
toot.... There was a ringing in the pocket of Chernos, who was teaching Guina, and Chernos picked up his phone with some curiosity to check it, wanting to know who was calling him.


Chernos frowned and thought back, Saab called him, it should be a crisis, this point in time....

Not sure if the terminal arson began?

"Hey, Saab, what do you need my help with?"

On the other end of the phone came Saab's anxious shout.

"Brother Chernos, the people of the Kingdom of Goya are crazy, they plan to set fire to the entire uncertain terminal, Ace and Luffy are both in the uncertain terminal, hurry up and save them, otherwise they will be burned to death!"

"Where are you? I'll go find you!

"I've now escaped from home and am running towards the walled gates of the Goya Kingdom, where we converge!"


In the next second, Chernos, who was on Magnetic Drum Island, appeared in the sky above the Kingdom of Goya, looking down at the kingdom, looking for Saab's figure.

At this time, he saw a small figure rushing towards the gate of the Goya Kingdom, constantly shouting: "Ace, Luffy, run!" Several

soldiers wearing dark gray protective suits and holding spears stopped in front of Saab and smashed Saab to the ground with the butt of his gun.

"Hey, little ghost, what kind of child are you, this is not a place where you can mess around!"

But Saab ignored the soldiers, got up from the ground, and continued to rush to the gate, banging hard.

"Ace, Luffy, run, there's going to be a fire outside, they're going to burn everything!"

A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of those soldiers, and their fists smashed towards Saab.

At this moment, Chernos flashed behind Saab, and the overlord color was domineering, and all the soldiers were stunned to the ground.

"Saab, I'm coming!"

Saab turned his head to look at Chernos, as if he saw a backer, and cried to Chernos: "Brother Chernos, the culprits of this fire are the kings and nobles of this country, this is true, this town is more uncomfortable than the uncertain terminal, there is the stench of human decay, and I have no freedom to speak of staying here."

As an aristocrat, I feel so ashamed!!

Chernos crouched down and brushed away Saab's tears.

"Don't worry, with me, since the kings and nobles of this country have no salvation, then let me change here!"

Saab nodded vigorously, such a disgusting country, it is time to change.

"Where are Ace and Luffy? Let's go find them!

Only then did Saab suddenly wake up, now was not the time for him to hate those royals and nobles, he had to save Ace and Luffy first.

"They were captured by a pirate named Brujam, and now I don't know where they are!"

"It's okay, I'm looking for someone quickly, I won't let them die!"

Chernos grabbed Saab's belt, jumped onto the wall, and flew towards the uncertain terminal.

Chernos flying in the air will see and smell domineeringly, sensing the situation of the uncertain terminal, but the surroundings are too noisy, and the night is burned like the flames of the day, coupled with the smoke coming out of the giant garbage heap of the uncertain terminal, which also increases the difficulty of Chernos' search.

At the same time, Ace and Luffy are also fleeing in the fire, but the fire is too big for them to know where to run.

Ace anxiously looked for a way out in the flames, but all he saw was a sea of fire, and he couldn't find a way out at all.

Luffy ran after Ace and asked Ace, "Ace, did you say those uncles had already run out?"

Ace's eyes anxiously searched for his way through the flames while looking back at Luffy.

"Is it time to care about other people?"

Just as soon as he spoke, he was choked by the smoke.

"Ahem, damn it, I don't know what this place is?"

At this moment, there was a rough shout behind them.

"Who allowed you to escape, little ghosts!"

Luffy saw the figure coming out of the flames and shouted with some surprise, "Brujam! But

Saab on the side was wrong, and now Brujam and they should have escaped from here.

"Why are you, the arsonist, here, didn't you slip away long ago?"

Brujam was promised by the king of the kingdom of Goya that they would be nobles of the kingdom of Goya as long as they helped the royal family burn the uncertain terminal.

But when they finished setting fire and came to the gate of the kingdom as agreed, they found that the gate was locked, and the king of Goya did not intend to let them enter at all, let alone let them become nobles of the Goya kingdom.

Although Brujam was furious, he had no choice but to go to their pirate ship, intending to seek revenge on the Goya Kingdom later.

But when they came to the location where the pirate ship was parked, they found that their pirate ship was also in flames.

King Goya intends to use them up and then destroy them in this sea of fire.

Brujam, who was put together by the royal family, was just poked in the pain in the heart by Ace, and shouted angrily: "Shut up, smelly boy!

With an evil smile on his face, he said to Ace: "We are already desperate, what an unprecedented crisis, people are really strange creatures, they are forced to a corner, but they laugh!"

After hearing Brujam's words, Ace noticed at this time that the pirates who followed behind Brujam had strange smiles on their faces, and saw endless hatred in their eyes, and Ace could clearly feel that these guys were now crazy and wanted to destroy everything.

Even the simple Luffy was shocked by the crazy momentum of these people at this time, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he said to Ace in a trembling voice: "These guys... How strange!

But Aston, who was more mature than Luffy, was upset, knowing that these guys were here, and he thought it was the idea of going overseas that he and Saab had stored up.

"Luffy, run away!!"

The two turned and fled behind them, but how could Brujam, who had already been prepared, let them escape, after he found Ace and Luffy, he had already arranged for his men to block Ace and Luffy's back road.

The back road was blocked, which also made Ace and Luffy stop.

The surrounding pirates took the opportunity to surround Ace and Luffy.

Brujem laughed and walked towards the two.

"Aren't we partners working together? Death will also die together!

Ace said disdainfully: "Who is your partner, I don't want to die!"

"Hehe, it's really ruthless, in that case, then tell me where you hide your treasures!"

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