With an understated punch, Chernos blasted the entire sea in front of him into a plain, making people see Chernos' god-like strength and making everyone hope.

With such a strong strength of Chernos, it is absolutely possible to defeat the world government.

This also made many people happy.

"This adult named Chernos is as powerful as a god, and he can definitely defeat the world government, and then we won't have to be exploited by the world government and the Draco!"

"Dog Day, if I can overthrow the world government, it is to let me be a slave to Lord Chernos, even if I am a dog, I am willing, I don't want to go hungry again!"

"Hahaha, we have hope, we don't have to live the current hard life anymore!"


Most people excitedly began to discuss that without the exploitation of the world government, without the oppression of the Draco, their lives would have changed drastically.

Not to mention anything else, as long as they don't have to hand over heavenly gold, they have money in their hands to improve their lives, their food is enough for them to eat, and they can live like people.

It's just that in the crowd, there is a group of people who are not happy, and they look very calm, just shocked by the great strength of Chernos, but they have no hope of changing their lives.

"You are so naïve, do you really think that with a different government, our lives will be better?"

"Let me ask you, if you had a choice, would you be willing to be a Draco who was supported by the whole world?"

"Hehe, everyone hates Draco, but everyone longs to become Draco!"

"Once this lord named Chernos ascends to the new throne and establishes a new world government, the first thing he will do will definitely be to turn himself into a Draco, and at that time, the most he will do is to change his name!"

The words of these pessimists also made the excited crowd begin to calm down.

yes, who doesn't want to be a Draco!

They hate the injustice of the world, but when they become Draco, they will naturally enjoy the rights and status of Draco!

If it were them, they might go even further!

Just then, Morgans' voice sounded again.

"Everyone who is watching the live broadcast, what you just saw is the hero of this time, Chernos, who will also lead the Varis Pirates to conquer the world government, to conquer the Holy Land of Marie Joa, to change the world.

You may not believe me when I say this, but I am sure that my friends in the new world will agree with me.

As long as it was under the rule of Lord Chernos, there has never been a situation where the people did not have enough to eat, wear or warm.

As long as it is on the island under the command of Chernos, everyone lives a happy life, they do not need to worry about one day being killed by pirates, nor do they have to worry about being robbed of all their wealth one day.

Later, we will release all the live broadcast footage of the islands under the rule of Lord Chernos, and I believe that those who are not under Chernos will envy these people who are ruled by Chernos.

Because they live the life you want to live, but can't live! "

The live broadcast began to switch to the islands under the Chernos, and it also allowed people around the world to see what kind of life the people on these islands lived.

On the islands of the New World, most of the people are sitting in front of huge screens, and the tables in front of these people are all arranged with all kinds of drinks and food, all watching the live broadcast and enjoying the food.

People are dressed in all kinds of clothes, and they look very bright and beautiful, like the nobles of the city.

Even most of the children are wearing beautiful clothes.

Not only that, these people have happy smiles on their faces, and when they see the live screen switch to them, they will happily greet people around the world in front of the camera.

The live broadcast pictures did not specifically capture some people, but filmed randomly, and even some specially found some people dressed more ordinary to shoot.

Some cameras also photograph the most dilapidated parts of the city.

But even so, the countless people living under the rule of the world government are envious, especially when those people talk about their lives in front of the camera.

"Our island used to be war-torn, almost every year, and in the end, there was almost no complete place on the entire island, almost every place was bombarded by artillery shells, and bullet marks left by guns could be seen in almost every place.

But now it's different, we don't fight anymore, and we don't have to worry about pirates coming to us, because our emperor is the largest pirate group in the world.

Now that I live, there is no war, I can eat and wear warmth, I can live my current life, now let me die, I can also be blind!

"I don't know if you believe that ten years ago, our country was so poor that it couldn't afford to use money, and the whole country didn't have much Bailey, all of them were taken to buy weapons."

As for food, we are hungry to the point where we need to change our children!

But now that this is in the past, we will not have to go through the hell of the past! "

The people who confided their hearts in front of the live broadcast, not only those who were dressed brightly, but also those who dressed ordinarily, and even some children who were only a few years old, were also interviewed by the live broadcast.

The childlike words of the children also made countless people believe Morgans' words, and also made them fantasize about their life under the rule of the Varice Pirates and Chernos.

The people who confided their hearts in front of the live broadcast, not only those who were dressed brightly, but also those who dressed in ordinary clothes, and even some children who were only a few years old, were also interviewed by the live broadcast.

The people of various countries watching the live broadcast, the people on various islands, their eyes showed envy.

They can see that these live broadcast pictures are real, not to mention other things, just by looking at the light in the eyes of these people, they can know that these people are really living very happily, because... There is light in their eyes.

They don't want much, as long as they can be like the people who live on these islands.

They also want to have such a smile, and they also want to be like these people, talking about past misfortunes, present happiness.

Everything that they had imagined in their dreams before now appeared in front of them.

As long as Lord Chernos can overthrow the world government, they will be able to live as happily

as the people under Chernos

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