Chernos's finger tapped towards the void above the soldiers, and an invisible ripple rippled across the void.

The moment these ripples appeared, they spread out towards the surroundings at great speed.

When the ripples swept across the soldiers, the soldiers fell to the ground row after row like cut straw.

In less than a few seconds, the million-strong army sent by the world government had all fallen to the ground.

Chernos ordered the robots, "Move these soldiers to safety, don't harm their lives!" "

The robots started to move, some robots built a huge platform on the sea, and the remaining robots moved all the fainted soldiers to the platform.

The five old stars who stood high and watched this scene frowned one after another.

Chernos only lightly cracked their conspiracy, and after these soldiers woke up, they would not fight against Chernos, who spared their lives, but would be grateful to Chernos for not killing and becoming Chernos' most loyal subordinates.

This is equivalent to stealing chickens and not eroding rice!

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the five old stars holding the sword in his hand, and he ordered the subordinates around him: "You go and kill those robots and those soldiers for me!" "

These soldiers no longer have their value, and keeping them now is equivalent to sending Chernos a force for nothing, it is better to destroy them directly!"

The crystal knife led by CP0 was a little hesitant when he heard this order, before he chose the world government, this choice did allow him to live a good life for ten years, but now everyone can see that the power of the world government has no way to suppress the Vareth Pirates.

No, it should be said that the strength of the Chernos has advanced one step further, and even Lord Im is no longer an opponent of the Chernos.

If he obeyed the five old stars now and killed those robots and soldiers, he would definitely offend Chernos, and if he did so, he would be tying himself to the world government's sunken ship.

He had absolutely no idea of wanting to die with the world government.

"Yes, my lord, but..." The

five old stars saw that the most obedient crystal knife was unusual, and did not act the moment they received the order, which also made the five old stars look at the crystal knife with questioning eyes.

"But what?"

"Sir, we have dealt with a lot of mechanical legions in Chernos, these robots are very strong, relying on a few of us alone, we can't kill many people, and they may be eliminated by those robot legions."

If I want to deal with these robots, I need more troops, by the way, why didn't all the top of the Navy show up this time?

If Marshal Sengoku and the other four admirals go with me, I'm sure I'll wipe out the robot legions of Chernos! "

Crystal Dao's words sound very normal request, now there are at least tens of thousands of robot legions below, and the strength of these robots is all very strong, most of the robots have the strength of naval colonels or even rear admirals.

One or two, even if it is a dozen or twenty, the crystal knife is sure to kill them all, but tens of thousands of robots with the strength of colonels or major generals, it is estimated that he will be set fire by these robots as soon as he passes.

So it's also normal for him to make this suggestion.

At the same time, he also deliberately said that the navy just wanted to embarrass the five old stars.

Although the news did not leak out, how could the crystal knife, as the head of intelligence, not know that now the marshal and the admiral were all killed by Chernos and imprisoned on the ship.

The subtext is that he is deliberately pointing the five old stars, if he is given some high-end combat power, he can fight those robots, and he is sure to wipe out those robot legions, but if there is not so much high-end combat power, it is to send people's heads.

The World Government's original high-end combat power is less than that of the Vareth Pirates, and now they still want them to die.

In this way, the high-end combat power on the side of the world government is less, and exchanging their lives for the lives of some meaningless robots and cannon fodder soldiers is estimated to make many people who are still on the side of the world government cold, and then lean towards the Chernos side.

Under such circumstances, if the five old stars still forcibly let them die, he will also go, after all, his wife and children are in the hands of the world government.

As the five old stars who have lived for hundreds of years, of course, they understood the subtext of the crystal knife, and their faces suddenly darkened.

The five old stars glanced at each other, took a step back in tacit agreement, and discussed in a low voice.

"Now what do we do? Lord Im asked us to drag Chernos and wait for him to welcome the Lord God of Power of the Dragon Country, and according to the current situation, we simply can't delay it!" "

If Lord Im returns with the Lord God of Power, we still have some hope, and if we can't delay it until that time, then even if we take care of other things, it won't make sense!"

"As long as we can kill Chernos, even if we sacrifice everything, we can start all over again!"

"Since the situation has reached the worst time, go crazy!"


Jing Dao looked at the five old stars who were discussing, his eyelids kept jumping, and when the five old stars turned their heads, he saw the indifference in the eyes of the five old stars.

His trick in peacetime, the five old stars will definitely not sacrifice their high-end combat power in order to take care of the overall situation, but when it is about to die, the five old stars will not care about the life and death of these people at all.

"Crystal Dao, now lead all the high-end combat power of the world government and navy to deal with those robot legions and protect the homeland behind you!"

Jing Dao stared at the five old stars for a while, and nodded!

The meaning in the words of the five old stars is obvious, if you want your wife and children to live, then go to fight, otherwise, there is no way to guarantee the safety of their wives and children.

The crystal knife could see that the five old stars were now planning to break the net, and they didn't plan to think about the future at all, and they didn't care about their life or death at all.

This also made Jingdao regret a little, although he chose to stand on the side of the world government and let him enjoy ten years of power and wealth, but now everything has to be returned.

If he had chosen to side with Chernos, perhaps now would be the time for him to watch the jokes of the world government.

Unfortunately, there is no if, the choice that has been made, there is no way to go back.

Just when Jing Dao looked miserable and was about to go to die, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Master, long time no see!"

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