Chernos greeted the dragon, but instead of answering his question, he walked towards Guina.

"What makes you think that if you become a man, you will be able to become the strongest swordsman in the world?"

Gu Yina looked down and looked at the place where Xiao He showed her sharp corners, and said nothing, but said everything again.

"A woman's body is not a defect, nor is it your weakness, on the contrary, you can have the talent you have now, maybe it is your daughter's body that brought it to you."

Are you sure that after you become a man, you will still be able to maintain your current talent? Gu

Yina said to Chernos with a firm look in her eyes: "Yes, a woman's body structure makes a woman naturally unsuitable for becoming a sword hao, let alone the strongest sword hao in the world.

And women's natural strength is inferior to men's, which is also extremely deadly.

As long as I become a man, all these shortcomings in my body will disappear, and then I will be able to exert my stronger strength and launch a charge towards the position of the strongest swordsman in the world!

"Hahaha, ridiculous!"

Guina's somewhat childish remarks made Chernos laugh.

He turned his head towards Koshiro and said, "Your daughter's talent is very high, you should let her go out and see the world more, instead of sitting here and watching the sky."

Then he crouched down in front of Gu Yina and said to her: "The strongest swordsman in the world you want to attack, is it Hawkeye Mihawk?"

But in my eyes, Mihawk is just a stronger man, and if I want to kill him, I can kill him at any time.

How about it, do you want to learn from me? The

dragon and Ivankov's eyes widened and they looked at Chernos in disbelief.

Chernos has only one disciple until now, according to their intelligence, this disciple of his is only about ten years old, and his strength is already at the level of lieutenant general, and it is estimated that in a few years, it will not be difficult for the strength to reach the level of a general or even a royal level.

And with Chernos, the world's strongest cover, almost the whole world can go sideways.

If Gu Yina can become a disciple of Chernos, then the future of Gu Yina can be said to be on a good road, and the future is bright.

What's more, Chernos, the strongest in the world and the owner of the strongest pirate group in this world, has now unified the new world and become an existence that can confront the world government head-on.

Becoming a disciple of Chernos has already ascended to heaven in one step and ascended to the highest power center in this world, and it is a sure thing to become a hegemon in the future.

"I, disagree!"

Koshiro said lightly, his eyes looking directly at Chernos, not caring about the power and power of Chernos at all.

"The path that the little girl wants to take in the future, Mr. Lauchernos will not bother!"

Ivankov quickly grabbed Koshiro's shoulders, pulled him aside and said to him angrily: "Koshiro, you guy is crazy, even if you are indifferent to fame and fortune, but that is your daughter, if she can become a disciple of Chernos, she can soar into the sky and become a superior person!"

And doesn't your daughter want to become the strongest swordsman in the world?

She followed Chernos' words, this goal can be completely achieved!

Let your daughter become a superior person, but also let her fulfill her dreams, and have the world's strongest person as a backer, such a good thing is not many people can ask for.

Hurry up and change my words, promise Chernos, and persuade your daughter to say yes! "

Ivankov himself is the king of the shemale country, and follows the dragon everywhere, knowing how cruel this world is, once mediocre, then your life and death are completely in control of other people's likes and dislikes, depending on the mood of others.

Especially the group of madmen of the Draco, who knows what they will feel upset about, and they will kill you when they pull out a gun in the street.

But with Chernos as a teacher, Guina would not have to look at other people's faces, but others would need to see her faces.

That's the gap!

"I only hope that my daughter can live this life safely and happily, and that becoming a disciple of Chernos will be the number one target of the world government, so that she will become insecure."

Ivankov went crazy.

"In front of Chernos, the world government is a fart, if it weren't for the world government and an Im pressing Chernos, it is estimated that the world government has been destroyed by Chernos now!"

Koshiro had no idea how terrifying Chernos really was, and if the World Government dared to move Chernos' disciples, it was estimated that they would be pacified by Chernos the next day.

"Yes, there is still an Im in the world government, so who loses and wins is not certain.

If Chernos loses, my daughter will have to give him a burial!"

Ivankov was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer Koshiro's question.

Indeed, the world is now divided into two major forces, one is Chernos and the other is Im, no matter which faction loses, the other faction is estimated to die.

Especially the kind of people who are close to Chernos will definitely be hunted down by the world government.

"Gu Yina, what about your own opinion? Now there are two choices in front of you, one is to find the demon king to change into a man, but after becoming a man, whether you can become the world's strongest swordsman depends on yourself.

The second is to become my disciple, although it can't make you the strongest in the world, but it should be no problem for you to become the strongest sword master in the world.

Pick one! Gu

Yina also fell into the troubles of happiness, and did not know how to choose better for a while.

Originally, she didn't know who Chernos was, she was very determined to change sex, but now after listening to Ivankov's introduction to Chernos, she also knew that Chernos was indeed able to make her the strongest swordsman in the world.

After thinking for a while, she turned to Chernos and asked, "I listened to Uncle Ivankov just now, if a strong man like you wants to recruit apprentices, there should be countless people flocking to it, vying to become your disciple, but why do you fancy me?"

Chernos did not shy away from saying: "Hahaha, in fact, the reason why I want to become your master is very simple, one is that your kendo talent is indeed very strong, if you don't have those thoughts that bother you, you can become stronger quickly."

Another reason is that I was interested in your agreement with that little boy.

In my opinion, that boy has the potential to become the world's strongest swordsman in the future, and you also have the potential to become the world's strongest swordsman under my training.

I'd love to see what the two of you will look like in the future showdown, I think it will be very exciting! Gu

Yina's face instantly turned red, but she didn't expect that her agreement with Solon was actually seen.

And this person also intends to watch the two fight a showdown.

For such a simple reason, I wanted to take her as an apprentice, and it was really... Wayward!

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