokes makes a move, I feel that the world government will not necessarily be their opponent!

But it's strange that these people just guard their territory and don't move!

The captain glared at the pirates who spoke, and said to him and the other pirates: "Be careful in your words and actions, although the Varice Pirates have not unified the New World, they are the uncrowned kings of the New World.

Talk about their words here, once they know it, you don't even know how to die! "

There is an unwritten rule in the new world, that is, you can't say bad things about the Varice Pirates, it's good that no one hears them, and once you are heard by the people of the Varice Pirates, then there is only a dead end.

Even if you meet the best talking person in the Varis Pirates, you will also have to die!

After the pirate captain finished speaking, everyone was not interested in discussing it anymore, they were waiting for the pirate ship to dock, so that they could go ashore to rest and relax.

In the extreme climate of the New World, every time you go to sea, it is like experiencing a trip with no return, which also makes the pirates of the New World especially cherish their time on the island.

"Captain, captain, see the island, it's just... This island doesn't seem to be the same as the war island I remember, so we can't go in the wrong direction, right? A

lookout ran down to report to the captain, under normal circumstances, the lookout did not need to report to the captain for such a small thing as seeing the island, but the island he saw this time was too different from his impression, so he had to run to report to the captain.

They came to transport supplies this time, and if they ran to the wrong island, the consequences would be very serious, and they might be killed by people from underground forces.

The captain heard the lookout's words and hurriedly ran outside to look at the island in front of them with a telescope.

The island they are going to this time is a famous war island in the New World, it can be said that every war island in the New World is very famous, war means opportunity and wealth for pirates, and most pirates will go to these war islands to find opportunities to make a fortune.

This kind of war island should have been a ruined wall, full of fireworks, but the island in front of them is a peaceful scene, full of birds and flowers, where there is a little war island.

"Boss, look, this is the former war island, and the name of the island is above the port!"

The pirate boss took the telescope and looked in the direction pointed by his subordinates, and found that this island was indeed a war island, but it had only been less than a year since the last time he came to this island, what brought so much change to this island?

As their pirate ship got closer and closer to the island, the island became more and more shocking to them.

The island's harbor is full of busy workers who diligently carry the cargo of pirate ships and merchant ships.

But unlike the last time he came to see, the porters of loading and unloading in the port before needed the overseer to whip and beat him to keep working, but now he couldn't see an overseer on the dock, but those workers worked harder than before, they didn't want to be lazy at all, and the speed of handling was several times that of before.

Not only that, not far from the port, there are stalls full of food and drink, and some workers will run to the stalls to eat when they are hungry, but the workers in these stalls eat very quickly, even if it is piping hot noodle soup, they will gulp down, and then hurriedly run back to work.

"This... How is this possible? When did those Diao people become so obedient? In

his impression, the people on the war islands were the most difficult to deal with, they were lazy to eat, and some would rather starve to death than work more.

But now the once lazy people have become so diligent, it is hard to imagine what they have gone through!

After their pirate ship entered the port, a robot flew over, glanced at them, and said: "Transport construction materials, pass the inspection, and enter the thirteenth mooring position!"

After that, the robot led them towards the thirteenth mooring position, and the workers in the port seemed to have received some order, and they all rushed to the thirteenth position.

After they docked, the robot continued to say to them: "Since your identity is pirates, I would like to remind you that this is the territory of the Varice Pirates, and all the islands under the Varice Pirates allow pirates to go to the island, but you can't burn and loot on the islands, let alone have any thoughts about the women on the street."

In short, all criminal acts are not allowed, violators, kill!

There will be countless surveillance robots staring at the island, and if you commit any crime, you will be shot by the robot on the spot!

The captain nodded at the robot, then asked cautiously, "Can you tell me what happened on this island?" Why...... Why is there such a big change? The

robot showed a humane smile on his face and said proudly to the captain: "All this is the grace of Lord Chernos, in fact, all the islands under the Chernos Pirates are the same, and Lord Chernos has invested a lot of money in infrastructure renovation on all the islands under his command, so that all the islands burst into life."

On the islands under the command of Chernos, there is no need to worry about war, nor do you have to worry that the fruits of hard work will be exploited, as long as you work hard, you can not go hungry, you can have clothes to wear, you can have a house to live in, you can have a new clothes ship, you can live a peaceful life! "

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