Just as Guina hesitated, Chernos suddenly leaned into her ear and whispered, "That boy's name is Solon, he likes you, do you know?"

Think about it, why is he trying so hard to beat you?

Listening to your conversation, he has been defeated by you 2001 times, but he still persistently challenges you and then exercises in a way that almost tortures himself, isn't it just to be able to get closer to you?

Don't you want to be with him in the future? "

Solon he... He just wants to beat me..." Gu

Yina's mind suddenly came up with the picture of her knowing Solon until now, she didn't feel anything before, and now after listening to Chernos's words, Solon used to desperately try to catch up with him in strength, desperately want to get close to him, desperately challenge her.

Could it be....

Could it be that everything he did was to get close to himself?

To be with me?

Gu Yina's heart was completely confused.

She also has a good impression of Solon, especially the agreement that Solon has just made to comfort her and make with her, which has raised her liking for Solon to a high level.

It is certainly a good thing to be able to fulfill your dream and become the strongest swordsman in the world.

But wouldn't it be better if he could keep his daughter's body and become the strongest swordsman in the world?

"I... I, Lord Chernos, I want to be your disciple, I want to be the strongest swordsman in the world!

Hearing this, Chernos looked at Koshiro defiantly, and said with a loud laugh: "Well, you will be my second disciple in the future!"

Koshiro frowned and shouted dissatisfiedly at Gu Yina: "Gu Yina, don't be emotional when making decisions, this will make you regret it!"

It's just that now Gu Yina can't listen to Koshiro's words at all, insists on her opinion, and says to Koushiro: "Father, I know that you are for my good, but a bird imprisoned in a cage, although it is safe, but it will never fly into the blue sky, and after being locked up for a long time, it will forget how to fly!"

Koshiro was stunned, looked at Guina blankly for a long time, and finally turned into a sigh, twisted his head to the side, and stopped looking at Guina.

After seeing that her father was no longer blocking her, Guina kowtowed three times to Chernos.

"Master is on top, please worship the apprentice!"

"Hahaha, okay, get up, you will be my second apprentice in the future!"

After a simple visit, Chernos thought for a moment and decided to go according to the previous plot, he was worried that if the plot changed, it would change Solon's growth trajectory in the future, and then the Soda that he loved was likely to disappear and become another person.

This is something he doesn't want to see!

"Guina, this is not the right place to train you, I will take you out of here after that, how do you want to say goodbye to Solon?"

Gu Yina tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, "Talk to him directly? Now

she doesn't have to become a man, so there is no need to hide it, and she can go directly to say goodbye to Solon.

Chernos was taken aback, and after thinking for a while, he said to Gu Yina: "It's not fun to say directly, and there is no difficulty, let's play a prank."

You find a way to fake your death, and after seeing your death, Solon's character should work harder to become the strongest swordsman in the world to complete the agreement between you.

In this way, he will also have a better chance of becoming the strongest swordsman in the world, and I believe it will give you a sense of urgency and make you train harder.

Guina looked at Chernos with wide eyes, she didn't expect that Chernos would actually let her fake her death, but after thinking about it, she also felt that Chernos's words made sense.

She died, and it was estimated that the idiot of Solon would work harder to become stronger.

When both of them are strong enough to compete for the world's strongest swordsman, she will reappear, and it is estimated that she will give Solon, the fool, a big surprise.

At that time, she will defeat Solon like before, and become the world's strongest swordsman earlier than Solon, which will be very interesting at that time!


The next day, something as speechless as the plot of the comic book happened again, and Gu Yina, like in her previous life, fell to her death while climbing the stairs.

Several Kenkan companions found Solon, who was training in the forest, and they looked at Solon with ugly faces.

Solon sensed that his companions were in the wrong mood and asked them a little strangely, "What's wrong with you?" How weird!

One of the partners said in a hoarse voice, "Gu Yina, she... He's dead! Solon

, who was still biting the dumbbell in his mouth to train himself with three knives, was stunned in place for a long time, as if he had turned into a wooden carving.

Then, like a puppet, he mechanically walked to the Taoist Hall and attended Gu Yina's funeral.

After the funeral, Solon did not say a word or cry, but silently walked towards the mountain.

From this moment on, Solon went crazy, he began to train with heavier weights than before, he bit the wooden knife in his mouth, swung the wooden knife at great speed, chopped on the stake, and he used his teeth to bite a rock that was bound to a rock larger than his whole person to do weight training.

This kind of devil training was several times greater than his previous training.

When the Sword Hall competed again, he skillfully used the Three Sword Stream to attack the swordsman who was already an adult, beating the swordsman to the point where he couldn't fight back.

After he won the first place in the kenkan for the first time, he went to Koshiro's room.

Solon, who fell to his knees, shed tears for the first time after Guyna's 'death'.

"Teacher... That knife... Just leave it to me..."

"I will become stronger with her share, I will be strong enough to make my name sound in heaven, and I will become the strongest sword master in the world!"

Koshiro looked at Sauron who was full of tears, but his eyes were full of determination, and said to Solon with a smile: "Guina's soul and dreams are entrusted to you!" Gu

Yina, who had seen all this with Chernos at this time, couldn't help but burst into tears.

"This guy is really a fool, he would actually believe in such a stupid way to die, what a fool!"

Although he scolded Solon in his mouth, Gu Yina's eyes were full of joy and distress.

Fortunately, she is not transgender, Solon's idiot is really reassuring, and she will have to take care of this idiot in the future.

It hurts that Solon really started crazy training as Chernos said, and became stronger with a relaxation that almost tortured himself, and it was difficult for even an ascetic to torture himself like Sauron.

At this time, the inner Chernos was full of excitement, he clearly captured the mood swings in Solon's body, and successfully absorbed the mood swings into his body.

With this wisp of mood swings, he can begin to train to absorb emotions and spiritual power, and finally extend to the level of absorbing souls.

Now that you're on the right path, just bring that path to the end!

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