My name is Ouranos, the being who rules the entire sky and soul, and is the most noble creature in this world.

After signing the contract with the God Lord of the Heavenly Dragon Country, he was responsible for evaluating the descendants of the Heavenly Dragon Country.

It's just that this world is too boring, and there have not been any humans who have made my eyes shine for hundreds of years, and even the best descendants of the Dragon Country have not given birth to any humans that surprised me.

To this day, I saw a man with fifteen personalities on his body, no, to be precise, by the time I saw him, there were only fourteen personalities left on his body.

Such a unique human being, which I have never encountered in these hundreds of years, also aroused my curiosity.

Before this, I had heard the saying "curiosity kills cats" among humans.

At that time, I didn't pay attention to it at all, cats are just a very low-level creature in this world, a very popular pet among humans.

And who am I, I am the most noble creature in this world, except for a few people from the Dragon Country, all humans must worship me.

It wasn't until I paid a huge price for my curiosity that I realized that when humans say curiosity kills cats, this cat does not just refer to the creature 'cat', but all creatures that are killed by curiosity.


seeing this human with fifteen personalities, I made a wrong decision, I wanted to see how many personalities this human can defeat


I know how powerful those personalities are.

The strength and essence of each personality are the same, whether it is the Devil Fruit ability, domineering or sword level.

Of course, it is not difficult to defeat someone who is exactly the same strength as you, but it is absolutely extremely difficult to defeat someone who fully understands your thoughts and is familiar with all your abilities, all your combat skills, and all your combat experience.

In eight hundred years, very few people have passed the assessment.

Even if they win, they are all narrowly won, and if these people are asked to do it all over again, it is estimated that they are not confident that they can defeat their personalities again.

And this person in front of me has fifteen personalities, the difficulty can be said to be hundreds or thousands of times that of others, it is extremely difficult to defeat a personality, so what about wanting to defeat fifteen personalities?

The second personality appeared in front of this human being, it was as weak as cannon fodder, and it was shocked by this human being's rough and incomparable mental shock, and the second personality died.

I have to say that the human being is very cunning, after defeating the second personality, did not continue to fight the next personality, but looked directly at me, wanting to see if I would continue to lower the reward.

Oh, naïve, whether I want to give you a reward or not, it doesn't depend on my mood.

Now that I'm in a good mood, and I want to see if the personality behind me will be so fragile, I'll give you a reward with mercy.

But it was this reward that made me regret it.

Generally, the soul power awarded to the assessor is to help the assessor enter the realm of the Devil Fruit, and the soul power given each time is actually fixed.

Because...... No one has ever had more than two or more personalities.

However, when I gave the soul power reward, I found that the situation was not quite right, and the soul power given this time was double the first reward.

This is nothing, the most terrifying thing is that I actually have no way to prevent these soul powers from leaking out, as if there is an invisible force imprisoning me, so that I have no way to control it, I can only let this force extract the soul power from me to reward that human being.

Although these soul powers are nothing to me, they are not as much soul power as one of my scales.

But the feeling of being forcibly extracted from the soul power in this way was too uncomfortable.

I am the Lord of the Sky and Soul, and no one can forcibly extract my power, not even the God Lord of the Heavenly

Dragon Country! So when I angrily wanted to leave here and go to the Heavenly Dragon Country to find the God Lord Theory and figure out what was going on, I found something that made me extremely frightened.

My body seems to be imprisoned by some force, so that I have no way to move, I can only stay here, I can only watch the human being defeat the personality, and then be extracted from the power.

It is estimated that there is only one way to resume action now

, wait, wait until that personality defeats all personalities, or that human being is defeated by personality, only then can I restore my freedom.

Although no one told me this, I could clearly feel that this was the only way to do it now.

"There must be a problem with the contract signed between the God Lord and me, and after this human being is defeated by personality, I must go to the Heavenly Dragon Country to ask the God Lord clearly, if the God Lord does not make it clear and compensate me, then in the future, the descendants of the Heavenly Dragon Country will not want me to give their descendants an assessment!" At this

time, after that human being, after absorbing my soul power, quickly solved the third personality again.

Hey, hey, these personalities are exactly the same as your strength, you are one by one in this second, aren't you too disrespectful of these personalities!

It's a pity that my ridicule of that human being can't be heard, it is estimated that even if I hear it, that human being will only be more proud, after all, it is an honor to be praised by the Lord of the Sky and Soul.

Just as I was ridiculing and assessing human beings in my heart as before, more soul power was extracted from me and continuously merged into the inner world of that human being.

Although the soul power extracted this time is not more than double that of the second time, it has also extracted a lot of soul power to go out, and it is estimated that the amount extracted this time is enough for me to give a reward for passing the assessment before.

So far, these soul powers that have been extracted are nothing, but what worries me a little is that if the soul power extracted each time is more than the last time, this human being has fifteen personalities, so keep extracting, and when the fifteenth personality comes, will I be drained!

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