In the new world, in addition to the Varis Pirates, there are many large and small pirate groups, but these pirate groups are all forces attached to the Varis Pirates.

Of course, there are also many underground dark forces.

It's just that now these underground dark forces are not as good as before, and the dark forces that outsiders can do now are just doing some dirty work that the Varis Pirates are unwilling to do.

Due to the continuous conquest within the Varice Pirate Group over the years, many pirate groups and dark forces have also suffered miserably, because most of the battlefields of the members of the Varis Pirate Group are on their territory.

This also made the people of these forces hate the Varis Pirates very much.

Even began to have the idea of wanting to resist the Varice Pirates, and many forces began to disobey the scheduling of the Varis Pirates.

However, when the people of these forces received an invitation letter, they all obediently rushed over to participate.

On the sea route from the New World to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, a huge pirate ship is moving, followed by countless pirate ships, and more pirate ships are gathering towards this fleet.

And among these pirate groups, one of them is particularly eye-catching, this is called the Spades Pirates, and the captain is the fire fist Ace who is famous all over the world.

As a natural Devil Fruit ability, he was smooth sailing in the first half of the Great Voyage, and he did not taste a defeat until Ace met the people of the Varis Pirates.

But these are not what make Ace famous, what makes Ace famous is that Ace constantly challenges the members of the Varice Pirates.

Nowadays, many pirates have become miserable because of the internal battles within the Varice Pirates, so many people regard Ace as their idol.

After all, not everyone has the courage to resist and challenge the Varis Pirates!

It's just that no matter how Ace challenged the members of the Varice Pirates, he never won, even Bakara, the weakest in the Varice Pirates, let the powerful Ace break the defeat.

At the beginning, among the members of the Vareth Pirates, there were also people who admired Ace and planned to pull Ace into the Vareth Pirates, but Ace refused.

This also made the people of the Varice Pirates very angry and almost wanted to kill Ace.

Fortunately, it was stopped by Shaq in time, and Shaq told the members of the Varice Pirates that Ace and Chernos had a deep relationship, and if he killed Ace, he was likely to anger Chernos, which allowed Ace to survive.

Although he almost died, Ace did not give up because of this, but constantly challenged the members of the Varis Pirates.

Until now, Ace has also successfully defeated three members of the Varis Pirates, making his reputation even higher.

After the Pirates of Spades arrived in the fleet, Ace couldn't wait to jump on the ship of the Varis Pirates.

"Brother Chernos, Brother Chernos, I'm Ace, I'm coming to you!"

Ace seemed to be a flame constantly jumping in the air, attracting the attention of countless people.

Chernos, who was leisurely bathing in the sun on the deck, lazily greeted Ace.

"Ace, I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect you to grow so big, haha, I've heard about you, I didn't expect you to be able to defeat three crew members on my ship now!"

Hearing Chernos say this, Ace also scratched his head a little shyly.

"Hehe, Brother Chernos, in fact, it is not considered to defeat them, it should be that they are annoyed by me, so they let me!"

"Winning is winning, no matter what means you use, I am also very pleased to see that you have made such great progress, now that your strength has reached the standard of being able to join the Varice Pirates, do you want to consider it, join our Varis Pirates?"

The pirates who were invited around all looked at Ace with envy.

You must know that it is an invitation from the world's strongest Chernos, which means that Chernos agrees with Ace's strength and will open his mouth to invite Ace to join.

What makes them even more envious is that the relationship between Ace and Chernos is actually so good, it seems that there will be one more person on the sea that cannot be provoked and cannot be provoked in the future.

However, Ace's answer shocked the jaws of those forces.

Ace directly refused!

"It's okay to join the Vareth Pirates, my original dream was to become the strongest in the world, I wanted to become the One Piece King who resounded all over the world, if I joined the Varis Pirates, my dream would not come true.

Also, Brother Chernos, in fact, I came over this time with a reluctant invitation!

Chernos looked at Ace in surprise, sat up and looked at Ace.

"Oh, do you have any requests?"

Ace said with a firm face: "Brother Chernos, I know that you are the strongest in the world, even when I was very young, I knew that you were the strongest in the world, and now I want to see how big the gap between me and the strongest in the world is."

Please do your best to fight me, let me know the gap, I want to catch up with you!

Everyone looked at Ace dumbfounded, but they didn't expect Ace to dare to make such a request, is this planning to find death?

However, Ace's request has also aroused the curiosity of countless people.

Almost everyone knows that Chernos is the strongest in this world, otherwise Chernos would not have been able to tame such a powerful crew.

But how strong Chernos's strength is, no one knows this, people only know one thing, if Chernos wants to, he can destroy the world!

It's just that this sentence is empty and feels very unreal, so they also want to see how powerful the strongest in the world is in Chernos.

Ace's request also made Chernos flurry for a while, and then Chernos said with a smile: "Well, you also let me see your strength!" "

Everyone around them gave way to an open space, giving up a place for the two to fight.

Ace looked at Chernos with a solemn expression, and his body was full of flames.

On the other hand, on the side of Chernos, I saw where Chernos was standing at random, with a pocket in one hand and a bottle of milk tea made by Chuangcun in the other.

Looking at the appearance of Chernos, Ace shouted helplessly: "Brother Chernos, it's about to start, you get serious!"

Chernos: "I'm serious!" Ace

looked at Chernos, who had not changed at all, and couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart.

He knew that he was no match for Chernos, but Chernos also despised him too much.

Although he is not yet the opponent of most members of the Varice Pirates, no matter who confronts him, he will take it seriously, otherwise he will suffer in his hands.

Since Chernos treats this battle so casually, then find a way to make Big Brother Chernos suffer a little, only in this way can Brother Chernos take it seriously and show his strength to fight him!

"Brother Chernos, I'm not the kid I used to be, you have to be careful!"

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