
Personality come on! Personality come on! Personality come on

!" "Lying groove, it's seconds again, why are you guys so wasted?" "

Brains? Can't you think of a way?"

"Depend, dead again, you guys fight for gas!" "Hey, if I can't go up, I really want to go up and help you fight!"

Ouranos was still cheering for the personalities at first, but the personalities died too quickly, so fast that he couldn't even get enough to cheer.

The personalities died one after another, and the soul power in its body flowed out like a flood.

The massive loss of soul power also made Ouranos feel what is called weakness for the first time, and for the first time he had a feeling of weakness.

This made it very worried, and if it continued like this, it was estimated that its life would be drained.

At this time, Ouranos saw the twelfth personality teleport in front of the body, and when it used self-explosion, it directly covered its face.

"Is it crazy? When used when people absorb the power of the soul, self-detonating the soul body to absorb it for others is really muddy and can't support the wall!" "Self-detonating the soul body

is indeed a powerful move, but you have to see when you use it!

Now the soul of this human body is obviously much stronger than the soul of the personality, even if people stand still and let you blow up, you may not be able to blow up others, not to mention that the human body is still absorbing the power of the soul with full firepower.

This time, not only did it not hurt the other party, but it also sent a wave of energy to the other party, further strengthening the strength of the body.

When the remaining three personalities merged into one and fought a decisive battle with the body, Ouranos was so excited that he almost cried.

"These foolish personalities have finally opened their minds..." Ouranos

was only halfway through his praise, and the words could not be spoken, and the entire dragon froze.

"You step on a horse *&!*@... (#@ "

It didn't expect that the fused personalities still had no brains, and the soul power of the three personalities had overwhelmed the body, but they didn't know how to use it, nor how to expand their advantages to win.

If you let it go on, with such a crude soul use method of the human body, even if it only has one-tenth of the soul power of the human body, even if it only uses a dragon claw, it can press the human body to death.

It's just a pity that those personalities are worse than the ontology.

The ontology only used one move to carry the memories of human beings, and defeated the personality that was stronger than the ontology.

This also made Ouranos a little unloveable, but what made him even more unloveable was that he was going to be pumped out of his soul power again.


next second, Ouranos went crazy, because it could feel that the extraction of soul power had touched its root, and extracted its original soul power to that human.

There are two types of soul power, one is the soul power that dissipates after human death or a little soul power generated by violent emotional fluctuations, and these soul forces gather into the sky and become a force that all living beings can absorb.

There is another kind of primordial power of the soul.

Origin power refers to the soul power on living things, these soul forces are related to the survival of living things, once the original power of the soul is lost, no matter what kind of creature, the strength will be greatly weakened, if you lose too much soul origin power, it is very likely to die!

Now it also figured out that the soul of the God Lord who let it rule the sky and this world was really not safe.

At first, it still felt that God Lord was stupid and gave such good conditions, but only let it do such an extremely simple thing as evaluating future generations.


seems that the God Lord has long calculated that he intends to use it as nourishment to cultivate his human descendants.

It's just that it's too late to regret it now, and it can only be blamed on the fact that it coveted the benefits given by the God Lord in the first place, so it ended up like this.


the other hand, after absorbing his personality, Chernos saw the soul power rushing towards him like a torrent, and he was not polite, turning on the absorption capacity to the maximum and absorbing all the soul power.

After absorbing it for a while, Chernos's eyes suddenly opened, and he found some different soul powers, which were more refined and more energetic, completely different from the soul powers he had absorbed before.

It was as if the soul power he had absorbed before was a vegetable that had been put for several days, and it was all wilted.

But now the soul power he absorbed had just been pulled out of the vegetable field!

After he tentatively absorbed a little pure soul power, his eyes suddenly widened.

Among these pure soul powers, there are actually various ways to use soul power, including some soul power cultivation methods.

Moreover, after absorbing these pure soul powers, they were directly integrated into his soul beads, making his soul beads continue to grow larger and tougher.

After absorbing, not only did it not have the slightest side effect, but it also contained so many benefits, and Chernoston was energetic, directly firepower, madly absorbing those pure soul power.

As he absorbed more and more pure soul power, Chernos also absorbed more ways to use soul power, and the more he understood, the more he felt that he could win before, all because the personalities knew nothing about soul power.

If the personalities comprehended the skills of using these soul powers, especially when the last three personalities fused together, he would have no chance of winning.

For example, there is a trick called soul parasitism, which splits the soul into several or a dozen small soul bodies, and after the split, compresses these soul bodies to parasitize on the enemy's soul body, and constantly absorbs the soul power of the enemy.

Because of the compression, these soul forces are very stable and will not be absorbed by the enemy's soul body, and the compressed soul body defense will also become very strong, such as the spiritual shock made by the body can not hurt these compressed soul bodies at all.

If you can't crack this trick, you can only watch your soul being sucked dry.

Even if this move fell on the second personality whose soul power was very weak at the beginning, he would have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

But fortunately, the personalities don't.

At this time, after Chernos absorbed some soul power, he absorbed some soul power moves again, and after sensing this move, his heart was ecstatic.

With this trick, it is really invincible!

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