Looking at Ace, who challenged him in front of him, Chernos somehow remembered a comic [One Punch Man] that he also liked very much in his previous life.

Ace's appearance is also the same as Genos challenging Saitama.

I just don't know who is stronger than Saitama now.

Ace, who was standing opposite Chernos, looked at Chernos absent-mindedly, and looked a little distracted, and his heart became more angry, and the temperature of the flames on his body was much higher.

"Brother Chernos, I'm coming!"

Ace stepped on his feet, creating a sonic boom, and rushed towards Chernos at great speed.

"Fire Fist !!"

I saw Ace's arm turn into a raging flame, and a punch smashed down on Chernos' head.

This move is Ace's most commonly used and favorite move, because it is powerful and has a very large attack range, and one punch is enough to penetrate five warships.

Even the members of the Varis Pirates had to deal with this punch seriously to avoid the burning flames.

But in the face of this punch, Chernos did not react at all, just stood quietly in place, still in a daze.

Seeing Chernos so careless, Ace couldn't help frowning, if he hit the other party because Chernos was distracted, he might hurt Chernos.

But then his heart crossed, 'Brother Chernos is the strongest in the world, even if he is attacked by this move, it should be fine, maybe this punch can make Brother Chernos seriously fight me!' '


Ace's fist collided on Chernos's head, making a somewhat strange collision sound, this sound was not at all like the sound of a fist hitting his head, but like the sound of a fist hitting the wall.

Not only that, the domineering and flames that Ace originally attached to his fist also disappeared, as if Ace did not use fruit abilities and domineering.

Many pirates watching from the sidelines did not feel surprised, but showed a knowing smile.

Chernos' fruit ability is almost well known, and any attack has no effect in front of Chernos, and even Whitebeard, who was originally known as the ability to destroy the world, is difficult to break Chernos' fruit ability.

After seeing Luo, Saab and Guina in the crowd, they all remembered the scene where they attacked Chernos for a long time and failed to make the sleeping Chernos have any reaction.

"Saab, do you think this good brother of yours can make the master make a move?"

Luo held the sword and looked at the confused Ace and smiled badly.

Saab also had a gloating smile on his face, "I guess he tired himself to the point that he couldn't use the Devil Fruit ability, and he might not be able to make the master move!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, both stood up and cheered for Ace.

"Ace is in charge, come on, I believe you can hit the master!"

"Ace, hurry up, I believe you!"

Gu Yina on the side looked at the two childishly and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Ace, haven't you eaten? Master Chernos stands still, you can't even move him? Ace

, who was in a daze, also heard the shouts of the three, and several black lines appeared on his forehead.

These bastards....

Because of the relationship between Saab and Ace, it also allowed Luo and Guina to know Ace, several of them are young people of similar age and strength, so they can also play together and often joke with each other, so Ace did not take the words of the three to heart.

He also knew about Chernos' fruit ability information, but what he didn't know was that Chernos' Devil Fruit ability was actually so strong that just a protective layer outside his body made his attack ineffective.

If you want to break the defenses of Big Brother Chernos, you must come up with more powerful moves.

Ace crossed his index fingers in front of his chest and formed a cross-shaped figure aimed at Chernos.

"Crossfire !!"

Ace's two index fingers suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and the flames continued to compress on Ace's fingers, and when the compression reached the limit, Ace sent a cross-shaped ray flame towards Chernos.

These light flames were compressed, which itself had already amplified the pressure to the limit, and with the release of Ace, these flames seemed to have found a breakthrough, shooting towards Chernos like lasers.

The compressed flames not only have extremely fast speed, but also the temperature of these flames reaches an extremely high level, which can be regarded as one of Ace's most penetrating attacks.

When he launched this attack, he was also very confident, and this time he would definitely make Chernos react and start fighting him seriously.

But when the crossfire attacked Chernos, those attacks were like laser toys in the hands of children, and after shooting light, they disappeared, even worse than Ace's fire fist just now, because this time there was not even a sound.

Chernos also seemed to have just reacted, looked at the place where he was attacked by crossfire just now, and said to Ace: "You attacked just now?

These words also made Ace feel insulted like never before, he is a fast-rising supernova on the sea, he is a person recognized by countless sea pirates and legendary pirates, but Chernos faced his attack, but it seemed that he was hallucinating, completely treating his attack as if it were nothing.

Ace roared: "Brother Chernos, you have to be careful, this next move is my most powerful move, if you are careless

, don't be injured..." Originally, Ace wanted to say that don't blame him if he was injured, but so far he has not been able to break the defense of Chernos, and there is no point in saying these cruel words, if he fails to break the defense of Chernos, he will only be more humiliated at that time.

Chernos did not lose his mind this time, but looked expectantly towards Ace.

"Come on, let me see your strongest blow!"

Ace took a deep breath, clasped his hands into fists in front of his chest to accumulate strength, and spiral flame circles appeared on the ground under Ace's feet, spreading out in a circle centered on Ace, and then forming a semi-circle of spheres began to spread to the sky.

These spiral flames rose violently towards the sky, converging in the air into a huge fireball, accompanied by terrifying heat, as if the sun had descended on this world.

Chernos also watched this move with interest, and the sun was also one of his tricks.

"Great Yanjie, Yandi !!"

With Ace's roar, the sun that controlled the air smashed towards Chernos, and what was even more terrifying was that this sun landed very quickly, and appeared above Chernos's head in the blink of an eye.

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