"Dear friends, hello everyone, I am Morgans, the president of the news agency, this is the first worldwide live broadcast held by our news agency, and it will definitely not be the last!"

"Maybe many people still don't understand what kind of live broadcast this is, believe me, this will be a live broadcast that changes history, this will be a live broadcast that changes everyone in this world, this will be the most important turning point in history."

"No matter what you are busy with now, no matter what you are doing, I hope you all stop what you are doing and watch this live broadcast!"

"Don't think that the big thing that changed the world has nothing to do with us ordinary people, and don't feel that you are an unrestrained pirate, so you are not interested in this live broadcast, here, I want to tell you that this live broadcast is closely related to each and every one of us, especially the citizens who are ruled by the world government, open your eyes and look at it well!"

"Friends of comrades of the world government, I wonder if you have cursed because of the heavenly gold of the Draco? Have you been impoverished because of heavenly gold? Do you live with your belts because of heavenly gold?

If yes, take a good look at this live broadcast because... After this live broadcast, the heavenly gold is likely to disappear!

"Friends in the first half of the Great Voyage, have you ever been bullied by the Draco? Have you ever been mutilated by Draco? Do any of your relatives, wives, and partners have been brutally killed and dragged away as slaves because they did not kneel to the Draco, were seen by the Draco, or even simply looked at by the Draco?

If yes, then take a good look, because after this live broadcast, Draco is likely to become a historical term, and Draco is likely to disappear in this world!

"Kings and nobles of the world, are you troubled by the domineering of the world government? Do you also want to revitalize the country, but are suppressed by the world government? Are there times when you don't want to hand over most of the country's revenue to the world government?

If so, take a good look at the live broadcast, after this live broadcast, the world government is likely to change its face!

"Dear comrades of the revolutionary army, you can also lay down the weapons of resistance and watch the live broadcast, in order to liberate the country and drive out the world government, you have paid countless lives and paid a heavy price, so that many countries can get rid of the control of the world government and let people live a peaceful life again."

After this live broadcast, you will no longer need to shed blood and tears, and you will no longer need to fight, because after this live broadcast, the whole world will be liberated! The

image of Morgans shouting like a mania on the Varis pirate ship was also broadcast to thousands of households and to every island.

After hearing Morgans' words, countless people slowly put down the affairs in their hands, and their eyes stared at the live broadcast screen with stunned eyes.

Morgans' words are already very obvious, but the vast majority of the people still do not believe Morgans' words, because the world government has ruled them for eight hundred years, and their ancestors have been oppressed by the world government and Draco for eight hundred years.

In these eight hundred years, countless people have wanted to overthrow the world government, such as the older Lockes, who once led an invincible pirate ship to attack the world government, but the final result was that Lockes was gone.

Recently, like the revolutionary army, they are very tenacious under the siege of the world government, constantly overthrowing the power of various islands, but everywhere they go is also full of war, the people need to have the consciousness of facing life and death, and also need to pay the price of blood to succeed in reform.

This also makes many people prohibitive, some wealthier countries, although oppressed by the world government, but they enjoy rare peace, enjoy peace, they do not have the courage to face life and death.

Of course, if they don't have to shed blood, if they don't have to face life and death, they will definitely be willing to change the status quo and change the fact of being squeezed.

In most poor countries, the eyes of ordinary people showed a look of longing after seeing Morgans' speech.

They have experienced too much suffering, not enough food and clothing is their daily life, they are eager to change, but the world government is too powerful, although these people do not believe Morgans's words in their hearts, but they still hope that the world government can be overthrown.

During the live broadcast on the ship, Morgan introduced the pirates on the ship.

"This is Doflamingo, the controller of the Varice Pirates, who is now the king of a country, and has also established the country of Dressrosa, which has been poor for eight hundred years, into a country full of laughter and enthusiasm."

"This is the Fishman hero Fisher Teger, once upon a time, the Fish-Terran have always been the object of auctions by nobles and draco, a favorite of human traffickers and pirates, and the darling of slave auctions.

Due to the connivance of the world government and the wanton behavior of the Draco, the Fish-Terrans can only live under the dark 10,000-meter seabed and live a life without seeing the light of day.

But now, under the leadership of Fisher Teger, the Fish-Terrans have fulfilled the dream they have always wanted to fulfill for generations, and successfully built a sunny city on land.

So that all Fish-Terrans do not need to be afraid, so that all Fish-Terrans can enjoy the warmth of the sun and live on land as people! "


As the members of the Varice Pirate Group were introduced one by one, many people from all over the world who did not know the name of the Varice Pirate Group were shocked by this group of people.

Everyone on this pirate ship is either the strongest in the world, or a bigwig-level figure who guards one side, even if it is just a cook of the captain, they are all super swordsmen.

At this time, Morgans cut the camera to Chernos.

I happened to see the scene where Chernos was 'fighting' with Ace.

As a new supernova, Ace is also a natural demon national tax ability, and has been very well-known recently, and many people recognize Ace at a glance.

But when they saw that no matter how Ace attacked Chernos, no matter how gorgeous and heart-palpitating the attack was, he could not hurt Chernos, and Morgans' voice explained to the people watching outside the picture.

"This is our protagonist this time, Chernos!"

"Invincible is already difficult to describe how strong his strength is, whether it is anyone in front of him, even if it is a world-shaking supernova or a long-famous sea thief, in front of Chernos, it is as weak as an ant."

"If I had to describe Chernos, it would be – a god walking the world!"

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